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RE: Quick Vegan Recipe - All it take 15 Min to Kill your Hunger!

Looks very delicious @steemflow. We're trying to eat more vegan meals and have at least one meal a week without animal products. Twice this week as it's Becca's birthday on Saturday and she would like to eat at this vegan restaurant in town.
Keep it up and hopefully see some more dishes in the future! :)


That is a great way to do it. I've seen some amazing results in people I know from going vegan. Love your comment @travelling-two, following YOU!

It's a slow way and we are not sure if we will go full vegan - maybe half vegan (like Sam is half/half in nationality) ;) haha. In time, we'll see. Thanks for the follow and will check out your profile now. :)

Why slow? Well, it's like changing an aspect of your life - your diet. Yes, you can change your attitude overnight, but its harder for most. For example, it's like telling a heavy smoker who has been smoking for years to change his/her smoking habits tomorrow. They can. However, more than likely, they have been smoking two packets a day, so first thing is to scale it down until eventually they will have no desire to touch one cigarette again. So, it's the same with your diet. Another example, check out @fitinfun, do you think she went from obesity to fit overnight? It takes time. Yet, one day her attitude change and she did something about her weight. We've tried a full vegan week before, but had a few 'cheat' moments and cravings for non-vegan dishes by the end of it. Are you vegan by any chance? If so, didn't it take you time to get into a vegan diet or were you born into it (by this we mean your parents are/were vegan, therefore the food you had all your life is vegan)?

Saw your comment below after writing our response - you're not vegan, but hopefully you can relate to why it takes time to change. In this case from eating meat to veganism.

I Sure Can!

@travelling-two great to hear that. R u giving up all animal products i mean including milk?

So far it's just one meal a week and it's a total ban on any animal products so milk included (even honey, which people forget is made by bees and NOT collected - they collect the nectar and turn it into honey).

wowow.....thats kinda stopping from everything.... too much willpower required for that....Htss you both....all the best!!!

There are loads of meat substitute products that taste almost as identical to meat and it will only get closer. The only problem is, sometimes, it can be quite expensive. Sticking with vegetables, fruits, pulses and spices for that one meal. Maybe by the end of the year, it will be three to four meals a week.

agree, but restricting from the milk very hard...i think even a chocolates is made up of milk then tea/coffee. how to take care of these small small thing to live a vegan lead 100% vegan,,,need lot of gut.

Becca is lactose intolerant and had to adapt as she likes milk in her tea as well as baking/cooking with milk. There's other types of 'milk' - soya, almond and coconut milk to name a few. Give it a try. And for chocolate - go for dark chocolate - there are health benefits with this type of chocolate too.

that is quite a good suggestion...never ever tried these milk...will definitely taste to check the difference.

That is pretty cool!

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