Forget being unique - and please keep those 'inspirational' quotes to yourself

in #value6 years ago (edited)

All those memes, songs, and 'inspirational quotes' about how special you are. Great. We are all unique. Let's all get the shirt made, so we will never forget how unique we ALL are.

You're special.png

Cheap marketing is all it is. It is a simple statement that tricks you into feeling appreciated.

Always remember that you are absolutely unique.
Just like everyone else.

~ Misattributed to Margeret Mead. Still a nice 'quote'.

But, I'm special, right?

But isn't it true that I'm special, I can hear you think. And what if it inspires someone, isn't that enough?

Well, to be honest. None of us are very special. We are actually pretty average. That average, that we all think we're special. We all consider ourselves a limited edition. There is only one person who has experienced exactly the same things you did, who has had the same thoughts, who has the same (unique?) DNA.

But the fact that you are singular, that there is no one exactly like you, does that mean you are special, exceptional, valuable because of your uniqueness?

We are exceptional

Isn't it more exceptional that we are all somehow similar, related, the same? That despite all the difference we try to invent, the distinctions we make between things, despite all the uniqueness we focus on to make sure we are selected to belong somewhere, to have meaning - that despite all those efforts, mostly we are similar. There is something human in all of us. No matter what we do, that commonality shines through. We all belong to that larger group, even if that group tries everything in its power to make sure that they are considered unique.

This idea of being exceptionally unique is perhaps something very Western. It is as if value is generated from being unique, selling yourself as a brand, creating your own unique voice. Rewards pile up if you can have that special set of abilities that is unique. And this is not in itself bad. It only becomes a problem when it demonizes any other way of looking at things. Other ways of finding value in your own existence.

experience value attention.png

Value that isn't based on being unique

Because value can also be generated from other things. I especially noticed this when I traveled through Japan. Value was not something in your face, something shouted from roof tops. It was something cherished, something created from a sense of commonality. From the sense of service. The train conductor who enters a train by bowing, respecting the presence of the customer and being respected for it. The shop owner who accepts your money with a bow, taking the money with two hands. Being present in the moment, and by not feeling themselves more unique and important than anyone else. And not less important either.

Value lies not in the product. But in the experience of the moment. In the experience of attention. In the experience of what makes us all human. Value is created not by calling it unique, but because of the value it creates in the experience of someone - yourself or someone else.
Let's put that on a meme. Or a shirt. Or let's not. Let's just live it.

All designs are my own creation. With thanks to the steemit original tutorials by @multi4g.



Value lies not in the product. But in the experience of the moment. In the experience of attention. In the experience of what makes us all human.

I think this captures the essence of it. What it means to be truly human can't be bottled up and sold for ridiculous prices, it can only be lived, felt, experienced - good or bad. But that's life.

One day the Sage came along and started to complain about my life. Failed he didn't he is neither tall, nor a person, do not say that very clever. And besides, a lot of things can not do.

Long sage listened to his moaning. And then he took his hand and brought to the garden:

– Look, – he said. – Here is a pine and an Apple tree. Some of these trees more beautiful and useful?
– Do you think they can compare! They both and both are good.
– So why you compare yourself with others and think you're worse than them?! Because each person is like a tree,-its good and useful.

Love this. We are able to express our individuality like ever before, yet we're more interdependant on wider group of people than ever as well. This drive to celebrate the individual and ignore the responsibility they have to the collective is what is tearing the US apart right now.

Beyond that we also have a tendancy to individualize our problems in a really isolating way, like we're the only people that have ever and will ever experience them. It's incredibly theraputic to know you are not alone when you have problem and that others have had the same issue and found a resolution.

I think you're absolutely right. Although I'm not from the US myself, so don't know I can comment on that aspect of it. But it is also the direction Europe is going towards... Even in China I saw the same tendencies.

clutches pearls and gasps You will melt all the very special snowflakes with this! Western society teaches us that we are all special and unique, but not how to function in a community or society other than through our "uniqueness". Communalism is so very important on a platform like Steemit, but how are we supposed to function in this communalistic (Steemit) society? Selfish Consequentialism?

I guess I never made the connection between being a snowflake and being special. To me snowflakism is about seeing that you're not more special than someone else. Perhaps this is also why it is so painful for non-snowflakes to encounter a snowflake.

@sigrfolkr: through common sense, I would say;-) In the literal meaning. This is it. Give full hearted, engage & feel how to be in touch with people here. Challenge in a good way. It is truly a good experience from my point of view.

I am learning here what a community is (again). Had one - kind of - in my childhood. Still can rely on a huge family.

Same here. Now I find it more rewarding to be part of this endeavor than "real life" at the moment.

As there are some animals being more equal than others, maybe there are some people being more unique than others. Or the other way around. Accepting our uniqueness is allowing us to recognize the uniqueness of others. That is what makes us equal.

yes, that's true. we are very much living in a "me, me, me"culture. Additionally boosted by people who claim to have amazing lifes to gain more followers, while in reality it is only a show for the camera.

I really liked your work I think it's great I'm going to start following your publications in steemit

Kinda like the Hipster lifestyle. By trying to be different and not part of a certain group you end up being put in one because of exactly that.

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