Neocon "republican" strategist Calls for IMPRISONING ANTI-VAXXERS!

in #vaccines5 years ago

I put "republican" in lower case and with quotations, because he is definitely NOT a republican in the sense that he believes in a republican form of government. This is troubling, because he (Rick Wilson) is a bigwig in the RINO Republican establishment, which, for now at least, continues to hold the real power (often behind the scenes..i.e. because the truth is they are SOCIALIST, Democrat, fraudster crossovers) in one of America's major political parties.

Now, let me explain something that often gets confused by the MSM and those who cry "conspiracy theorist" in derision at anyone who tries to tell the BIG TRUTHS about the BIG ISSUES. I am not an "anti-vaxxer" in the sense that I don't believe that proper manufacturing and properly double-blind, long-term testing-- overseen by an uncompromised oversight body (not beholden to the producers)-- can never produce helpful vaccines.

(Rick Wilson...enemy of truth and the people...Image courtesy of

Unfortunately, though, we have an out of control "pay to play" Congress and a CDC and FDA that are totally beholden to Big Pharma donors, who allow them to cut corners, who approve untested drugs all the time due to "prior" (think: bribed) commitments, and a MSM that routinely and totally fails in its proper role of being an investigative watchdog for the people. THOSE FACTORS make me an "anti-vaxxer" in the modern sense that I do NOT believe giving government the power over individuals, their healthcare decisions, and their bodies is in any way compatible with a republican governmental system.

Here is the troubling link:

Here is an excerpt:

"If you disagree with the medical establishment's lies about vaccines, you have no right to exist in society at all, say pro-vaccine authoritarian tyrants. In case you were wondering what the real plans are for people who oppose the quack science dogma of the vaccine industry and its child murdering vaccine advocates, look no further than today's rant from anti-Trump neocon Rick Wilson.

"Anti-vaxxers are a scourge and a strong argument for re-education camps, the immediate seizure of their property, and putting their children into protective custody," tweeted Rick Wilson (@TheRickWilson), a neo-con Republican strategist and so-called "never Trumper."

This demand sums up the medical police state tyranny and anti-human authoritarianism that characterizes vaccine advocates, almost all of whom are "medical child molesters" who maim children for profit. They quite literally seek to throw parents in concentration camps if they refuse to have their children injected with nearly a hundred toxic vaccines that contain neurotoxic substances such as aluminum, squalene, mercury, aborted human fetal tissue, formaldehyde and even complete DNA sequences of aborted human babies whose genes were genetically engineered to cause cancer."

(Image courtesy of

There is plenty more at the link given at the link above. Fortunately, we do have a President who I believe may very well be a vaccine skeptic (at least in the sense that I am) and he may not accede to further pressures to expand the power and reach of Big Pharma, in the same way a non-billionaire politician (dependent on their largess) might. Trump has been mostly silent on the issue ever since early in his campaign--when he talked about putting together a blue-ribbon commission to study vaccine safety. THAT is one of the promises he HAS reneged on, probably under extreme pressure...(I hope.)

But the fact we have people like Wilson making these VIOLENT THREATS in public and, so far at least, GETTING AWAY WITH IT, tells me that honest people who stand against unwarranted concentrations of power, bad science, and money-based politics had better stay aware and very careful going forward. There's a reason that all the major TAXPAYER-FUNDED social media platforms are ELIMINATING all information critical of Big Pharma, and their government and media allies.

Make no mistake. They ARE eventually COMING FOR YOU if we don't take them out first!

May god bless and guide you as you stand with me and thousands of others FOR TRUTH and against evil.


Back in the day, when there were political disagreements, at the end of the day we could all sit back and agree that we're all on the same team - everyone wants to make our country great and healthy, but only disagree how to do it.

This is no longer the case.

These days political polarization has become so severe (I mean the authoritarian left has gone so fanatical that anyone center or center-right is considered "extreme"), we are unable to have a conversation without the authoritarians suggesting some sort of dictatorial appeal. It's more important for them that US state citizens join the world system than it is for the US to exist at all. Remove the borders, allow the cities to deteriorate into stinking piles of rubble, invite invaders in, remove God from all institutions, tear down all religious institutions except their own laboratories and universities and public schools (the pillars of secular humanism scientism) that everyone comply with the doctrines of their heretical one-world "global" science-religion.

They believe that these United States are a worthy sacrifice for the New World Order and the enslavement of her people. "But they'll be happy slaves with UBI and free healthcare and free college." Ugh.

The left today wants China's future to be our future. Chipped, blue-pilled, indoctrinated, kneeling before the god of this age, offering sacrifices to Caesar, and compliant. The only alternative (they see) is that anyone who doesn't get in line must be either reprogrammed or dead.

They would prefer dead it's cheaper.

If Trump has reneged on this issue then he will renege on any issue. The rapidly encroaching medical tyranny is one thing he had better come down on the right side of, or I will detest him too. He has already signed one of the great many vaccines bills making their way through Congress right now, which are mostly earmarking funds for propaganda to "educate" the vaccine skeptics. He has reneged on reducing war activity already, the other of his promises I took heart in.
I still hold onto hope that he will stand up to the war/chemicals/oil/medical/eugenics machine yet, but I fear he is already lost. Tulsi Gabbard is at this point the ONLY candidate for president from either party who has not openly stated support for vaccines. Recently she has refused to answer the question and prior to this supported choice in the matter. We MUST get a president in there who will veto federal laws regarding forced vaccines. Trump is not that one.

I couldn't agree more. I've been very skeptical that Trump practiced acting on The Apprentice for a few years before running, for VERY "good" reason.

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