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RE: Neocon "republican" strategist Calls for IMPRISONING ANTI-VAXXERS!

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)

Back in the day, when there were political disagreements, at the end of the day we could all sit back and agree that we're all on the same team - everyone wants to make our country great and healthy, but only disagree how to do it.

This is no longer the case.

These days political polarization has become so severe (I mean the authoritarian left has gone so fanatical that anyone center or center-right is considered "extreme"), we are unable to have a conversation without the authoritarians suggesting some sort of dictatorial appeal. It's more important for them that US state citizens join the world system than it is for the US to exist at all. Remove the borders, allow the cities to deteriorate into stinking piles of rubble, invite invaders in, remove God from all institutions, tear down all religious institutions except their own laboratories and universities and public schools (the pillars of secular humanism scientism) that everyone comply with the doctrines of their heretical one-world "global" science-religion.

They believe that these United States are a worthy sacrifice for the New World Order and the enslavement of her people. "But they'll be happy slaves with UBI and free healthcare and free college." Ugh.

The left today wants China's future to be our future. Chipped, blue-pilled, indoctrinated, kneeling before the god of this age, offering sacrifices to Caesar, and compliant. The only alternative (they see) is that anyone who doesn't get in line must be either reprogrammed or dead.

They would prefer dead it's cheaper.

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