SteemTool v0.0.9 - Sending Money to Multiple Addresses!

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)


SteemTools is a Chrome Extension that aims to provide useful tools and data for SteemIt Users.


Previous Contributions

Technology Stack

Javascript that runs in the Chrome Browser (Chrome Extension)

Chrome Webstore

It is online, and you can install SteemTools via:

If you are using Firefox, you can still install this Extension by Chrome Extension Foxified.

New Features of SteemTools v0.0.9

Commit here. This version has the wallet tab that allows you to send money easily to multiple addresses at the same time.

Wallet Tab


Click Send requires a confirmation.


You need to configure you Steem ID and Private Active Key if you want to use this feature!

PS: Your Keys are only stored locally in your Chrome browser!

Steem-Js Sending Money

if (confirm("Send " + amount.toFixed(3) + " " + unit + " to " + addresses.join(',') + " with MEMO=" + memo + "?")) {
    let active_key = $("input#posting_key").val().trim();                              
    for (let i = 0; i < count; ++ i) {
        let who = addresses[i].trim().replace('@', '');
        if (who.length > 0) {
            logit($('textarea#console_wallet'), "Sending " + amount.toFixed(3) + " " + unit + " to @" + who + "...");
            steem.api.setOptions({ url: $("select#nodes").val() });
            steem.broadcast.transfer(active_key, from_user, who, amount + " " + unit, memo, function(err, result) {
                if (err) {
                    logit($('textarea#console_wallet'), err);
                } else {
                    logit($('textarea#console_wallet'), amount.toFixed(3) + " " + unit + " sent from @" + from_user + " to @" + who);

Roadmap of Steem Tools



Contribution Welcome


  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request.

Chrome Webstore

Install the SteemTools Chrome Extension Now!

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Wow this is will take off the stress of sending money one after the other. Thanks for this idea



Thanks for creating the tool that help people delegate power to each other, you are amazing, I will upvote you as a witness. ☺

Thank you very much.


Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.

Please put in more work into one of your contribution.

I will Highly recommend you to do so.

You can contact us on Discord.


Thanks. I believe I have already done so. I usually spend 2 to 3 hours working on new features, debugging and testing. Compared to other accepted contributions, I believe mine is above average.

Yes I know but we expect more quality into one Development contribution.

I appreciate your work and expect more quality work from you in future contributions.

Hey @justyy I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!


  • WOW WOW WOW People loved what you did here. GREAT JOB!
  • Seems like you contribute quite often. AMAZING!

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