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RE: The Anti-Vaccine Movement Is Winning. I'll Tell You Why :)

in #vaccines7 years ago

Great comment @aedroberts. Definitely a top caliber comment @lyndsaybowes .I've done a considerable amount of research myself on vaccination but I certainly need to do more to become more knowledgeable. Please forgive me if this question has been answered in a documentary or book but....I've always wondered why scientists and creators of vaccines could not come up with a delivery system that is devoid of mercury, fluoride, formaldehyde, aborted human & pig embryo cells and various other elements that are toxic to the human body. I would be more amenable to listening to the pro-vaccine side if there were a somewhat healthy less toxic vaccine. What is the argument...that those elements are necessary as a delivery system to carry the disease? Human beings are extraordinarily intelligent. Can we not find a better delivery system than the toxic one that currently exists? Can we not find a better option?


@josephmcconnell If one listens to or reads Len Horowitz, he even states that he is not "anti-vaccine." What is the salient point for him is the irresponsible lab industry. Contamination has been perpetuated for decades. LH stated what let Robert Gallo, the creator of AIDS, off of the hook was the massive paper trail. The cover-up was by the government and others in the aftermath, in the interest of national defense, etc. When LH spoke before a group of retrovirologists and reported his research, they viewed Gallo as a Dr. Frankenstein. Billy Jeff (Clinton) would go on to pardon him.

As Dr. Horowitz has pointed out, those in favor of massive population reduction have circled the wagons around vaccines to do the trick. It's whack jobs, like us, who have largely kept this from happening.

Great information. I will do some research on Len Horowitz's works. So...I guess the answer to my question is, Yes. A safe, non-toxic vaccine could be created but that would go against the agenda of profits & depopulation.

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