Why can't Democrats act like liberals whenever it could actually benefit people?

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)

The term "liberal" most commonly means: "open to new behavior or opinions and willing to discard traditional values." Modern Democrats are certainly willing to do THAT, but when it comes to being "liberal" with the application of people's civil liberties v.v. government mandates, they always seem to fall down on the job.

Big Democrat-endorsed government of course, always wants to mandate everything. Going back at least to the time of FDR, the federal government has been increasingly used as a big bully to force all sorts of things on the people that earlier generations would never have tolerated...from oppressive taxation, wealth re-distribution, to impressment of the children into foreign wars having little to do with American safety or prosperity, the government TRADITION of recent times has always been to INTRUDE and to MANDATE.

(Big Dems are Big Pharma largess recipients, in HUGE numbers and quantities.)

Now, when it comes time for All Americans to draw the line at their own bodies, Democrats are AWOL in the fight. In fact, they are leading the charge AGAINST civil liberties.

Check out this article, for example:


Here is a key excerpt from the link above:

"Most Republicans are rejecting Democrat-led state bills to tighten childhood immunization laws in the midst of the worst measles outbreak in two decades, alarming public health experts who fear the nation could become as divided over vaccines as it is over global warming.

Democrats in six states — Colorado, Arizona, New Jersey, Washington, New York and Maine — have authored or co-sponsored bills to make it harder for parents to avoid vaccinating their school-age children, and mostly faced GOP opposition. Meanwhile in West Virginia and Mississippi, states with some of the nation’s strictest vaccination laws, Republican lawmakers have introduced measures to expand vaccine exemptions, although it’s not yet clear how much traction they have....

Of course there are vaccine skeptics on the left, too, Robert Kennedy Jr. being the most prominent example. But to date, their influence isn’t as strong in state legislatures."

(Image courtesy of coto2.wordpress.com.)

And...I can tell you that the infamous "American Civil Liberties Union" which is largely left-wing, but sometimes decent of actual threats to personal liberties (as they were in my state of Maine years ago on the REAL ID fight) has now abandoned personal liberty, and is standing with the U.N. globocrats and their Big-Pharma allies in pushing more and more people toward forced body invasion.

Let me just direct this one sentence to my Democrat friends:

"Please wake up and realize the Democrat Party is NOT for the people as it's very name suggests, but rather, that they have become a tool of total government tyranny."

Thank you.


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