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RE: Parents WARNING other Parents: Daughter's Epilepsy a Result of DTaP Vaccine

in #vaccines7 years ago

As a child I had many seizures and though I don't have them anymore I am on meds for the rest of my life. Vaccines and seizures are very serious matters not to be taken lightly. I am sorry for you and others who suffer at the hand of the greedy and heartless medical field. Sadly it has always been about money and protecting oneself against being sued.

vaccines are not for everyone. You have no idea what they are pumping into your body. Doctors do not often have the time nor the incentive to level with you. They are PAID by big Pharma. They have no reason to level with you. If they have monetary opportunity to treat the symptom for $750,000 for a period of several years rather than cure you for $300.00 they will listen to money. Many folks have adverse reactions to vaccines and it should be an individual choice. WE HAVE THE CHOICE TO HAVE AN ABORTION BECAUSE IT IS OUR BODY BUT NOW WHEN IT COMES TO vACCINES! That is hypocrisy and a convenient double standard. WHY?

vaccines are not like clothing, laptops or cars that can be mass produced for all. The Henry Ford of assembly line drugs does not drive well in our bodies. Different chemicals have different reactions. One person's body has an entirely different set of chemistry than another person has. So two people will react differently. Folks have died of vaccines. They have acquired autism and a host of other sometimes permanent conditions and illnesses from choosing to believe what they are told by the media, the medical field and their peer group. It is not cool to be anti-vaccine is the mentality out there. Therefore there is pressure to keep the anti-vaccine movement at bay. Or they work hard to discredit the claims.

You are given one body baby. For some of us we work to preserve it as a temple for God. Regardless one MUST protect themselves and not be a part of the blind sheeple. No on else is going to do it for you. Educate yourself about vaccines and their effects on the human body. Educate others like this post is doing. We have a moral and even spiritual responsibility to do this for ourselves and others. How many more folks must die before we wipe off the apathy and fear and take a stand for humanity? Thanks for sharing. -

Again I am sorry for what you have gone though. Stand up for yourself and others because chances are no one else will. Blessings.


Thank-you for your well thought-out comment.
This is not my own personal story. It is one of the stories collected by the VaxXed Nation Tour as they travel around the USA giving people a voice.

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