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RE: Keep Your Laws Off My Body

in #vaccines7 years ago (edited)

The only timeI ever get the 'flu' is after a 'flu' jab. I don't care what anyone says. That is my experience. MMR Measles, Mumps and Rubella - tends to be the hot topic. There was a big scare about it in the uk almost 20 years ago. All my kids had the full MMR, some friends kids had it administered separately. The risk is something infinitesimally small.
Where it gets to being weird is the additives. The conspiracy theorists claim that there are traces of all sorts put into various drugs which are mind controlling. If you can blame your inability to think for yourself upon other people, you surely will. If these people were right in their claims, why do they not have the capacity to explain? If you are going to moan, have a reason which you can at least explain, if not provide a solution. Otherwise ... shshshsh.
The administering of any drugs should be decided upon by the parents. If the state wants to get involved, they had better be aware of international laws against Actual Bodily Harm and the Human Rights of an Individual. The imposition as discussed here of inoculations as being mandatory is a violation, pure and simple. Which nazi brought that in?
Great post, upped. Thank you.

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