January 2018 New Steemit User Report – Blockchain Business Intelligence

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

WOW we left 2017 with a bang and we entered 2018 with an even bigger bang. Every month I look at some data on new users and all I can say for January 18 is WOW.

If you missed the December 17 report you can catch it here

You might remember from that report that we took the analysis a little further than before, well this month we had added more, and I hope over time to continue to improve this report. If you have any suggests on data re new users, please do leave a comment below.

Did you join Steemit in Jan 18? Then welcome to the platform. You might like to see how people are doing after 1 year on Steemit. Check out this post to find out more

December Overview


January Overview


January 18 saw 159,740 new accounts register on Steemit proving to be the biggest month so far for signups. It’s up 116% on December 2017. We can see from the table below the % change each month for the last few months.


In January 2017 only 6,739 new accounts registered on Steemit. Based on the same period last year this is a massive 1275% increase.

Almost 17% of new account holders have completed their about profile section, this is up on the 14.8% reported in December and is an indication of the quality of the user. If people are just browsing they are less likely to complete their about section.

The % of accounts with posts is 45.14%, and the % of accounts with 10+ post is 20.29%, up from 16.8% in December.


We can see from the pie chart above, 54.86% of new accounts have not yet posted. 9.8% have made one post and 5.2% has made two posts.

Below is a table of new users that registered in Jan 18 sorted by the vesting shares held. @z8teyb289qav9z is holding about 85K STEEM and this dude made a post about powering up.


Strange Activity

New to this report last month was to identify accounts where the activity appeared strange. Activity as in excessive posting. Again this month I have identified a number of accounts that have posted or commented more than 1000 times within their first month.


I must add that I have not checked the integrity of these accounts or posts, I struggle to get 1 data post done a day and I know from talking with writers, good form content can take a number of hours to write and post.


Jan 18 saw the biggest increase in the number of new users on Steemit. There could be a number of factors involved in this

  1. the price of STEEM peaked in Jan 18
  2. the price of SBD remained high in Jan 18
  3. Cryptocurrency in general is becoming more popular
  4. there are now more people than ever promoting the steemit platform on social media such as Youtube and Twitter.

If the number of new accounts remains consistent for 2018, so at about 150K per month, within 7 months we will have 1m new users. With a retention rate of lets say 10%, within 12 months we would see a total active user base of 250K people.

Datasource and queries

I connected to Steemsql held and managed by @arcange using Power BI
The sql query used was for December

 Select *
 FROM Accounts (NOLOCK)
  ( created >= CONVERT(datetime,'01/01/2018')
 AND created< CONVERT(datetime,'02/01/2018')

After collecting the data I then use DAX (Data Analysis Expressions) to carry out calculations on the data, and the results are presented in the visualizations above.

I am part of a Blockchain Business Intelligence community. We all post under the tag #BlockchainBI. If you have an analysis you would like carried out on Steemit or Blockchain data, please do contact me or any of the #BlockchainBI team and we will do our best to help you...

You can find #BlockchainBI on discord https://discordapp.com/invite/JN7Yv7j

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Great to see actual numbers and analysis on the growth in the Steemit community! I'm one of the new January 2018 Steemit users (requested to join January 11, got approved a week later) so I can perhaps share my own insights here. I think there are several factors that influenced me to join. One, of course, is the general "crypto-craze" surrounding anything involving cryptocurrencies. Another is the fact that I was looking for a new blogging platform (I was using WordPress, Medium, etc.) and Steemit appealed to me because I could get paid (!!!). And, finally, over the winter holiday break, I came across articles in the U.S. media that mentioned Steemit, and was curious to see what it was all about... It's been a great ride so far, hope for more exciting times ahead!

welcome to steemit and thank you for sharing your insights. its interesting to hear how you arrived with us

This is some data I've been searching for weeks now! Because everybody is talking about a strong rise of new members but I wanted to see some real numbers. Unfortunately the search function here on steemit is a bit trashy in my opinion. Or maybe I'm just too stupid to use it properly.
I'm glad I found you and I will share your post within my group DTubeDaily. I'm sure there will be a lot of people interested in your results.
And by the way I've already made more then 500 posts in less than 4 weeks and this while having a full time job. So, I believe if you invest enough time into this platform 1,000+ posts within a month shouldn't be a problem for some people. But I guess there will be some spammers in your list although I also haven't checked them all.
Of course there are a lot of voting bots and @steemladder is known for it's welcoming posts at nearly every introduction post I see. And @captainbob is definitely no spammer! He's a part of our group and simply interacting with a lot of people.

I had a look at some of your comments, and I have to say, they are not junk or one liners either. Well done you. This is awesome curation work you are doing.

Oh well, thank you for taking the time looking up some of my comments. I'm not interested in posting things like "Good post" or "Welcome". I'm only interacting with people I'm really interested in and people who are posting quality content. If I was into trash posting I could do so on other social media platforms^^

Good curators are hard to come by. You will do very well here on steemit I think

Sadly some spammers are getting way to smart. They are copying/modifying existing comments to try and avoided getting caught/detected. One just got cough and called out so they just edit the comment…

As someone who can spend a fair bit of time on writing comments I don’t even understand some of those numbers these “new” people are putting out.

These reports are always so amazing I am looking into wanting to make a couple myself for a small group. I noticed steemsql is no longer free so if you have any insights on where else I can look I would appreciate that!

I’m mostly just looking to mess around a little bit nothing major. As such its great you include how you went about getting this information. As I am a complete noob when it comes to that short of thing.

hi and thanks for your comments and compliments. There are other data sources but it depends on your skills https://steemd.com/ and https://steemdb.com/ are always good and then there are also some nodes with access too

Hi @paulag, could you change the repository to steemit/steem? Thanks!

boom... BOom.... BOOM !!

we are where it's at !! these Weiss ratings are some awesome sauce too!

Peace (-:

BOOM is right....we have lift off...... looking forward to seeing feb data already

Hi @paulag thank you for informative posted, Many of information steemit growth I got from your article, wish you as well always and steem on forever.

much love from Aceh,Indonesia. Restemeed !

thank you very much

Thanks for the insights..this will help so many people like me..

That's great stats. Thank you for sharing your valuable analysis.

Hi - thanks for the analysis.

It's odd that the weekend is the time when there's the fewest new users and Monday has the highest - is this possibly because of a data collection delay based on time-zone differences?

Also, could you re-center the map so as cut out the southern oceans and to include Britain (God save the Queen and all that!)

I don't know how the new account approval process works, but if there are some manual steps involved then also STINC working days might play a role.

Being Irish I am not interested in saving the queen :-) sorry to let you down on that one.

Keep in mind, jan of 18 contained 3 Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays

Oh OK, It's weekly averages: fair enough then.

Neither am I, the institution at least, nothing against Lizzie the person.

Very information and useful report about New Steemit Users.
It very much supports that Steemit is thriving platform primed for huuge growth!

Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.17
TRX 0.15
JST 0.028
BTC 60336.09
ETH 2333.36
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.53