
Okay, i'll explain

  • (see circle number 1) it doesn't look like radio antenna, radio antenna should stand straight.
  • (see circle number 2) you use very thin line, now if you scaled it down you won't even notice the lines there.
  • You did not provide proof of work
  • You did not provide source of the font that you used.
  • did you readl the the rules for graphic category?

Since when is a radio antenna always straight?
First radio i found on google

Yes those lines might be small. But that is easyly editable. So i don't feel as that should be a reason.

The proof of work is in the original image. You can see that i first added the vinel record. Then i started to play with the antenna. And as the final thing i made it flow out of the logo.

The font is roboto (a free google font).

  • You can see in the radio image that you showed to me above, the antenna is straight (i know it is pointing to the side, but it is straight). now see your logo, is it straight?
  • Kindly check others contributor that got approved. and see how they provide their proof of work.
  • did you provide the font source in your contribution? No, you didn't

This is just silly. The hole logo is curved and you are telling me i should straighten the antenna? This is what i call artistic freedom.
If i need to look at others i need to say there are worse things approved.
The font can be downloaded from google itself. It is a free font. And i don't believe i have the right to redistribute it without written consent from google. But everyone can freely download it.

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