"Run Towards The Roar" - What This African Proverb Means to this Mother of a Vaccine-Injured Child (VaxXed Stories)steemCreated with Sketch.

in #vaccines8 years ago (edited)

An old African teaching about fear. On the ancient savannas life pours forth in the form of teeming, feeding herds. Nearby, lions wait in anticipation of the hunt. They send the oldest and weakest member of the pride away from the hunting pack.

Having lost most of its teeth, ITS ROAR IS FAR GREATER THAN ITS ABILITY TO BITE.

The old one goes off and settles in the grass across from where the hungry lions wait.

As the herds enter the area between the hunting pack and the old lion begins to roar mightily. Upon hearing the fearful roar most of the herd turn and flee from the source of the fear.

They run wildly in the opposite direction. Of course, they run right to where the strongest lions of the group wait in the tall grass for dinner to arrive.

“RUN TOWARDS THE ROAR,” the old people used to tell the young ones.

When faced with great danger run towards the roaring, for there you will find some safety and a way through.

Sometimes the greatest safety comes from going to where the fear seems to originate. Amidst the roaring of the threatened and troubled world, surprising ways to begin it all again may wait to be found.


Those who seek security in a rapidly changing world run right into the teeth of one dilemma or another. It might be better to run towards the roar and learn what it means to live in a time of many endings. In the end the only genuine security can be found in taking the risks that the soul would take. For the old soul in the human psyche knows that the whole thing has hung by a thread all along.

Michael Meade Excerpted from The World Behind the World

An African Proverb -- RUN TOWARDS THE ROAR

... and how Brandon Guppy's mother relates it to his Vaccine Injury

PLEASE Watch This 22-minute Video Interview 
Skip to the 19-minute mark to hear her "Run Toward The Roar" Story


Her son is now 22-yrs-old and Autistic. He has lived with a host of health problems during his life, and those details are in the video if you want to listen to what the family has been through, including financial distress.

At the 19-minute mark in the video she talks about a book that she read, "RUNNING TOWARD THE ROAR."

This is what she says:

We have been taught to FEAR THE WRONG THINGS.

You must not fear that roar, you must run towards that roar and keep your child healthy.

Do all you can to support your child's immune system

DO NOT FEAR measles, chickenpox, the flu or anything else they are trying to vaccinate you with.

Once you run from the roar (fear of disease) -- what you have done is you've set your child up to retreat from the old Lion (childhood illnesses) to be killed by those Lionesses (vaccination).

That is exactly what I did with Brandon. I was conditioned to FEAR those diseases that are benign, normal, and fully recoverable in a healthy child ... only to be killed by the Lioness as I retreated.

I think about that EVERY DAY. If there was one decision that I could have done differently, it would be to NOT FEAR THOSE THINGS THAT THEY ARE CONDITIONING YOU TO FEAR.

Let's make this discussion be in THIS DAY, and THIS AGE!

Let's stop using statistics from Third-World Countries, and pictures of those children in Third-World countries. What they need is clean water and healthy food -- not vaccines!

So let's focus on this day and age, right here and right now. Who is dying from measles? Who is dying of chickenpox? Who is dying of the flu?

The media who has gone out and reported that mass hysteria -- I want them to come back and do follow-up stories on every one of those. Show me those people now who had the "dreaded" cases of measles. It's probably a high-school football kid who scored the winning touch-down three weeks later.

You can vaccinate your child to death.

... (end of analogy)

Part II of the VaxXed YouTube Interview with Brandon Guppy' Mother, can be found by CLICKING HERE.

These are older posts by @canadian-coconut showing proof that vaccines can cause autism.
MMR Vaccine Causes 700% Increase in Autism: Whistleblower Exposes CDC Study Fraud
Dr. Rachael Ross & Dr. Jim Sears FEATURED in VaxXed Movie. Both Convinced of CDC Autism FRAUD
“VACCINES Can and Do Cause AUTISM” Declares Criminal D.A. in Texas, Nico LaHood

ABOVE: Little girl giving the VaxXed Tour Bus a Big Hug, after her mom told her that all those names on the bus are people who were injured or died from vaccines.
I have posted about several of the stories collected by VaxXed Team. Please take the time to look at a few of them. It will open your eyes to the harm that vaccines are doing.

Learn More About VAXXED Here: "Into The Light" - A Short-Film Tribute to The VaxXed Movement by Forrest Maready

Visit My Blog For More Vaccine Injury Stories @canadian-coconut

Please Comment Below and Let's Have a Productive Conversation!

I know that this is a very controversial topic ...
but if you care about children as much as I care about children...
surely we can all be civil and help each other discover the best way forward for all our children and future generations.

Thanks! I appreciate it and the help get the word out there. All the best!

It was more for the purpose of standing up to be counted. I don't think that, online, getting the facts out has much purpose, as there is so much entrenchment and muddy water. The comment thread here shows this. I have just rewatched this video:

I think the points are more than valid here, but they do not give a solution. A brief summary of his point is that challenges to one's associative coherence naturally produce an emotional/irrational response, and unfortunately these days this response produces a label "conspiracy theory". This is easy to say, somewhat easy to spot, but what to do about it, I don't know.

I will look at your video.
Even if just a few people who are on-the-fence wake up because of my articles, then that is good news.
Also, the more often people hear something, I would think that the "cognitive dissonance" will eventually shift towards the possibility of there being something substantial to it.
I'm using the approach of not only posting research and science against vaccination,
but also posting real live stories from the person's own mouth. They won't have much impact if people don't watch the video interviews I include with the parents/victims; however, if they are on-the-fence and actually take the time to listen to personal accounts then I find it hard to think that many could still believe that these people are lying or delusional. When you listen to many of these VaxXed Interviews that I have posted here on Steemit, you really, really feel for the person and start to wonder if it isn't the establishment lying rather than the thousands and thousands of people who claim to have been injured by vaccines.

