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RE: Mandatory vaccinations in France for those seeking education, so what about home-schooling?

in #vaccines7 years ago

Who makes these laws? How is it illegal to homeschool? How do they force someone to be vaccinated? Should all these not be a sort of encroachments on someone's right to life and quality of it? I think it is authoritarian in nature to force someone to do something against their will especially if that something is supposedly for the person's benefit. Vaccination and the right not be vaccinated have been a hot topic for discussion. The way they go about it seem to lend credence to the various stories/conspiracy theories going around. If it is so good and someone wants to miss out shouldn't the person be left to miss out? I really do not understand.


There was once a king whose slaves were becoming despondent so he set them all free and gave each one a gold coin, telling them they would have to exchange these coins to live life now and if they wanted more coins they would have to come back and work for him.

Nothing has changed. Slaves are much more effective when they live with the illusion of freedom. And this illusion is maintained in a carefully controlled manner now.

Laws are put in place to serve the interests of the few, not the many.

I always know that freedom comes at a price. The price is part of the illusion; little wonder people say freedom ain't free. Thanks for the analogy, it explains the situation very accurately.

From FREEMAN-ON-THE-LAND perspective, Im certain these wont be "Laws" -this is purposeful confusion & misinformation to confuse the 99%. What is lawful, or unlawful, legal or illegal? Do you know the difference? ; )

Without even researching much deeper, Im sure the vaccine thing you refer to here, in whatever country, will most certainly be a "Statue", "Act" or "Regulation". These are designed to come across as "Laws" to untrained perception. Yet they are little more than rules, or guidelines, only applicable with CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. People enslave themselves; by signing pieces of paper, with pens. The reality is, there is only one true Law (and we all know it) which is; do not cause harm or loss to any individual or property. (Common Law) Rather ironic that their own vaccines cause harm & loss! Oh, the punchlines.....

ReSteeem'd : )

Sadly, the countries mentioned (France, Germany and Sweden) are not common law countries so it is law there. In fact in France everything is against the law unless they specifically say it isn't. Sweden is a socialist country and not a 'free' country (not that free countries really exist anyway).

Common Law supersedes any "countries" boarders, Im not certain your information is correct; "France, Germany and Sweden) are not common law countries so it is law there" - this comment sounds like possibly an interpretation/paraphrase/misunderstanding? Are you able to provide any reliable reference of this info? Any examples of people being vaccinated by force? Any examples of children being kidnapped from their homeschooling by "authorities"? The beauty of the Freeman Movement, is that to be free, one simply pays no attention to their "rules", and as they are acting sovereignly, and with invisibility, they do not encounter the above. Don't shout too loudly tho, or you'll get suicide-ed, like all the great carpenters who have spoken up for us in our past.

Thanks for clarifying that. I need to do some further reading on Common Law to fully understand everything....

It can make your head spin all this law! Which is probably the point.

Yes, that's always the point; deception must appear really really complex; like economics or space rockets. Lies must appear complex to keep the sheeple from the simple truths.

They're not common law as in if you were to try and hold a common law court there it wouldn't be recognised. Common law court is only recognised in the US and the British commonwealth, if you know how to to it. It's what Karl Lentz deals in if you've heard of him? He, however, is more of a believer in the system and chooses to play the games.

However, I agree with what you're saying. These are all constructs by people and exist if we believe they exist. The true definition of common law or the law of man may vary individually, but for me it is our respect of other people and not harming them or interfering with their freedom. These different laws are effectively games and rituals, but it's so widely believed that it's hard not to get caught up in them.

Good point about the 'Law' - hadn't thought to mention that one. A whole other story there...

I communicate with John Harris regularly, he is on my invisible counsel, and asks me to remind you; "It's an illusion" <<YouTube;)

Agreed .. Many are not theories though (they are fact)..

And this behavior keep fanning its embers.

Thank you for your support here James.

I feel as if we are singing from the same hymn book.

I actually didn't know it was illegal to homeschool anywhere.. I just thought it was something people did.

The world is changing fast...

Maaaaaybe illegal, but not unlawful ;) It's an illusion.

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