8 Days left before the 1st Monthly Split takes place - Please see for more details

in #upvote5 years ago

Hello Golden Monkey's. We are coming up to the end of our first full month in business and things are going great. So far, we have done over 1200 upvotes to the growing number of 60 members that will receive upvotes for life and receive at least a 20% profit share at the end of the GMB year. We are currently voting with around 13,500 SP with a max upvote of 0.35 STU but in the next few days we will be adding another 5,000 SP to the voting wallet from a lease we have sorted and this will push GoldMonkey to 18,500 voting SP. This will be a huge boost to everyone's upvote value and then before you know it, GoldMonkey will be a 20,000 SP voting bot ready for the next target.

The first split comes on the 1st May

Each month a split is performed, this is done to ensure that active members and supporters of GoldMonkey receive the highest upvotes, the biggest part of the profit share and the quickest ROI.Please keep in mind that voting power and voting percentage is 2 different things. Your upvote percentage is worked out based on how many GMB's you own, You’re voting power is worked on based on how many splits you are involved in.

Only members buying GMB's during APRIL 2019 will be eligible for 100% voting power upvotes and a golden banana for a cut of the 50% profit share.

Get yourself started with just the 1 to test the service out are just trust us and buy 50
One, Three, Five, Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty

How monthly splits work

  • 1st Month
    During the first month members will receive upvote from 100% of the bot's voting power. This is simple and everyone understands this.

  • 2nd Month
    The table below shows the first split were we move from 100% to 60% and 40%. The newest month always gets the highest percentage and we work our way backwards. It is simple enough to understand the concept

  • 3rd Month
    So now we move from a 60/40 split to a 50/30/20 split. We can see all the different voting powers users would receive due to buying during different months. Members that buy every month will always receive upvotes from 100% of the bot's voting power and would also qualify for the extra bonus reward

It would just continue on like that for 12 months and rest every year.

Please note that the figures used above are examples

One, Three, Five, Ten, Twenty, Thirty, Forty, Fifty

Still not sure? Check this out



I have a few questions.

I have 1 GMB at the moment from a 50 SP delegation. I am getting (Got) a 2% upvote at 0.006.


  • Does this mean that next month that is going to drop by 50% (to like a 0.003 up vote) if I dont add another 50 SP Delegation?
  • If I sent 5 steem today, I would get 5 more GMB's and have a total of 6 GMB's for life? Or only for 30 days?
  • These 5 more GMBs would up my daily upvote to about 0.03 a day?
  • Whats the benefit of delegating SP as opposed to just buying 1 ticket for life?
  • Do I have to buy 1 GMB each month to stay at 100% upvoting... event tho at the moment I am only getting a 2% upvote?
  • What does the 100% upvote mean as well? Is that like you will upvote everyone's post at least once a moth at 100%?

Thank you!

Delegated GMBs will stay at 100% and bought GMB fork every month but still provide an upvote, best thing would be to buy at least 1 a month to reciece the 100% and 50% profit share

Hello sorry for the late reply. I'll get some answers done for you here.
1/ Your delegation carry over, once you delegate you are set. You do need to delegate more each month. Im guessing the 50% drop your asking about is the 60/40 split. Starting on 1st May, everyone that bought this month will receive upvotes from 40% of the bots power, anyone that buys in May will receive upvotes from 60% of the bots power, anyone that buys during both months will receive upvotes from 100% of the bots voting power. Please note voting power and not upvote percentage.

2/ For life my friend - Im going to update the bot after answering this question
3/ I never check upvotes values to be honest, i only ever check percentages. 6 bundles will currently get you a 10.54% upvote. Off the top of my head, that's 0.08STU. Use this link, it'll give you better info than me.
4/ It's does not cost you anything and if you stay delegated for the year, you receive a 50% profit share instead of the standard 20%
5/ Short answer yes, you need to buy every month to keep getting upvotes use 100% voting power. As for the 2% upvote, i cant help there. We run a daily contest if your wonna try your luck.
6/ A 100% upvote would mean getting an upvote for 100%. I think your are confusing voting power and upvote percentage's. One is the amount of voting power and the other is a upvote percentage. If the bot gives out for example a max upvote of $1. An 50% upvote using 60% of the voting power would be $0.30

$1 x 0.6 x 50%
Max Upvote x voting power x Upvote percentage

I hope that answers a few things for you :)

If I already bought a share in April then all I need to do is by at least one more in may correct?

That is correct if you wish to receive upvotes from 100% voting power. Please dont confuse this with upvoting percentage.

GoldMonkey has been set up to reward active members :)

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