I appreciate your support in whatever form. I know it can get depressing to hear the same old lines over and over again, like "vaccines do not cause autism" ... and then those people close their ears. But some people do listen and learn.

Plus, if nothing else, these articles are support to those who have been silenced and bullied to know that they are not alone.
All the best!

You are very welcome. Just doing my small part in the fight to stop the injuries.

I appreciate your enthusiastic vote! Thanks.

Autism has absolutely nothing to do with vaccinations.

Really? She said that in some rare cases that vaccines do lead to autism. You did not hear her say that?

Actually not, your quoting would be wrong. She didn't say that. It'd be nice if you didn't put words in her mouth to try to prove your case.

There are many diseases and conditions that have symptoms similar to those of autism. That's why ASD was originally misdiagnosed so often.

So that just leaves us with the question of how rare it actually is. I have heard many, many stories from parents who have almost the same type of vaccine injury story as Hannah Polling who was awarded compensation in Vaccine Injury court because they agreed that her vaccinations caused her autism.

Yes, because legal courts are the pinnacle of medical competency.

Thousands of parents are speaking out with the same story

The same story of correlation is not causation.

These parents have been ridiculed and silenced and have suffered in silence. They need to be heard and believed and helped.

Only in America would you be more inclined to find a patsy to milk for cash instead of seeking medical help for your autistic children. Autism is not a new thing, it's been around quite a while, even before vaccinations were a thing, it was just a mental disorder or a mania among other. But now that it's known, and definitely expensive to treat in the US, you turn to the law and try to find someone to blame for it. How about a bit of socialism and a free health care system instead?

I won't stop speaking out about this just because some people say the same old line of "Vaccines Don't Cause Autism" and expect that to end the subject.

Well you are doing more harm than good that way.

The suffering has to stop.

Well, nope, autism isn't going anywhere whether you beat that drum or not. But I'm sure a whole lot of deadly but preventable diseases will come back flying after you lot stop vaccinating yourselves.

The head of the CDC said directly on national television (CNN) that vaccines can trigger "autism-like symptoms" in children with specific mitochondrial predispositions. Testing for these predispositions is still not done prior to vaccinations. When pressed for an answer as to whether "autism-like symptoms" and "autism" meant the same thing, the then head of the CDC refused to answer. Simply posting a one line, unsubstantiated claim does nothing for your argument or for this conversation.

I will google, since you didn't provide a link.


Ok, I Googled this up and I'm not convinced. It clearly looks like there's an opposition to vaccinations who know little to nothing of either vaccines nor autism. I could even make the statement that I as a layman know more about autism than most of the people who boycott and lobby against using vaccines. The arguments you guys are pushing don't convince me, at all. And to think neuropsychiatrists and other medical experts world wide are in on a conspiracy to "infect" people with autism or whatever boogeyman du-jour. I'm not buying it. Vaccines on the other hand are an old and proven invention, and they really really do work. That's the one thing anti-vaxxers never seem to get in their thick skulls. There are diseases there that are really bad, and since they can be prevented simply by teaching the body to defend itself, what could be dandier?

One other thing that I find stupid about your campaigns is that you claim there's a 700 % rise in autism cases. In case you didn't know, since autism has been around us longer than it has been diagnosed, it is no wonder that we are more accurate and not simply misdiagnosing it as schitsofrenia or bi-polar disorder or some other developmental disorder. Furthermore you must know that the full autism spectrum (ASD) is much more than just the apparent infantile autism you peeps are always going on about.

Simply the much quoted 8-fold increase in autism cases can be accredited to increased awareness, more precise diagnostic criteria and changes in practice for diagnosing autism. There's really nothing to indicate vaccinations cause autism.

Did you watch the video of the head of the CDC on CNN? Which part of that video, specifically, do you view as not linking certain vaccines to autism?

Look, I don't have time for arguing. I know the autism link has been debunked for the billionth time already. Could you please find some new conspiracy theories to chew on? This one particularly is lame.

Not an argument. I hope you have a nice new year. I am also done here. Peace.

More than "google-ing this up," you actually have to take the time and read the studies with some modicum of rigor and non-bias.

I found the link for you. I'm glad that you are digging further into this.
All the best!

Yes, watched that. The figures quoted in the video are bogus, and they can all be explained by people and doctors having better understanding over ASD and that misdiagnoses are being made less.

I didn't find anything damning about what she said on the video.

Really? She said that in some rare cases that vaccines do lead to autism. You did not hear her say that?

So that just leaves us with the question of how rare it actually is. I have heard many, many stories from parents who have almost the same type of vaccine injury story as Hannah Polling who was awarded compensation in Vaccine Injury court because they agreed that her vaccinations caused her autism.

Thousands of parents are speaking out with the same story -- and that is the awareness that I am spreading on Steemit. These parents have been ridiculed and silenced and have suffered in silence. They need to be heard and believed and helped.
I won't stop speaking out about this just because some people say the same old line of "Vaccines Don't Cause Autism" and expect that to end the subject.
The suffering has to stop.

Yes, very good. Your can find it on YouTube.

Yea I did. It was bogus, nothing she said could be interpreted as if she is a part of a conspiracy trying to kill you with autism.

When did I make that claim?

With all due respect, you are all over the place here. I asserted that she said vaccines can trigger "autism-like" symptoms and refused to explain what that meant, specifically. Is my claim erroneous? If so, how? No one (except you) here has said anything about a "conspiracy trying to kill you with autism." That is an absurd claim, and nobody has made it.

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