Yes we can .... vote for Hillary or Donald - but what else?

in #usa8 years ago (edited)

During the presidentcy of Barack Obama from 2009 to 2017 the national debt of the USA has nearly doubled, up to 19.5 Trillion Dollars. This is in numbers 19,500,000,000,000 $. Place Nr. 1 worldwide.

There are about 43 Million food stamp recipients.

The defense/war spendings are 589 Billion Dollars (Nr. 1 worldwide; Nr. 2 China with 215, Nr. 3 Saudi Arabia 87, Nr. 4 Russia 66)

The USA has the highest incarceration rate in the world: While the United States represents about 4.4 percent of the world's population, it houses around 22 percent of the world's prisoners.

My sources for these informations are:

What's going on in the land of the free?

Why these fact's aren't widely discussed in the German mainstream communication  media?

In the german TV Hillary is almost the good one and Donald the bad. I'm feeling to be better informed by consuming the numerous blogs we can find in the internet. 

I think if Hillary wins the election, everything will continue (going to worse).

If Donald wins, nobody knows what's coming up. Probably he will act as the "Loose canon on board".

I fear there is no peaceful stop button the Americans could press.

As a result of my blogging on and especially by my 0.5 BTC powerup contest I came closer in contact with some worthful people living in USA. And I'm interested in their opinions about this. 

I don't want to blame anybody. I wonder if I'm informed properly. I'm simply afraid about the future.

Please feel invited to reply and tell me about your situation and your thinking about this.

Thanks Christian @freiheit50

 P.S. Look at the silver coin - liberty. The german word for this is Freiheit. This is the first part of my account.


Killary and Chump are both just puppets, but Killary is really on her last legs so has at least two stand in doubles. She has about a 50/50 chance of still being alive to be sworn in, or they will have to use one of the doubles. That would take puppetry to a whole new level.

Trump is what we call in the U.S. a paleo-conservative or modern conservative or as I label him, a small 'r' republican. I discuss it here: Understanding Trump

I would like to give you my 2cents. But please, anyone who reads this...I am only considering the 2 party cchoices in this response as that is what has been asked. I do not intend to go into other options and alternatives at this time. The question is about the differences between Clinton and Trump.

First, about the debt: Don't worry about it

Second, our candidates.
The problem here in the states is that the Republican Party is in mid implosion. They have the alt-right group (think "tea party" altho, that name doesn't seem to be used much anymore) and the traditional conservatives. Their split has given rise to Donald Trump as their nominee..
The Democrats have stayed more together, rallying around the policies of the Obama administration. HIllary Clinton has been deemed the Democratic nominee and assumed to continue down a path of Democratic values.

The unfortunate thing that has happened in our media is that people have been equating the two candidates as if they are on equal footing, and thus they ask 'who is better? Clinton or Trump?" The problem with this question is that Donald Trump is miserably unqualified and woefully unprepared to be the President of the United States. He's a sexist, misogynist, self-serving, egomaniacal bully. Just search that, you'll find lots to read.

I think that Hillary has the problem of being a strong, smart woman. Imagine if she acted in the least bit like Donald Trump acts, well, she would have been laughed off long ago. It is still very much a 'boys club' mentality here in the states in politics and business, and Hillary Clinton has accomplished very much in spite of that.

So there is no comparing the two. The only choice that will not bring us to to disaster and possibly global disaster is for Hillary Clinton to be our president.

As far as the most recent debate, Donald's bully behavior got completely squashed by Clinton. All she had to do was use Donald's own words against him. He crumbled. He had nothing to say. He doesn't understand the delicate complexities of the world. And he's petty. All he is good at is bragging - he only understands things as they relate to him. He doesn't give a wit about the people of the United States.

Thank you very much for your informations! That's worthful for me. I'm curious about the further discussion.
Upvoted your comment (unfortunately with weak power).

I'm not sure how much credence I would give the assurances of The New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, or IMF economists... all three are mouthpieces of centralized state propaganda. Clinton is a member of the ruling class and it's already been decided that it's her turn. However, she doesn't represent the values of most mainstream Democrats - most notably her collusion with big business. During the D primary, I couldn't find a single Hillary supporter; they were passionately supporting Sanders. But it's Hillary's turn, so she somehow won the primary (largely with the help of super delegates). Since she is so disliked and corrupt, the only way to assure she wins (she has already been chosen, this can't be emphasized enough) is to prop up a ridiculous buffoon as her only opposition. And voila, you have the 2016 presidential race.

Some of us choose to live in the real world.

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