🎼 Coco - El Latido de mi Corazón (Cover Violín)🎻 por @kkarenmp

in #utopian-io6 years ago

El latido de mi corazón fue escrita para la última escena de la película. La letra de esta canción nos habla de llenar nuestro corazón de orgullo por la familia que tenemos, de dónde venimos y las personas a las que estamos ligados. Nos habla de esta conexión entre las generaciones: entre la Tierra de los Vivos y la Tierra de los Muertos. Nuestros pensamientos, los recuerdos que guardamos en nuestro corazón hacen posible que nuestros seres queridos estén siempre con nosotros.

COCO cuenta la historia de Miguel, un niño de 12 años de edad que sueña con convertirse en un músico consagrado, como su ídolo fallecido Ernesto de la Cruz, a pesar de la prohibición de música que impera en su familia. Miguel lleva la música en su ADN. Una de mis peliculas favoritas y que trae un mensaje hermoso, no diré mas nada para el que aún no la ha visto pues la vaya a ver no se arrepentiran.

Sin más nada que decir espero disfruten de este gradioso tema y sea de su agrado y yrecuerden si les gusta denme su voto o un comentario .


The beat of my heart was written for the last scene of the movie. The lyrics of this song tell us to fill our hearts with pride for the family we have, where we come from and the people to whom we are linked. It tells us about this connection between the generations: between the Land of the Living and the Land of the Dead. Our thoughts, the memories that we keep in our hearts make it possible for our loved ones to always be with us.

COCO tells the story of Miguel, a 12-year-old boy who dreams of becoming a consecrated musician, like his deceased idol Ernesto de la Cruz, despite the ban on music that reigns in his family. Miguel carries the music in his DNA. One of my favorite movies and that brings a beautiful message, I will not say anything else for those who have not yet seen it because I will see it they will not regret it.

Without more to say, I hope you enjoy this great topic and be happy and remember if you like give me your vote or a comment.


Aquí está el enlace de YouTube del Cover / Here is a YouTube link:

Cover realizado por:


Gracias por venir. Te invito a que vayas a mis entradas anteriores donde realizo Cover de Temas, aquí están

Simón Díaz - Caballo Viejo (Cover Violin)
Venezuela (Cover Violin)
Rincon Morales - Orinoco (Cover Violin)

Thanks for coming. I invite you to go to my previous posts where I do Cover of Themes, here they are



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Hello @kkarenmp, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!

Thank you very much for the support, I would like to know what you are saying that I was granted because it is that I do not speak much English and it is difficult for me to translate what you say. Thanks greetings

Hi Karen, CreativeCrypto said they like your post and will look for your posts again.

Very nice cover with Your violin... AND...

Happy Birthday !!

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