Simple Shopping Cart Using Vue.js and Materialize - 2

in #utopian-io6 years ago


What Will I Learn

In this tutorial we will build a simple shopping cart using Vue.js and MaterializeCSS framework.

This is the second tutorial in this series, you can find the link to the first tutorial at the end of this post.

For an introduction to Vue.js and its' installation check out the first tutorial.

In the first post for this series we installed vue and vuex , we also built the navbar and productlist component.

In this tutorial we will cover the following

  • Building Components (cont'd)
  • State Management (cont'd)

We will add a new component shoppingcart.

Our cart component makes use of data from our store.js to modify its' behavior whenever any event is emitted.


  • You need to have to have the latest version of NodeJS and NPM installed. Refer to the first tutorial of this series for a link to the official guide.

  • You need to have Vue installed, the Vue installation process was covered in the first tutorial

  • Code Editor



Tutorial Contents

Building Components(cont'd)

In the last tutorial we setup our navbar and productlist components.

We also created our store.js file to manage state and hold information about our products which we can export for use in other modules.

In this tutorial we will create a shoppingcart component, we will also work on our store.js file to include more features for our store

Shopping Cart

To create a our new component, go to the src directory in your project folder and create a new file shoppingcart.vue

Code for our Shopping Cart Component


<div  id="shopping-cart">


<div  class="card">

<div  class="card-action">

<a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn blue">Cart<span  class="badge red">{{ cartLength }}</span></a>




<table  v-for="(item, index) in  cart">


<td  class="center-align center">{{ }}</td>

<td  class="center-align center">{{ '$'  +  item.price }}</td>

<td  class="center-align center">

<a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn red"  @click="removeFromCart(index)"  style="padding-top: 5px;"><IosCloseIcon  w="20"  h="20"  /></a>







<th>{{ '$'  +  total }}</th>




<div  class="card">

<div  class="card-action">

<a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn blue darken-2">Checkout</a>








import  IosCloseIcon  from  '../node_modules/vue-ionicons/dist/ios-close.vue'


export  default {

name:  'shoppingcart',

computed: {

inCart() { return  this.$store.getters.inCart; },

cartLength(){ return  this.inCart.length; },


return  this.$ => {

return  this.$store.getters.products.find((itemForSale) => {

return  cartproduct  ===;





return  this.cart.reduce((acc, cur) =>  acc  +  cur.price, 0);



components: {



methods: {

removeFromCart(index) {

this.$store.dispatch('removeFromCart', index)








table {

width: 320px;


tr {

width: 300px;


td {

width: 90px;

margin: auto;

padding: 2px;





  • For the <template></template> tag, we create a new <div id="shopping-cart"></div>.

  • To display the shopping cart header we add a new card using the tag <div class="card"></div>

  • Inside the card we have

<div  class="card-action">
<a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn blue">Cart<span  class="badge red">{{ cartLength }}</span></a>
  • The above code creates a card footer with the <div class="card-action"></div> tag

  • Inside the card footer we have a button with a badge that will output the number of products presently in the shopping cart.

<a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn blue">Cart<span  class="badge red">{{ cartLength }}</span></a>
  • We bind {{ cartLength }} to the badge, cartLength is a computed property that will return the number of products in cart.

  • To output the contents of our cart we create a new table

    <table v-for="(item, index) in cart"></table>

  • We use the v-for directive to bind data to this table. v-for="(item, index) in cart" implies that for every item in the cart object some code should be executed.

  • cart() is a computed property which returns data from our store

  • Our table contains one row

    <td  class="center-align center">{{ }}</td>
    <td  class="center-align center">{{ '$'  +  item.price }}</td>
    <td  class="center-align center">
    <a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn red"  @click="removeFromCart(index)"  style="padding-top: 5px;"><IosCloseIcon  w="20"  h="20"  /></a>
  • <tr></tr> creates a new table row

  • For the contents of our row we have the first tag <td class="center-align center">{{ }}</td>

  • We bind the data {{ }} to the first column. will be fetched from our computed cart() property and it will return the name of the product being added to the cart.

  • The second column contains <td class="center-align center">{{ '$' + item.price }}</td>

  • In the second column we bind the data {{ '$' + item.price }} . item.price will be fetched from our computed cart() property and it will return the price of the product being added to the cart.

  • The following are the contents of the third column

<td  class="center-align center">
    <a  class="waves-effect waves-light btn red"  @click="removeFromCart(index)"  style="padding-top: 5px;"><IosCloseIcon  w="20"  h="20"  /></a>
  • In the third column we have a icon button with a @click event listener , whenever the button it fires the removeFromCart(index) method.

  • To render our shoppingcart in the root component, we need to do the following in our App.vue file

  • The cart is displayed on a row alongside the productlist, the code for displaying the cart in App.vue

<div  class="row"  style="margin-top: 100px;">

<div  class="col l9">

<productlist  v-for="product  in  products"  :key=""  :id=""  :name=""  :image="product.image"  :price="product.price"  />


<div  class="col l3">

<shoppingcart  />


  • The cart is outputted in the second column using <shoppingcart /> tag.

  • We import the component using the following statement

import  shoppingcart  from  './shoppingcart.vue';
  • We also register the component using
components: {

// other code 



If we view our app now the component will be added as shown below

  • For the <script></script> tag we get the component module ready for export by using the export default {} statement.

  • We register a name for our component using the name: option.

  • We then add a computed property with the following options

computed: {
    inCart() { return  this.$store.getters.inCart; },
    cartLength(){ return  this.inCart.length; },
    return  this.$ => {
    return  this.$store.getters.products.find((itemForSale) => {
    return  cartproduct  ===;
    return  this.cart.reduce((acc, cur) =>  acc  +  cur.price, 0);
  • The first computed data inCart() will return data stored in the inCart array in our store.js file.
    return  this.$store.getters.inCart;
  • The above statement will return data gotten from the inCart array by the getters in our store.js file.

  • The second computed data cartLength() will return the length of the inCart array which is also the number of products in the cart.

  • In our store.js the following code will handle the request to pass data from the inCart array in our store to the shoppingcart component.

getters: {

// other code here
inCart:  state  =>  state.inCart

  • The third computed data cart() will return the products presently in the cart on their way to be checked out.
return  this.$ => {
    return  this.$store.getters.products.find((itemForSale) => {
    return  cartproduct  ===;

The above code will loop through the inCart array, compare it with the products array and return the product from inCartthat matches the id of a product in the products array

  • We also add one function under the methods option
methods: {
    removeFromCart(index) {
    this.$store.dispatch('removeFromCart', index)

Whenever the method removeFromCart(index) is fired the following code is executed

this.$store.dispatch('removeFromCart', index)
  • The above code dispatches an action to our store. To define the action in our store, add the following code to store.js
actions: {

// other code

removeFromCart(context, index) {

context.commit('REMOVE_FROM_CART', index);


  • Whenever the removeFromCart action dispatches, it will commit the action to the mutation REMOVE_FROM_CART

  • The mutation for our removeFromCart action

mutations: {
// other code

REMOVE_FROM_CART(state, index) {state.inCart.splice(index, 1)}

  • If we save the file now and click on the ADD TO CART button in the product liss component our products will be added to the cart as shown in the picture below

  • If we click on the red button appearing alongside all products in the cart, the product inline with the button will be removed from the cart.


  1. Simple Shopping Cart using Vuejs and MaterializeCSS - 1

  2. Building a Landing Page with MaterializeCSS - 2

  3. Building a Landing Page with MaterializCSS - 1

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