Is the Vaccine "Worm" Finally Beginning to Turn?

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)

The report by Natural News last week-- that the CDC is finally admitting that the MMR vaccines (and many others) contain live viruses that can "activate" weeks, months or years after the unwitting victim was dumb enough to allow themselves to be vaccinated-- has spurred a LOT of angst in elitist and Big Pharma circles. The general public is finally taking notice as well.

Finally, it appears that a critical mass is emerging that will force Big Pharma to actually get their vaccines PROPERLY AND SCIENTIFICALLY TESTED to see if they are safe for human consumption.

Check out this new link:

Here is an excerpt from the link above:

"Even as the medical establishment continues to insist that all vaccines are “safe and effective,” these findings reiterate the fact that vaccinology, at least as we currently know it, is a total hoax. There isn’t a single jab out there that’s been properly safety tested against a true inert placebo, and now we know that many of them are also contaminated with disease-causing viruses.

Why is the FDA just now testing vaccine cell substrates AFTER they’ve already been present in vaccines for decades?

(Image courtesy of

While this certainly isn’t the type of information that would compel any of us to roll up our sleeves anytime soon, the FDA claims that it’s working on new ways to activate these latent viruses before they’re injected into human beings, so as to deactivate them. But why wasn’t this done a long time ago before the FDA approved these vaccines?

It would seem as though the FDA is simply trying to play cleanup now that scrutiny is growing over vaccine-related health issues. The FDA knows that it bears responsibility for approving all of these deadly vaccines in the first place, and is now pretending as though it cares about vaccine safety by conducting reactionary science as opposed to the preliminary science it should have already conducted long ago."

Hear! Hear!

The people are going to have to keep the pressure on these cretins. A moratorium on the most deadly of the vaccines (such as the HPV and MMR) should be a good first step. We have to let our "elected" (read: selected) officials hear from us, or this current news-cycle-length awakening (i.e. a few days at most) will come to an end, and people will just go on being severely maimed, injured and KILLED by these deadly injections, AND new outbreaks of diseases will continue to occur where vaccination rates are the highest.

PLEASE upvote this and share the link.



To the question in your title, my Magic 8-Ball says:

Do not count on it

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Why is the FDA just now testing vaccine cell substrates AFTER they’ve already been present in vaccines for decades?

to start somewhere. I am convinced that true vaccines exists (without mercury/aluminium/fetalcells etc... are they useful is another question... :D.

Great post mepatriot, with very good questions to the FDA! If they do testing and find bad things will they be honest about it?

Hopefully, noted skeptics will be involved in the review process.

Hopefully, noted
Skeptics will be involved in
The review process.

                 - mepatriot

I'm a bot. I detect haiku.

oh well that's surprisingly hopeful!

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