Only 1% of ALL vaccine injuries are reported!!!

in #vaccines5 years ago


In case you missed it, yesterday I posted over 50 outspoken anti-vaxx memes. Now for the rant!

But first, the news!

Only 1% of ALL vaccine injuries are reported!!!

If these numbers don't make your blood boil then I don't know what will! This is just how sick this Nazi Eugenics movement is here in the States.

I was just telling my wife Bridget a few days ago that these numbers were staggering. She was going off on the fact that the government has paid out over $4 billion in vaccine damages. I was telling her that number is just a tiny amount of what should be paid out. Sure enough I was right! Except this number is a little higher than what I was estimating based from my own knowledge. Now that the government has come out with these numbers, we know just how much money should really be paid out. If over $4 billion in damages is 1% then that means the real cost is over $400 Billion!!!


What does a trillion dollars looks like?
a trillion dollars.jpg
See for yourself!

So pretty much almost one full layer of pallets stacked with all those 100 bills is what should be paid out to all these parents and victims of Big Pharma. The same amount of money that was invested in cryptos not too long ago. Long story short, THAT'S A LOT OF MONEY!!! And the national debt is over 22 times that!!!

rmssa vaccines.jpg

What my meme said. And I can't stress this enough!

Out of the 67,000 or so active people estimated that we have here on Steemit I'd like to think everyone here is smart enough to be anti-vaxx. I know I sure am. You know me, if anyone is dumb enough to show up at my front door wanting to take my son away because I refuse to get him vaccinated must be on a suicide mission. Dipshit Democracy! Seriously, I'll live stream what I will do to the idiot right here to Steemit so you all can watch too. YEE-HAAAAAW!!! Really big smile! Do no harm but stand your ground! Welcome to the NEW West! If my 1st amendment rights don't work then the 2nd one will. :-)

Educate, don't vaccinate! Maybe I should have stickers made that says this? Protect yourselves and protect your families (And your neighbors too if you can help it). You can cure cancer using only your minds. We don't need ANY pharmaceuticals. Your diet should be your health plan. I hope you agree!

Stay Un-Tune-Ed

Join the TRUTH Party, The Radical Underground Tyrant Haters Party!!!
Comedy through activism, activism through comedy.
Keep your democracy off of my Sovereignty!

Welcome to the NEW West!!!
Rainbow Man meme6.jpg


100% with ya dude! Great post. While there could be merit to aspects of being vaccinated the deplorable toxic questionable ingredients and frightening quantity & prescribed schedule is not imo a good plan at all. No more vaccines for my kids though my daughter got all of them and again unproven but i see evidence of connective tissue damage due to guardacil shots she got in grade 5/ 6. Which will be well worn of by the time she is sexually active. Ffs stupidest shit going, i didnt know then what i know now. My son didnt get those shots neither will get their grade 9 shots either. Nor have they ever had any flu shots. Such a messed up world!!!!! Ahhh! Thanks for spreading good message. So over the fear mongering of 'measel out breaks' here in Canada, the same image is used whether its propoganda from Vancouver, Edmonton and Winnipeg!!! Seriously. And, ppl spread this fear & lie and display their displeasure when ppl do not vaccinate 🤯. End rant.

Thank you Jill! Hope your daughter is ok. Please check out the anti vaxx memes I posted yesterday. Print them off and spread them around.

I personally met Del Bigtree back in 2016 when I still lived in Portland. They had a Q and A after the viewing of his movie Vaxxed. Which was cool because I got to meet his whole panel from the movie that was there. I had a picture taken with him but I lost it.

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