Triplets Regress into Autism ALL ON THE SAME DAY -- Genetics Could Not Do This! (VaxXed Story)
"We are living proof that they are all lying!"
"We were told it was genetic."
They were told by Geneticists there's no possible way that 3 children would shut off on the same day. That is absolutely STATISTICALLY IMPOSSIBLE - especially being 2 boys and 1 girl.

Brenda and David McDowell took 3 healthy, happy and engaged, 9-month-olds in for one single vaccine that day -- Pneumococcal.
By the end of that day, all of the children had changed and were never the same again. They all became severely autistic. The shot was at 10:00 am.
By noon, 2 hours later, Claire had completely shut off ... as if she was blind and deaf. She just stared at the ceiling.
At 2:00 pm, Richie shut off.
Before the end of the day, Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus ... he had a stunned look on his face
All the giggles, all the smiles, all the babbling stopped
all the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped
They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
At 2:00 pm, Richie shut off.
Before the end of the day, Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus ... he had a stunned look on his face
All the giggles, all the smiles, all the babbling stopped
all the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped
They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
Before the end of the day, Robbie looked like he was hit by a bus ... he had a stunned look on his face
All the giggles, all the smiles, all the babbling stopped
all the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped
They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
All the giggles, all the smiles, all the babbling stopped
all the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped
They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
all the furniture walking stopped; all their reflexes stopped
They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
They stopped blinking, yawning, sneezing
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.

What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
They never held hands again ... they never looked at each other again
Almost 5 years later they found out about the Vaccine Injury Court, but it was too late to apply.
They have spent hundreds of thousands of dollars trying to recover their children.
7 years after the shots, they found out that the Vaccine Lot was Contaminated. It was recalled for Sterilization issues a couple of weeks later, as it had already killed a 2-year-old, but that was hidden from the public.
What mainstream medicine tells us is that Autism is always genetic. They claim that it is not caused by the environment and most certainly not by vaccination. Yet, this case shows that they are clearly wrong. The geneticist they consulted, told them that this was an IMPOSSIBILITY if genetics were the cause. It is impossible for 3 different siblings to all regress suddenly into autism on the exact same day. Genetics don't operate that way,
I have heard so many personal accounts of a neurotypical and healthy child suddenly regressing into autism right after vaccinations, and the parents are consistently told that it was coincidence and there was no correlation to the vaccines.
Funny how vaccines are the leading cause of Coincidence Disorder!
PLEASE, Please Watch This 14-Minute Video Interview
.... or click here to watch the YouTube Interview
Thank you for sharing - so many stories like this... mine is one!!!!!!
I am so sorry to hear that ...
BUT I am glad that you found me here on Steemit and introduced yourself.
All the best,
Absolutely horrendous! I really feel for you and your family. We are not parents (yet) but this has been a topic of debate for my husband and I; my mind is definitely made up now.
However, this isn't my own family's story. I was breaking down one of the 'VaxXed Stories on the Road.'
I'm glad that this has helped you finalize your decision.
I am very happy with the decision that I made not to vaccinate my 3 children.
I am sorry, I was so tied up in it I hadn't thought! I hope all your children are happy and healthy :-)
I believe you. I try my best to educate the blind worshipers of medical science, they are deaf and dumb to not do the research outside their confirmation bias.
Vaccines do cause harm to people.
I'm tired of people and their cognitive dissonance that just because something about our science or government is bad, doesnt mean it is not true.
It is like people forget about Operation Paperclip and Operation mkultra had happened. Vaccines are dangerous. It is a fact. And with how much the Obama administration has been lying and using algorithms to censor the internet for opinions that counter their narratives, it wouldnt surprise me their are shills everywhere trying to silence people speaking up against this, among other things.
Thank-you Cassandra. Yes, there are so many, many, many people with the same or very similar stories of injury after vaccine... that I don't see how people can continue to ignore them as all coincidence. I believe them too.
Thanks for sharing. It is terribly heartbreaking.
The deniers will come out of their corners punching on this stuff. It's really odd, as if they think they have something to prove by denying the whole FDA+Big Pharma collusion includes vaccinations. Why should they care anyway? If their kids are immunized, then they're safe, right? Meh...
It's a scandal... but these kids can be helped. I hope they find their way to me or one of my colleagues.
Where are you located Alan? The couple said that they have spent over one hundred thousand dollars trying to help the 3 children, and only 1 has responded well. It's very sad. From what I've heard, many children will have success on a certain treatment, but then a few just won't improve that much at all -- each person is different in how they respond.
I'm in the UK, but I treat people from all over the world view Skype. It wouldn't cost $100,000 (it's about $200 to have an appointment with me) ...& if someone has clearly regressed after an obvious event like a vaccination, they will almost certainly respond to the treatment & improve...unless they have a severely compromised system...& even then there are support remedies that will help build their health back up to the point where the detox remedies can do their magic.
You need to read the new book Medical Medium by Anthony William.
Heard this was really good. Its on my list.
Here is a playlist on vaccines.
And a good channel about other victims of vaccines.
I feel so sorry for your family but thank you very much for sharing and spreading awareness about this issue.
Thank you...please also check out
Dear Brenda and David
Can't express how sorry I felt when reading your blog. Wish you all the strength you need.