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RE: The Epidemic Rise in FOOD ALLERGIES -- And How They Knew 100 Years ago that Vaccination Could Cause This

in #vaccines8 years ago

I'm just going to take a potshot here, if you don't mind:

getting a life-threatening peanut allergy where you risk death everytime you eat out?

Where did you get the idea that that was a likely outcome?
What do you think of this article that calls the "peanut allergy epidemic" into question:

Which do you think takes more lives in developed countries ... measles or death from allergic anaphylaxis?

This question feels a tad disingenuous, because measles is very uncommon in western countries, precisely because of vaccines. Again, I'm not trying to refute the idea that food allergies are connected to vaccines (I've done no research on that question), I'm just trying to help you and others think more logically.


Okay ... I just read that abstract you linked to ... thank you for supplying that!
You seem to be right that I over-exaggerated the risk of death related to food allergies.
Your article says ...

Allan Colver believes that the increasing prescription of emergency prophylaxis to children fuels anxiety rather than saving lives
...the number of children with adrenaline (epinephrine) autoinjectors has greatly increased, and many children, parents, and teachers are anxious.

What jumped out at me is the part about the epi-pens (epinephrine). You may have seen in the news lately outrage over how the drug companies raised the price beyond affordability when it only costs less than $1 to produce. What I see is the pharmaceutical companies ONCE AGAIN using fear to SELL A PRODUCT -- first they profit off of your fear of once normal childhood illnesses like measles to see multiple doses and boosters of vaccines .... then when the vaccines give you a food allergy, they profit off an over-stated fear of death from food allergy.
Again, thank-you for that link, I really enjoyed learning something else new... it seems I never stop learning even after researching this for 13 years.
To conclude, no child or adult should have to suffer discomfort or pain their whole life from the simple act of eating normally nutritious food. My son's 12-yr-old friend found out recently he is sensitive to gluten, and he is in a lot of pain when he eats it, but the poor kid hates that he can't join us when we are eating. He eats is often anyways even though he regrets it later, because it's so hard not to take a piece of the birthday cake, etc. It is sad and this poor child is missing a lot of days of school due to stomach distress. I hate seeing him suffer.

What jumped out at me is the part about the epi-pens (epinephrine).

Yeah, the fear surrounding food allergies is a very interesting one to me. My brother has worked in emergency medicine for something like 10 years (first in an ambulance, and then in an emergency room in a regional trauma center hospital), and he told me he's never even once seen someone with a life-threatening allergic reaction to food. And yet we all believe that food allergies are common and extremely dangerous.

When I talk about food allergies, I'm including things like gluten sensitivities -- things that you eat and cause you pain or discomfort. Those things seem very common. But maybe "allergy" isn't quite the correct term? I'm going to have to look into this further.

Gluten sensitivity is a remnant of the time when we started using wheat as a source of food. Most of us have evolved to be able to congest gluten while there are still many individuals that haven't. Same goes for cow's milk.

As for cow's milk I have found that raw milk which is non homogenized and unpasteurized doesn't cause problems for most people. When I met my husband he told me he couldn't drink milk and indeed he would get these deep painful zits when he had it, and then I discovered raw milk which he has no problem with. You can make cheese with raw milk and 99% of the casein is digested by the bacteria and my husband can eat raw milk cheese no problem.

I really believe the problem isn't the foods that people used to eat for thousands of years and were healthy for us, but the problem is the way they have either changed the foods to be something they never were in the past ... or because we have damaged our bodies through things like vaccinations and our bodies can't handle it anymore

I did research a while back and found that gluten intolerance is triggered by mercury. A friend's was triggered when she had her mouth full of amalgams removed in Central America. The dentist did a poor job because she felt like she was going out of her mind for a few days afterward. You know, Mad as a Hatter? I gave her a bottle of coriander seed oil (by Activation Products) which detoxifies Mercury and her gluten intolerance improved a lot where now if she accidentally eats gluten it doesn't bother her.
And of course vaccines contain mercury so that's why it would help trigger gluten intolerance. And there is wheat in some vaccines. So both the mercury and the wheat combined in a vaccine would make it a double whammy.

This website links to a bunch of studies that indicate "food allergies" numbers in different countries. I am curious now though what their definition of a "food allergy" is.

