Let's relive the History. Crowdmind based project. I'm looking for partners

in #utopian-io6 years ago




As the concept is already proven to successful and viable, our main focus should be to release the MVP as soon as possible and get feedback from the users.

In order to achieve that, I suggest relying on the existing "infrastructure" and freely available code.

What we have is relatively simple:

  • we need a map
  • placemarks will mark the events
  • there will be different types/classes of marks
  • every mark will contain the following attributes: location, type of the event (battle, politics...) and time when it occurred
  • it should be possible to filter the content according to types/classes
  • placemarks/events should be linked with Steemit posts, just like on https://www.steemitworldmap.com/ (link to their GitHub)

And that's the core. To test the project - it will be enough.

Now, the question is, from where to start? It depends of you, whatever you prefer, I'm happy. But here is the suggestion

Bonus point, this should be as much user-friendly as possible.

  • connect via FB and claim some generic name would be nice to have
  • direct post writing without moving to Steemit is also encouraged

Proposal Description

Up to date, it was very difficult to preserve the knowledge about past events.
One generation can remember, children and grandchildren will listen the same stories over and over again, and after several decades, the whole context will be lost.

Something will survive in the form of books, but even for WWII, the amount of the original sources is actually very, very low.

Now we have a tool, tool never seen before.

It will be a map, to which all the participants will be able to contribute.
It will be interactive, easy to operate with, without any need to read tons of dusty books and archives.
And it will foster the power of crowdmind.

Mockups / Examples

Let's first start with the project that recorded basically the whole Syrian war: https://liveuamap.com/

Screenshot from the website https://syria.liveuamap.com/

This is the perfect example of the idea. There are clickable placemarks and the very nice and discrete feed section:

Screenshot from the website https://syria.liveuamap.com/

Nothing to add, nothing to remove. It would be convenient to have the time span as the filter rather than individual days (a slider or a calendar would be a nice feature). And it would be also nice to have a filter to mark the specific type of events (battles for example).

The second example is probably well known among Steemit users, and it's https://www.steemitworldmap.com/

Screenshot from the website: https://www.steemitworldmap.com/

What you can see in this example is how the placemark is added.
The user clicks on "code", puts the placemark, ads the description, in our case the addition of date (calendar + the radio button sure/not-sure) and category (checkboxes).
The code is then placed in Steemit post et voila!

Now you are probably wondering - who cares?

There is a YouTube channel, called The Great War with 1 million subscribers. The show lasted for 4 years and it will continue. The concept was to get the news from the frontlines every week, 100 years after.

Do people love maps?

Yes, they do!

For example, there is an animated map of the war in Yugoslavia. That video has 1 million views. That number is incredible, keeping in mind that the whole population of Yugoslavia is roughly 25 million.
People like to visually see and learn some historical lessons.

Or... The European history, year by year, 5.2 M views:

Music is... Well, I turned off the speakers...

What about crowdmind? Do people care to talk?

According to the examples I know from Yugoslavia - yes.

Croatian side was the most active in collecting the stories, all in a single place and in a suitable format.

Battle of Vukovar lasted for 3 months, on the battlefield that was 10 x 10 km.
No there is video footage with those who participated that consists of 30 episodes?! It was released in 2008, 17 years after the events and they were able to film the whole day of material. People are willing to share... If you ask them to do so.


Recently, I found the link to the repository of old French newspapers, named Galicia.

And what I've found there was amazing. For example, I've found the stories about the Serbian born pilot, who became the French flying ace. Besides having interests in military history and spending time hanging out on aviation forums, I've never heard a single word about him.

Then I was wondering, is there something about WWI in Serbia (in French, Swiss and Montenegro newspapers).
I was especially interested in autumn/winter 1915, when the Serbian army was finally defeated and forced to retreat via Albanian mountains.

To my surprise, it's possible to reconstruct the events with 10 km and 1 day precision!?
100 years later, from the newspapers!?

I wrote 3 posts already, covering the events from October 1915 Part I, Part II. I wanted to see how tough it was. I wanted to find out the answer if France was able to save us or not. I wanted to understand more deeply the sacrifice at Mojkovac.

So there are three major goals why this project should be supported:

  • this is our weapon against the historical revisionism. Revisionism is dangerous. People from my country know exactly now dangerous
  • we have a tool to preserve the memories, and we should do this for the humanity, for the future generations
  • last but not least, Steemit is declining. Declining sharply

You can't just call the people to "blog about something" and "earn money".

You need to give them the topics, and you need to give them some meaning.
Money itself is not a meaning. About 99% of the people who are using the internet are consumers, not producers.

We need to give something to the world, a product that is worth working on.
And this is the chance to do something and try to turn the tide.

Otherwise, we are all going to end up with thousands of coins worth nothing - because we produced nothing. Nothing but disappointment and resentment for thousands of users who came and quit too quickly.

Many thanks to those who understand this. I don't need to advertise those communities, every Steemian knows.

If you want to contribute, leave me a comment

GitHub Account

This is my GitHub: https://github.com/alexs1320
And you have two more examples: https://github.com/liveuamap/liveuamap


Thanks for the task request, @alexs1320! It's a very cool idea and I hope you find people who can help you with it!

Unfortunately I can't really give this a positive score, so it means it won't get upvoted by @utopian-io. I am sure you don't mind that since you just want to find contributors, but I'll explain why anyway:

  • Task requests are currently meant for project owners seeking contributions to their project - you've linked two projects that aren't yours. One thing you could do is fork one of the projects and start creating specific task requests once there's some difference / improvement over the original project.
  • Contributions to repositories that have not received any program code updates for longer than 6 months, will not be eligible for potential reward.

Anyway, good luck finding people (you can ask on the Utopian Discord if anyone is interested in helping you out for example)!

Need help? Write a ticket on https://support.utopian.io/.
Chat with us on Discord.

No worries for reward, my main goal was to find someone helping me with this.

I've tried to hire some freelancers but they were either completely incompetent or those who would like to work on something that will allow them to earn about a million $ XD

May you suggest me if you know someone who is competent/willing to do this? In reality, it's 2 days multiplied by pi = week...

Thank you for your review, @amosbastian! Keep up the good work!

Hey, @alexs1320!

Thank you for your contribution to the crowd. We are the Steemit project dedicated to empowering The Wisdom of Crowds. You can find more about us on our official blog, whitepaper and website. We are also inviting you to join our Discord server. Don't forget to use the #crowdmind hashtag and happy crowdsourcing!

Additional comment: This is a brilliant initiative and we hope the crowd will recognize the full potential of it. It would be not only interesting to reconstruct the global map of events but also to see how the crowd will put its knowledge into action.

Finally, bot + comment made by a human :D

And there is more in your post

You can't just call the people to "blog about something" and "earn money".
You need to give them the topics, and you need to give them some meaning.

And crowdsourced history map could be a motivating factor for many...

I remember the days when I was in elementary school.

It was a treat to speak a sentence or two during the classes.

However, it was a torture in the painting classes or classes in techical education when the teacher announces: "draw/ make whatever you want"

Never underestimate the power of meaning and purpose.
Those two are strong motivation forces

Nice try, but I will not respond to you in your style :D (no strange pics)

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