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RE: The RhoGAM Shot – Why I Chose Not to Get it While Pregnant

in #vaccines7 years ago

You write a very thorough yet compelling post.

I would like to say that after 20+years in the health care field I am VERY MUCH AGAINST THE GOVERNMENT DRIVEN AGENDA VACCINATION PROGRAM.

I practiced Women's Health and cared for thousands of pregnant women and NEVER ONCE did I ever NOT check the fathers blood type if the mother was RH- and any practitioner who would not check the fathers blood type should not be in practice.

That should be a reason for a patient to run to the door and find another provider.

If RhoGAM was indicated I made sure the risks and benefits were completely discussed.

I was so passionate about the care I provided my patients because I was the third child born in the very early 50's before RhoGAM was available and the Rh factor was a problem for me.

My oldest brother was born without incident and fortunately my second oldest brother was born without complications too. Unfortunately that was not the case for me. I was extremely ill at birth and until that time the babies died. The doctors told my parents to go home and let the nurses care for me and to not get to attached because of the potential poor outcome. Bonding was not known to be important at that time. As a result of Rh incompatibility I was given 14 complete blood transfusions after birth and clung to life on a thread without my mother there to care for me. Today the thought of all those blood transfusions haunts me.

RhoGAM however an imperfect a drug it is, it serves a true purpose unlike the other vaccinations. Providers should check the blood type of both parents if the mother is Rh-. And if paternity is in question then the mother needs to take a long look in the mirror.

If the mother refuses RhoGAM then a permanent measure should be taken to prevent future pregnancies and the parents should be content with having one healthy child.

Lastly, I must stress the importance of bonding because I know exactly what it is like to grow up with 'detached parents'. It ain't fun.

It is curious though that my career choice was a Nurse Practitioner I often wondered if it was because I bonded to the nurses who cared for me as an infant.


Wow!!! Thanks for sharing!! I'm glad you fully understand the importance of this issue. I'm so so sorry you grew up with detached parents. I'm so so sorry the Rh factor affected you. :( I hope that today your are healthy and well. I agree that the RhoGAM shot is a vaccine unlike any other, with an important purpose. I truly hope it is safe. I just don't know if it is or not. I want practitioners to do a better job of explaining what this shot is, why it is needed (make sure it is needed by testing the fathers blood type), and to discuss all possible risks before giving it. And yes, I agree with you that if a Mother turns down the shot, she and her partner should be content with having one baby-as we are. Now, I want to be trusted to not get pregnant- I don't want to be sterilized against my will. My partner was perfectly fine with getting a vasectomy. Yay! :) Thanks again for your comment!!

RhoGAM is almost a double edge sword. Damned if you do and damned if you don't.

Yeah, I hear ya...I'm glad to be content with one little one. If I wasn't, it'd be very sad....

So I found something else that we have in common Mary!
We are both the 3rd child born to a mother with RH- blood!

The doctors did take me early (2 weeks I think it was) and I did have one single blood transfusion.
Other than being a jaundiced though I was pretty healthy.
I wonder why your case was so much worse than mine?
Did they not induce your mother early?

It is amazing all the similarities in our lives. We were destined to be friends. I do not believe that they induced pregnancy 62+ years ago at least my Aunt Mary did not tell me that. She said that unfortunately nature had to take it's course. She said that thee whole thing was like a bad nightmare I had IV's in my temples and the soles of my feet. She told me I looked really sad.

On another not about vaccines. I thought I would try a banana today in my smoothie and that was a horrible idea. My blood pressure has been 170/110. It is called anaphylactic hypertension.

The food allergies I have acquired because of that flu shot are unbelievable. To make matters worse today is our wedding anniversary and I messed that up over a damn banana.

ughh about the banana. Sorry to hear that. Such a simple thing as a banana should NOT ruin your day. It isn't fair. They should have never forced you to take shots that you didn't want to keep your job!

It really irritates me that some people still insist that vaccines are great and that everybody needs to take their shots,
when I have several friends, yourself included, who have been devastated by vaccines.
I am NOT going to ignore the plight of all my friends and even those that I don't personally know, just because some expert says to trust them!

It was an absolutely miserable day. I was fortunate to be able to get in for a deep tissue massage to move fluid and toxins. Because I had to take a blood pressure pill my pressure is pretty low today. No energy.

Yuk. Hope you feel better quickly.

I thought that the $55.00 massage might do more good than the last $14,000.00 trip to the ER that was a TOTAL waste of time and money.

So while you were a nurse, what would the hospital do if a RH- mom had refused the Rhogam. Did they get induced early and did that usually turn out okay?

I don't recall anyone refusing RhoGAM. Fortunately with fetal monitors they are now able to evaluate the baby's status. That is really a benefit of modern medicine but should not be utilized unless there is a concern. I feel that is being misused a lot of the time. Like most things in modern medicine it is all about the $$$$$$$$$$$$$.

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