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RE: Do you or does anyone you know have cancer?

in #vaccines7 years ago

Speaking as a (prostate) cancer victim and survivor of 14 years, that's just silly. No one has suggested that anyone should be forced to accept "271 vaccines that will be forced on you?" Every cancer is different, and no one drug is effective for all types. In my case, I participated in a Stage One clinical trial using a drug called OGX-011, by the now public corporation OncoGenex. Thanks to that remarkable drug, I am still alive at nearly 77 years. The one thing I neither need nor want is the hysteria spewing from the "We hate big pharma" crowd. Instead, I have relied, and will continue to rely upon, my oncological urologist and the BC Cancer Agency, both of which have contributed greatly to my ongoing battle with cancer.


First off let me say I am glad you seem to have beat your cancer. So many are not as fortunate as you.

As a health care provider of over 20 years I was MANDATED TO HAVE A FLU SHOT OR LOSE MY JOB. That shot has forever changed my life because of a severe vaccine reaction.

Unfortunately you are not allow to sue vaccine manufacturers for any injury incurred from their vaccines. I am not aware of any other industry that enjoys such a position. Because of that they are making more and more vaccines because there is not risk involved.

In my home state of PA the Senate has SB217 that is removing parental rights as it relates to vaccines. Parents will no longer have a say in their child's healthcare. This is already in place in California.

Because of my medical background I am totally aware of Healthy People 2020 program that is ready to role out to the American public. That program is instituting vaccines cradle to grave. There are grave consequences associated with it, become informed.

I haven't beaten cancer - I still have it - it just hasn't been able to kill me yet, thanks to the drug.

I hope you have been instructed on a Ketogenic diet.

dragon40 -- one important difference between vaccines and your cancer drug,
is that you were already ill and would likely have died from cancer if you did not take the drug.
Therefore the risks associated with that drug (as ALL drugs have including vaccines) were outweighed in your case and your determination by the risk of the untreated cancer.

However with vaccines, they are given to healthy children/people in the hopes that they 'might' prevent some virus that the person 'might' get and 'might' cause harm.
These vaccines have many, many adverse reactions listed on them and I have heard so many stories from real-life friends, and online friends, of how those reactions were deadly and terrible.
It is therefore a very, very smart thing for each person or parent to weigh the risks vs benefits of a vaccine and NOT to take every single one of them that is being pushed on us.

In every singled vaccine that I have investigated, one by one, the risk of the vaccine side-effects outweighed the risk of harm from the illness.

The number of vaccines have risen incredibly that they want to inject in children, ever since the law passed that you can't sue a vaccine manufacturer no matter how negligent they were in making that product.

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