Rockland County New York has just committed medical tyranny by banning all unvaccinated kids from all public places.

in #vaccines5 years ago (edited)


The lawless criminal corporation posing as government in Rockland County New York has just committed medical tyranny banning all unvaccinated kids from all public places.

This is what lawless tyranny looks like in America today. Forced Nazi Eugenics in a free society. And Americans still are so willfully fucktarded to still call themselves free.

Full story here:



America: We value greed and corruption more than we do human lives and the rest of the world we destroy.

This is why I am no longer a shitizen of the lawless for profit Neo Nazi corporation known as the United States. My country has been taken over a by a lawless tyrannical New World Order Neo Nazi corporation posing as government in my free country SMH.

As far as I am concerned this is war now folks. They cannot ban children from even going outside of their own homes. This is Unconstitutional because it violates EVERYONE'S rights and privacy. You don't know who is unvaccinated so how can they determine who to ban in public? THEY CAN'T!!! Even so, HOW ARE UNVACCINATED KIDS A THREAT IF VACCINES ARE SUPPOSE TO WORK!?!? HUH!? How can unvaccinated kids give you a disease they don't have when you were the dumbass who got injected WITH THE LIVE MEASLES VIRUS!? The same vaccine that has killed THOUSANDS of babies and proven to cause autism! Here it is you want to force these sick toxic chemicals and cancer causing agents into my child at gun point while at the same time passing a law 33 years ago that says I can't sue you for the damages they caused? So this is nothing more then lawless tyrannical Nazi Eugenics BULLSHIT folks!!! Welcome to the FUCKTARD STATES of AMERICA 2019 because Americans are just going to sit back and let this sick shit continue.

And don't give me any of this Vaccines are beliefs and a personal choice... BULLSHIT!!! Personal choice? Did you NOT READ the fucking title!? If you are dumb enough to believe that having yourself injected with the DNA of aborted babies, DNA from cows, guinea pigs, chickens, and monkies, along with formaldehyde, aluminum, glyphosphate, mercury, MSG, and the actual fucking live measles virus is good for your health then you are one of the DUMBEST MOTHER FUCKERS WHOEVER WALKED ON THE FACE OF THE EARTH!!!

Vaccines: so safe they have to be forced at gunpoint when they are proven to be UNSAFE and can cause DEATH
Vaccines: so safe they passed a law that says you can't sue the vaccine maker for the damages they caused.
Vaccines: so safe they had to quarantine a school gymnasium when a flu shot vile fell on the floor and broke but it's ok to inject this shit into your body.

Well there you have it folks. If after reading this and doing your homework you still decide that it is safe for you and your children to be forced mandated these vaccines then you are probably too stupid to be following me here on Steemit.

Protect yourselves and protect your families. Stay safe and as far away from these vaccines as you can get.

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!!!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Keep your democracy off of my Sovereignty!

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg



Is completely true.

🤣 i cant help but laugh. Its fucking sad dude.

They're also erasing any information that goes against or questions vaccine safety.

I've saved all my memes and have tons of information backed up and ready to start being printed off to distribute information.

I've got a farm in Chemung County, NY and I'll tell ya what this state is circling the bowl faster than any other. Mexico looks better every hour.

Woodchuck Pirate
aka Raymond J Raupers Jr USA

Great job... nice to see someone else on it! The more you know!!!

Thanks Rich. I'm on the front lines of this revolution taking place. Believe me if this shit ever comes to Arkansas I'll be rallying up a calvary to have us some public executions of these criminals. Bring back Judge Parker!!! You're in Fort Smith Rich, they already got the gallows up and on display at the museum there ready to be used by us :-).

You got it buddy... that was the first thing I visited when I first came here in 85! They're still in good working order too by the looks of them!

I remember going on a field trip in the 7th grade to that museum. It was 1996 or 97. I was 12 years old back then. It was so fun that museum. Love the history there.

The holding cell where they awaited hanging, almost made it a mercy killing... And I thought Charles St. Jail was bad!

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