
funny how the top name has changed and no one has even you

Nearly 2%, for 38 posts, and 50-70% of each post is just some copy pasted cult leader drivel. It's gross and he's duping people.

It was the first thing I noticed too... and had only come across him this week when I saw a ton of responses to a 'Why Bitcoin will fail' video, which did nothing but show that he doesn't understand Bitcoin.

Surely he's not getting any actual native upvotes though... his content is terrible.

The other day many of the posts on trending were his. Lets face it, accounts my size cant do anything, and the money is not in his hands but that of the bot owners

Posted using Partiko Android

Exactly... you have to wonder if he's actually operating at a loss... surely by placing such large bids on bots he'd absolutely massacre his ROI and anyone else in that bid window.

I just recently starting seeing his posts and they seem interesting. I like that he asks to support those commenting on his posts but I have never seen them being worth so much... how is that happening? Excuse my ignorance but want to have the perspective...

Posted using Partiko iOS

He buys votes to fake popularity. We only need 49 more con artists like him to destroy the place permanently.

I wonder how sustainable it is to buy that many votes which do not necessarily provide profit?

I guess with a no loss no gain the intention is to grow followers and autovotes till he is earning enough not to have to use bots. Its very jerry banfield, but at least with jerry he brought a wave of nrw users

Posted using Partiko Android

Anyone can pay for bidbots

Posted using Partiko Android

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