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RE: The Agenda To Destabilize Europe - How The USA Engineered The Migrant Crisis by Suzie Dawson

in #usa7 years ago (edited)

A currency like the Euro implemented by the countries of Asia like China, Russia, Iran, etc. would really damage US elites stranglehold on the world. It would remove their ability to "sanction" with any large effect as well. I don't believe they will let it happen without military action attempting to stop it. If I had to guess on what would start WW3, this would be at the top of the list.


The BRICS Currency could be another big player that could divide us all in yet another weird way.
I find the crypto currencies interesting but non of them can replace 'real' coins. I don't want money to depend on any computer. So i kinda hope for yet another solution.
The Euro currency screwed us big time. It made life twice as expensive at the flip of a switch. So I hope the people in the BRICS countries are aware of that, since BRICS would probably do the very same. And from that respect the USA will get double as 'rich' (they burned all their money, but they played the law and money game in a far more sneaky way)

As @suzi3d said WWIII is aready happening.

It's WAR, but not as we know it. Now war is being played out in the corporate landscape. Weapons are a big industry in itself. And the USA had a huge overstock going bad in the warehouses. They (With the help of Hillary) managed to sell the oldest crap to the Saudi's Who in their turn gave it to the ISIS if i understood it all correct.

But since 9/11 the economy went crazy. And here in Europe all small companies went out of business. And many are still going to follow. That is the other part of the war that is pulling the legs away of our economy. The USA is robbing us blind, and they only seem to invest in hate. First they impact the economy, with the aftermath of 9/11 and then they flood the EU with refugees. That gave yet another negative impact.

However they never seem to have counted on Europe's more humane reaction. (Not of crap European politics, but of the European citizens who reacted far more humane to the refugees then the average brainwashed Americans who still seem to fear any other skin-color then white somehow) Now i know this sounds a bit harsh, and I also have to say that i know several Americans who are very aware of the situation. But to me it seems the majority is very scared of anything that's not Christian and even more scared of diffrent skin colors. But i guess this needs a scientific study to prove me right or wrong. And then again how trust worthy are scientific studies in a world where everyone can be bought to have a different opinion. :-)

So please take this reaction with a grain of salt. I try to say how it appears to me, but i don't have the means to verify my claims.

I have to leave that to the specialists.

I'm not offended one bit by someone pointing out the racism in america. The only thing I would point out is that its been created and fueled by elites and their media apparatus. Most regular working guys end up working with all different types of people at work and get along just fine. Its when immigration and employment politics get thrown into the mix where things go wrong. American white supremacy has been used very effectively by the ruling class to keep us poor divided in america. It's the same way they keep the middle class in line.. carrot on a stick. Give some people just enough rewards so they either are happy where they are or fear losing these rewards to ones below them. Combined with indoctrination in schools and churches starting as children and the massive propaganda machine/media in the USA it makes it hard for the average dead tired worker to investigate the truth. The media also pushes this narrative so as you say it seems everyone is like this. The truth is the majority of americans have become completely "apolitical" and could care less about other peoples business, skin color, or where they are from. They have to work so hard and such long hours being racist is a luxury many cannot even afford anymore. Only 30-40% take part in voting and even less take part in any political action outside the electoral system. One party says your a stupid guilty racist SOB and the other says brown people and refugees are here to rape your children and steal your job. To the average person working 12 hour days both these groups sound like shit so they just tune out and concentrate on work, family, etc.

I'm far from an expert on economics but I think because the way things are now with cheap wages always available somewhere this is the main cause of low wages compared to cost of living everywhere. If there was a lot of competition with the USD and places like BRIC, Asia, and Africa pooled their resources (one way of doing this would be creating a common currency) and managed to get on a more even playing field it would drive all wages up. The U.S. is using sanctions to ensure some areas stay poor and easily exploited. For example a ton of the cheap clothing sold in the USA called "Fast Fashion" is marked as made in China, but it actually gets made in North Korea. China profits because North Korea has no other options due to sanctions so China acts as the middle man and elites in USA profit from selling the stuff with huge profit margins.

I don't hear too many Europeans who say the U.S. is robbing them blind. Most go with the propaganda and say we are best friends/close allies. What country are you from?


Fantastic insight from a European, thank you so much for commenting!

It's nothing compared to what you are doing for all of us Suzi

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