Food allergies have become a major problem in "industrialized countries":
Australia: "1 in 20 Australian children suffers from a potentially fatal food allergy..." [2]
Canada: "...nearly 6 % of children suffer from food allergies..." [3]"...the Anaphylaxis Canada’s Summer 2001 newsletter states that “approximately 4% of children and 2% of adults have developed a potentially lethal allergy to food.”[4]
France: 4 to 8.5% of preschool children have food allergies [5]
Greece: 6% -8% of infants and young children have food allergies [6]
Italy: "An estimated 6 to 8% of the Italian population has food allergies." [7]
Japan: "about 10% of Japan’s population suffers from food allergies" [8]
Malaysia: "about 30% of young children are likely to develop allergic disorders in the first five years of life" [9]
Netherlands: about 4.8% of the population has food allergies [10]
South Africa: up to 6% of young children have food allergies [11]
Sweden: approximately 10% of children have food allergies [12]
USA: 6 to 8 percent of children 4 years of age or under have food allergies [13]
UK: 5-7% of infants have food allergies [14]

Ok ... from what I just found it seems that these researchers are including "sensitivities" and "hyper-sensitivities" when they talk about allergies ... so things like soy and wheat that would normally never kills someone.

People in developed countries were not dying of measles before mass measles vaccination started here. I'm 48 in Canada and the vaccine wasn't given in Canada yet when I was a kid. I had measles, mumps, rubella and chickenpox. People were not dying of it then. People weren't worried about it when I was a kid. My mom never took me or my 3 sibling to the doctor when we got measles. Yes, measles was common, but the death rate had dropped off to almost zero before the vaccine was introduced. Even today with the Measles "scare" in Disneyland, nobody died. So the fear is really hyped up just to sell a vaccine.
Think about the chickenpox vaccine -- in the USA and Canada where it is on the childhood schedule, the health info tells us that it is a dangerous disease. In countries like England and almost all the world where they don't give that vaccine, the health departments say that it is mild and normal and nothing to worry about.
Fears sells vaccines.
At any rate ... parents should be informed of the risk they trade off for to avoid measles, etc. I'm glad that I had measles for 1 week of my life, rather than having to watch what I eat EVERY DAY of my life -- even if the allergy doesn't kill but only brings discomfort or pain.
Thank-you for your comment and participating in discussion!

People in developed countries were not dying of measles before mass measles vaccination started here.

Maybe the CDC website isn't the best resource, but it at least partially disagrees with you:

In the decade before 1963 when a vaccine became available, nearly all children got measles by the time they were 15 years of age. It is estimated 3 to 4 million people in the United States were infected each year. Also each year an estimated 400 to 500 people died, 48,000 were hospitalized, and 4,000 suffered encephalitis (swelling of the brain) from measles. (Source)

Anyway, thanks for your reply. I think you can guess which side of the vaccination debate I'm on, but I'm interested in learning what more there is to learn.

I think you and cc are on the same side!

People might think the "sides" are anti or pro vaccine but I disagree: you have to want to impose your will on other people for us to need sides like anti or pro vaccine. Most people don't want that or can easily give that up, it is illegal and one has to use force or aggression to enforce it.

I think the much more effective way to pick "sides" is this: If you want to profit on vaccines at the expense of health then you might be on a side.

In other words, I really like your professional replies. I'm really happy to hear your perspective on the post. I think you and cc and myself are all on the same side. Yes the fraud in the CDC is a very big concern.

I'm going to give you some stats to put those deaths into perspective, and then link to the source ...

... only about 450 people died each year from it in the years before the vaccine.

... the % of people who died from measles of all of the measles cases back then. 0.015%. Suddenly, measles seems a little less scary doesn’t it? The CDC claims that around 1 or 2 out of a thousand people who get measles will die from measles. Their math doesn’t add up though. I guess they use the term “about” lightly.

... let’s compare measles death rates in 1963 to other death rates in 1963.
In 1963, there were about 450 deaths from measles. Meanwhile, about 12,000 people died from stomach ulcers and the likes. Just over 43,000 people died from car accidents in 1963. Over 700,000 people died from heart disease.
In 1963, you were more likely to be one of the 9200 people murdered that year than to die of measles. If you were born in 1963, you were more likely to die from a congenital disease than from measles. In 1963, it was about 46 times more likely for a child to die from a congenital malformation than for someone to die from the measles.
Frankly, in 1963, you were about 46 times more likely to kill yourself than you were to die from measles.

I will have to do a post about just measles soon. Hopefully we can discuss this more when I do that post.

Do you have a report about the 10 or so CDC scientists that signed a statement about the misrepresentation of data based on corporate interests? (for @biophil)

Thanks for mentioning that jamesc ... Here's a link to my article on the dozen brand new whistleblowers at the CDC ...

You are open to learn, that's all that matters. And you are polite, so thank-you.
I already posted how the number of measles deaths is a very, very small percentage when you look at the whole population.
If you want to take the time to go back and look at some of my older posts, you will see how I discuss the numbers of injuries and deaths from the vaccines themselves.
It's all about risk vs. benefit. From my studies, the risks of vaccines far outweigh the benefits. At one time, I went through each illness/disease and each vaccine, because it is possible that one or two vaccines could have a higher benefit than risk analysis. My conclusion was that none of vaccines had a higher benefit than the risk ratio. But each person must do their own research. I can't tell anyone what to do. Everything in life comes with some risk.

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