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RE: Vaccination Dilemma! Seeking the truth about vaccines, we're expecting a baby in Indonesia.

in #vaccines7 years ago

There is a series of videos called The Truth About Vaccines and a documentary called Vaxxed. Both are very good at explaining the origin of vaccinations and the big money behind them; even the laws made to protect the pharmaceutical companies and why most doctors don't know any better. For me, the list of ingredients would be enough to put me off. I only wish I had known better when raising my own children!


Ahhh thank you. I am undecided whether I am completely against vaccination but seemingly the amount of vaccinations suggested and the number of mandatory vaccinations in certain countries have raised to a ridiculous amount per individual.

I am with you on that. It is not easy to declare you are on one side or the other. If the ingredients look safe, then maybe. If the ingredients look dangerous, then no. The one big thing I took away from watching the videos is that our immune system is designed to deal with most viruses and bacteria that enter through the nose or mouth. Injecting directly into the bloodstream actually by-passes the gut (where the immune system is strongest) and therefor by-passes its intended target (making the immune system recognize the enemy). One more thing to take into consideration is the actual DANGER of catching whatever it is you expect to be immunized for. Is it really that dangerous to catch these diseases and become NATURALLY immune from that? Sometimes the prevention is more dangerous than the thing you fear!

Also, know that those making vaccinations are exempt from requiring the same testing that other medications require! This is why they push so many vaccines. It is far cheaper to put out a vaccine than a regular drug because next to no testing is required and they can't be sued if it damages you! That makes it truly frightening!

I was reading about FluMist briefly earlier, a nasal spray for babies and children to apparently protect against the flu virus, and although it appears a safer option to a jab there are apparent risks with the virus being administered almost directly to the brain this way, as well as ingredients that I would seem unnecessary, it's just not good.

What's so bad about a flue? Everyone gets that and only if you are ill with an underlying condition would you be at risk of dying. I would NEVER take a flue vaccine and prefer a few days of being normally sick. Besides, the flu keeps mutating so getting the correct strain is unlikely. I know people who get the vaccine and STILL catch the flu because it was another strain.

Yes my friend raised an interesting question in a conversation earlier "how exactly do they predict what the flu strain will be next year and pre-prepare a vaccine to combat it?" I don't know if there is a simple answer to it but it's still an interesting question.

They simply guess. There is no way to know for sure.

They don't know what flu mutation will appear year to year, and that is why the flu shot is not very effective. Flu vaccines are also one of the few that still have mercury in them too.

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