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RE: Jonas Salk: Hero Or Murderer?

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

Learn somethin' new everyday! I still believe though that what you put in your mouth "allows and harbors" ALL dis-ease. When the sewer system of the body is backed up like someone standing in their home with shAt up to their ears all the bad things are present to emerge and in great numbers. When the pipes are clean cause the sewage is being taken out the immune system is like Superman and all things pass right through one..........


The problem is that the vaccine kills the system that keeps the pipes clean! The mutated viruses are among those that attack the immune system... specifically T-cells that fight cancer.

Oh I agree with you. Not for them myself. Can't talk to one's for them at all. I always say "why are you so worried about me? You barely know me. You're safe right cause you've been vaxxed............" They can't say anything intelligent back after that.......

Abnormal pathogen
Abnormal route
Abnormal immune response
Abnormal results
Abnormal thinking

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