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RE: Towards a reputation system suitable for SteemSTEM

in #utopian-io6 years ago

The engagement metric rewards replying, period. I haven't looked specifically at #steemstem replies, but your top three accounts for enagement are:

1 erh.germany 2.886
2 agmoore 2.76
3 steemit-italia 2.623

The first two seem legitimately engaged. Half of the third account's replies are boilerplate:


Hai appena ricevuto il voto del trail di @steemit-italia

This seems like a poor thing to reward in a reputation score. (Particularly since you weight towards longer responses.) I would suggest looking at:

  1. Does anybody reply to the comment? Do they upvote it? Bonus points if it's the original author?
  2. Is the comment unique, or the same comment on many posts?
  3. Are they engaging with a broad spectrum of writers or just the same writer over and over?

Of course, all these can be gamed too.


What you suggest is a much more complex thing. I wouldn't mind though to have a program capable of doing it. On the other hand, it raises the question in me whether I would like to be the results revealed to the public. When it's simple statistics, I am fine with it. But when I feel like I am under a more sophisticated microscope I get uneasy... hmm... but then - If I would suck by this criteria, I wouldn't be listed anyway.

If I am in favor with a particular author and encounter his content more than that of others, am I than a bad community member? ;-)

Well, it would seem a little odd to claim you were a highly-regarded member of the #steemstem community if you were just specifically a @lemouth fan. :)

I agree.
But as far as I know the community, almost nobody would behave in that way to comment only on one author. Without having the numbers of evidence I dare to make this assumption:)

We manually removed all real bots, but steemit-italia looks like being half a bot (which is why we left it there). We definitely need to improve the engagement metric (at a reasonable cost).

Concerning your suggestions, thanks a lot! They are good and I like them. I don't know what will be part of the next version, but some of them may (I have to think further about the how to do what in practice).

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