Abuse Series: Vote Farms

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

I work in IT and am quite used to life cycles. They have a start and a finish where completion happens. Everyone plays their role and it's a happy ending with a finished product at the end of the cycle.

Scammers also have a life cycle, but in this case, the ending is usually not happy and may continue via reincarnation.


Most of us joined Steemit to make money. That was the lure; we could write content and earn something.

Scammers also join for this reason. Some with illusions of grandeur that they will become wealthy and use the eco-system as a get rich scheme.

We all know that it's simply not going to happen but ‘they' will still try and milk the system using the least amount of effort required. Abuse using vote farms is a common example.

Vote Farms

To create a Steemit account, you need an email address and a valid mobile or cell phone number.

Creating a vote farm I imagine would take a great deal of effort. 400 Steemit accounts, with 400 emails and 400 cell phone numbers needs to be created by somebody. There are no ‘bulk creation' tools that I am aware of.

Each one would need to be logged on to and verified. How you can get that many independent cell phone numbers I really don't know. They know things that I don't.

All this work for a small vote?

It hardly seems worth it and yet we see these farms on a regular basis all upvoting each other's pitiful content in the hope that nobody notices and they can continue unabated.

Look at the number of votes vs the reward (below). If it looks like this then it merits investigation.


The accounts generally consist of the 15 delegated SP type and little else. Combined they form a vote of maybe $0.12 - $0.18 or so.

Content starts to appear from one of them which could be a photograph or a line of text but is usually very insubstantial.

A Working Example.

An example of a vote farm is the recent flags given to @rerycore. This person was noticed well over 2 weeks ago and warned, yet chose to not heed the warnings given and continued regardless.


He was happy to just capture the BTC/USD screens every day using little effort and a standard template like this one.


The rewards are not significant but if there are many of these farms doing the same thing, they can quickly add up and poach from the reward pool.


There are TWO accounts in this case with a $0.01 vote, the rest are $0.00 ones. Most of the time, vote farms are ALL $0.00 accounts.


What happens next is quite typical. The vote farm is exposed to @steemflagrewards via the ‘flags-needed' section and the Abuse Fighters/Collaborators are made aware.


The flags start to be applied and the rewards are removed usually to zero. @rerycore does have a little more in the form of rewards to come, but I will make sure they are all removed by day seven if nobody else does.

The Consequences of Tackling a Vote Farm

Vote Farms are ideal for Abuse Fighters with a small amount of SP (at least $0.03). They usually consist of many small accounts so their actions of retribution are negligible.

In this case, @rerycore has hit @steevc, me and some SFR members with some $0.01 flags but that is to be expected.

When caught, the abuser's that don't want to listen tend to try and go out in a 'Blaze of Glory' often while powering down. This happens frequently and can be read from a script, it's simply that predictable.


The good news is that this perpetrator in the farm has stopped posting and in @rerycore's case is powering down. For me, that is a win.

The poor work that he has contributed to the STEEM blockchain is no longer feasible to create. I wish him well on whatever he chooses to do next and I need to make it clear to him that it is nothing personal.


Vote Farms are relatively commonplace despite the effort it must take to create them. When one closes, another from the same pool may start up. It's an ongoing battle to deter these people (accounts) to stop doing it.

Talk about the phoenix rising repeatedly from the ashes but it's honestly more akin to a dirty bird full of oil flapping its wings and trying to rise up.

The effort of finding another thread from farms takes time and patience. We are very fortunate to have the SFR team to do this.

For smaller accounts, this kind of flagging is not going to really hurt the smaller SP Abuse Fighter so I would recommend it as a starting point.

SFR needs more flaggers and more delegation to help with the rewards for the flags. If you can help with either then please join our cause.


Abuse Series: Vote Farms is part of an ongoing series that I plan to write about abuse on the STEEM blockchain. The next one will be Abuse Series: Bid Bot Abuse.


Drooling Maniac.JPG

If you found this article so invigorating that you are now a positively googly-eyed, drooling lunatic with dripping saliva or even if you liked it just a bit, then please upvote, comment, resteem, engage me or all of these things.


Hi @slobberchops,

Glad to be able to review this post. Vote farming is a difficult problem to address especially when automation is used. Perhaps your post will help "plant a seed" for others to think of more creative ways to counter them possibly using their same tools such as Beem for example.
Appreciate that you outlined using @steemflagrewards. I am very proud to be part of that growingcommunity and the sense of camaraderie we have fostered when going up against abuse is great.

Anti-Abuse awareness posts like this are good for getting the right information into Steem collective consciousness to ensure a sustainable blockchain, sustainable rewards and to develop an attractive platform for investment AND blogging. I'm looking forward to reading your next on bid bot abuse and think it is a very important topic to discuss especially with those bots with zero oversight on post quality.

I would think I think I am able to recommend as a nice touch and also need to do this myself is to include a caption on your images pointing out the app that was used to generate them such as Steemworld or SteemPlus.

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I would think I think I am able to recommend as a nice touch and also need to do this myself is to include a caption on your images pointing out the app that was used to generate them such as Steemworld or SteemPlus.

