We need the "Developers tab/link" on Steemit! An incredible feature to help people connect with Developers to contribute for the growth of the Blockchain

in #utopian-io7 years ago (edited)

Here is my new idea of adding "Developers tab/link" on the frond-end of Steemit.

I believe that the easiest we can connect people (and their ideas, suggestions for the growth of the platform), with developers, the faster and more exponential growth we can experience. So, if we make it more obvious and easy for anyone to reach developers via the platform, will make communication fast, and great ideas will be taken to them, instead of being stored on people minds. This connection can bring a huge effect on were developers can focus their time and knowledge.

We know developers are very smart people that know what to do with coding, programming and developing. They are solution makers. If we bring intelligent ideas and they take a moment to see them, things can turn really interesting.

Connect Smart Ideas with Developers Utopian Steem Steemit.jpg

The world is full of creative people, and many on different parts of the world are not able to express their creativity, because they can't find an adecuate job to do it, or because that is not well payed on their region, or perhaps because that is not even used yet on their side of the world. So when these people learn that they can contribute to the steemit community, and that they can begin earning rewards from the first day they start, most probably they won't believe it, and as they don't understand it at the begining, some decide to go away. So if we have important links/tabs at the top of the front-page (that are self understandable), and that will show them the power of the platform in one page/post, and help them understand the vision of its creators, I have a strong believe they will definitely would like to stay and give it a try.

I think that having the "Developers Link" at the top in the front-end of steemit, where people will see it, and when they click on it, they will go to a post/page (were they will see the different developers involved and what each of them have created and are actually developing, as well as learning the most important things about steemit) that will help them be a step closer to get started to contribute with great value.

Here are 2 possible locations for the "Developers Link". I created a rough design, however, it should to be designed according the steemit style.

Steemit and Steem Blockchain Developers Link - Locations.png

This can be an interesting capturing element, to make this people want to learn more, and come to steemit to also learn about crypto, and thus start spreading the word on steemit, making an enourmouos communication effect, speaking and blogging about Steemit on the other media platforms they are already using.

Steemit and Steem Blockchain Developers Link - Explanation.png

When people click on the "Developers Link", they can be taken to a page/post, were the following is covered (This can be done with a few videos and written content explaining):

1- Would you like to connect with a developers to explain a great idea you have for the platform?
2- What is steem and steemit (for potential users)
3- What is steemit (for potential users)
4- What is Utopian-io, who can contribute on it, how to use it
[For this one we can use the great introduction that "aggroed" created: https://steemit.com/utopian-io/@aggroed/utopian-io-tutorial]
5- How you earn rewards on utopian-io and steemit
6- How you can convert steem or sbd rewards into bitcoin, ethereum and litecoin or other crypto, and finally into fiat
7- Any other important features that will help people learn this is true, and that to get the real impression that the steem blockchain and steemit are an open and very helpful community, whose aim is to enpower people, return the control to them, leaving banks and governments on the side.

Note on item #4: It is important to make people learn about Utopian-io too, due to the reason Utopian-io is a disruptive way of making creative people help the whole steem ecosystem grow. It will act as another motivator for people to want to start on steemit, in order to submit their first contribution. At the time they can publish their first contribution and are finally rewarded, they will definitely see how this works, and will spread the word without a doubt.

The 2 main reasons for creating the "Developers Link" are:

Reason 1:
It will attract potential creative users that have smart ideas, and enjoy to look for ways to improve things, that look to help everyones life easier, that are simply always thinking of new ways to make things better. By having the possibility to directly connect with developers, they will be one step closer to make their idea true, once they speak with the developers about it, and they both agree its a great idea. Or perhaps that idea even brings other better ideas that can turn into great solutions.

Reason 2:
The steemit platform is a powerfull machine, so showing the "Developers Link" on its front-end, will give the platform another self understanding feature, that will finally help increase the number of potential users, people/visitors that get its attention and want to sign up. If we present people with more reasons to stay, I think we are closer to achieve massive growth.

Adding this feature of the "Developers Link" will act as another capturing element, to have new users signup on steemit, and start learning more on crypto, and thus steem, the steemit platform, and utopian-io will turn into important drivers of making the whole cryptocurrency world go mainstream.

Hope this idea is interesting for you as it is for me. And as always, your suggestions, thoughts, comments are welcome, to enrich the idea, and even get new ideas to make steem and steemit a better place every day.

What are your thoughts on this steemians/utopians?


Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


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