What are the chances of all the Malthusians in Hollyweird & the U.N. pushing "pandemic" movies and memes NOT BEING INVOLVED...

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)

..when/if a global pandemic actually does break out in earnest?

I am going to make a wild stab at it and suggest LESS THAN FIVE PERCENT.

You all DO NOW about Plum Island, Fort Dietrich, Porton Down, and other similar designer drug facilities dotted all over the world right? What do they think we think they do there? Play dominoes and pinochle all day?

Biowarfare facilities engage in...drum roll please...BIO-WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT.

When has there ever been a "whizz bang neat-o" creation or development that the mattoids with unlimited government research awards have NOT eventually used?? For crying out loud...even the atomic bomb made it onto the battlefield.

In that context, please read this article on the latest "ebola crisis" in Africa:


Here is an excerpt:

"More than 1,600 people have been infected with the Ebola virus in the North Kivu region of DRC and more than 1,000 have died so far – the great majority women and children. At least 10 months since the outbreak began, the numbers are rising steadily and the fatality rate is higher than in previous outbreaks, at about 67%.

Returning from a visit to his teams in the region, David Miliband, the head of the International Rescue Committee, called for a 'reset' in the response. 'The situation is far more dangerous than the statistic of 1,000 deaths, itself the second largest in history, suggests and the suspension of key services threatens to create a lethal inflection point in the trajectory of the disease,' he said. 'The danger is that the number of cases spirals out of control, despite a proven vaccine and treatment'.”

(...or...they could help it all along...)

THE "International Rescue Committee" of course (IRC,) is closely linked to the same people who are pushing the Malthusian nonsense that says 93% of the world's population needs to die to reach "sustainability." And so, how can we blame those who are refusing the WORM that is "ebola" from being directly injected with it because is's a "vaccine?"

Of course, to each his own. We can not possibly know:

  1. What's really in the vaccines...
  2. If the vaccines actually work, or infect more that come into contact with the vaccinated than they save...
  3. What some poor tribesman in the African bush should or shouldn't do under these circumstances.

As the British say, "It's a sticky wicket" and from our distant perspective...it's not even a wicket we can reach or wield.

Now, if "ebola" suddenly breaks out near a bioweapons facility here in the USA, we can revisit these conundrums.


If? Please...

Already had 2 movies about it breaking out on American soil... Oh which has happened...

But what about all these other fun diseases you can get by mail? Or let alone bio engineer yourself?

Oh guns are so bad... What about simple chemistry sets?

Knowledge is a dangerous thing.

And medical science isn't getting us any closer. No pandemic controls are in place.

The world can be infected in less than 24 hours.

Bit hey global warming needs funds! Got the royals! And also got those sports! Gotta keep it distracted...

Then I'm over here. Hey about to be at war with Iran? Oh lovely... Sounds fun.

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Yep... bread & circus while the nation burns...

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