Thanks @anthonyadavisii. I will bear this in mind for the next one. I was in a little rush to get this out before SF3 and did a little hasty editing, but it's not an excuse.

Thank you for your review, @anthonyadavisii! Keep up the good work!

Did my first official down vote today through SFR. I'm surprised how good it felt And it even gave the equal if I would have self-voted myself. Win/win!

Happy to be part of the movement!

Posted using Partiko Android

I noticed your presence and good to see you contributing. There's too much for the present members to handle and bigger guys like yourself can help a lot.

In answer to your question concerning how they could have 400 mobiles, I think it may be quite easy. Online there are sites offering temporary mobile numbers for receiving sms messages, the're often used to setting up fake facebook accounts. Sad, I know.

Thanks for the info. I figured there was a way, and yes.. it is sad that they even do this. The time taken to setup all his could be time used to create something.

so tho mobile number account creation pool is finite :) gasp

I see them distressingly often. Most that I see are smaller than your example but are commenting (almost always spam) and up voting their comments in hopes of hitting a few cents for their pool in the overall reward pool of a medium to large vote total.

I've had one guy engage with me this week. He thinks I have a bad attitude for flagging him. His 8 known shell accounts have stayed pretty silent.

@chops thanks for your second antiabuse post.
Its is pretty shocking that people somehow think we are hurting the platform when we take rewards from abusers and give it to legitimate accounts.
Hopefully this antiabuse initiative will change that and many more folks can become involved in cleaning up the trash.

It's a privilege to be on the team and I will hopefully do some more of these soon. I would rather the 'ill-placed' rewards go to the people who care.

If all the scamming stops 100%, then we can pack our bags, kick SFR into touch and start a new discord group named, 'Pipe and Slippers' which advocates sitting around fires smoking while discussing popular footwear for veterans.

The reward pool will be 100% clean and we can all smile contentedly and be blissfully happy.

I think we should start that group now. Even if we cant get it 100% clean we can already be thankful for what we have accomplished.
Its team/community effort and without the team/community we can do nothing.
There are only a few accounts that could clean with out any help and they dont do anything.

Enjoy steemfest and make sure you thank @elear and @lukestokes for the help if you run into them. Tell @steevc we all said hello.

I'm only very new to steemit but one would think even tho im only using this in the learning stages that having what you are saying couldnt be good. Ill keep a eye out for what you speak of and see if cant spot any for you.

Good to see you are reading this kind of material in your early stages. You really should do an #introduceyourself post with #introduceyourself as the main tag. I can see you haven't yet.

It may get you some attention and fans. Make it a good one detailed and it will kick start your blogging career.

@slobberchops. Thanks ill be getting there to do so shortly as with work and being so new ill take all the help i can. So im doing this inbetween work and life.. bit hard but thanks for the info and help all is appriciated..

@dunstuff. Ok ok ill get there

Why even do it if you never even reach the dust threshold and you don't get shit anyways?

You still makes it to the beneficiary list as of current policy.

No, I mean why be a scammer when your 400 votes don't even break the dust vote barrier of 3 cents

Oh, that guy's voting circle was worth about 0.18-0.20 a post. We just flagged it down a bit.

got it.

Hey, @slobberchops!

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Very interesting post. Thanks again for sharing this information. It's good to know that we can all do our part to help make Steemit a better place. I keep saying I need to dig into this more, but right now I just don't have the time. Maybe someday!

So how do you take on the big robbing abusers? The absolute greedy reward pool rapists with no intention of providing any value to the community, who simply want to line their own pockets with as much cash as they can?
My solution is to create yourselves a few 'virgin burner accounts', sim cards cost next to nothing and creating a new email is easy enough.
The aim would be annoyance and embarrassment. Tag SFW steemcleaners, whales and anyone who could make a difference. Spam their posts and comments until the RC runs out. The abuser will flag the account to hell but no problem, its just their own voting power they would be wasting.
Annoy them to hell and they wont know who is doing it.
Perhaps it might make them think twice or tone down their activity. Watch them and monitor and if they start it back up. Repeat the process.
Have a look at the basic rules of engagement from 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu. There is so much to be learned about taking on an enemy much bigger than yourself.
I think that this would work quite well.
Best wishes to you guys :-)

The aim would be annoyance and embarrassment. Tag SFW steemcleaners, whales and anyone who could make a difference. Spam their posts and comments until the RC runs out. The abuser will flag the account to hell but no problem, its just their own voting power they would be wasting.

I do like your idea, food for thought indeed! There are many bigger fish who we would not dare tackle as you say. Maybe I will read 'The Art of War' by Sun Tzu on the flight to Krakow.

By the way, going back a few months I let Stan and Marky mark know that they get all these accounts from buying them on sites like Microworkers etc for as little 20cents each. Not difficult! It does seem to have stopped there for now but I do keep my eyes open still.
Have a great trip and enjoy Steemfest. Looking at the pics from last night, I think you have about 23 beers to catch up with Shani and Steve ;-)

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