STEEM .. aD-VanceD STraTeG'ie'S !! - ))steemCreated with Sketch.

.. a COnVersatioN

.. a MeeTinG of HoRiZoN'S

WhaT are the LimiTat'ion'S .. of STEEM ??
WhaT are the PoTenTiaL'S .. of OUR place .. in STEEM ??

Who am i .. and .. whO are YoU ??
.. as LinK'S .. in the STEEM .. B'LocK CHaIN ??

EacH a LinK .. & .. "together" PowerfuL !!
.. an ECO-noMic PoweR HoUsE !!!
.. and .. so MucH MorE !!!

i STAR'ted this with an idea, a loose plan and a sTRONG feeling - ))
but .. i focused primarily on 'one' indicator .. the price of STEEM - ((

a WE(ap.)ON .. of MaSS .. CO)(N'S_TR(U)CT-iON ???-)))

Thankfully i have 'great' mentors .. here on STEEM - ))
and NOW have a 'clearer' interpretation of my feeling'S of STEEM- )

ALL of them .. of, and about .. OUR "collective" STRENGTH !!

THE "WorlD" is COMING to STEEM ( . )

IS there anything WE can do "collectively" .. "NOW" - ))))

.. to prepare .. to succeed ??-))
.. to help each other succeed .. "whatever" the definition ! - ))

i decided to make a 'second' account, a CuratioN ACCOUNT ! - ))
hi )) .. i am a new "KIND" .. of CURATION BOT - ))
My feeling on this .. the reward pool, will always be a 50/50 split .. ??
.. depending on which 'link' .. is being asked - ))

50% .. wanted
50% .. un-wanted

EacH of US can have an "active savings account" curating what is 'wanted' - ))

FurtheR MORE .. outside investors, friends, family, business partnerships - ))
.. "audience investors" .. can have 'duplicate' .. delegated accounts - ))

  • investors who have .. powered UP accounts - ))
  • convinced ahead of time, that 'curating' quality "wanted" content ..
    .. is valuable .. with a HUGE opportunity to achieve AmazinG SUCCESS !!
  • and what "added value" .. when the audience investors ..
    .. makes an introduction post ?? -))

"curating what is wanted" = organic growth .. from OUR personal choice - ))
and .. is "expandable" through the 'help' of outside participation - ))

.. if .. it is 'received' well by the STEEM CommunitY ? - )

(ie) .. i have couple friends, who 'may' make a small investment - ))
They aren't interested (for now) in posting ...
but, they see the "value" in STEEM ! - )
and .. are willing to let me "guide" their investment - ))

((audience miners .. additional 'curating' bots ))
(( (ie) robotic curating faucets = organic growth - ))
.. when cultivated that way !! - ))

SO stealing from the reward pool .. or, building the ECO-system ??
A circular WHALE "hand shake" .. or, a PLAY-FULL BroaD-CasT ??

ON opposite ends of the stick .. all for me .. none for me ???
STEEM is both options .. and always will be ! - ))

SO .. what "positive" ramifications exist, with multiple accounts ??
.. the negative ramifications exist .. (( sad face )) - )

SO .. how do WE GAME the system .. for the benefit of ALL ??
.. STEEM couldn't BE STEEM .. without its "game-ability" !! - ))

SO .. are "better" RULES necessary ??
the .. flagging "meA'sure'S" .. are ever evolving - )

ITs not hard to see, in the very near future !!!

EASY & OBVIOUS .. analysis .. of EVERY thing STEEM !!!
.. will make ALL "ChoiceS" .. clearer and easier - ))

MakinG big changes NOW to 'flagging' .. premature, i feel ??
.. contrast brings clarity .. when WE can see clearly - ))
.. rewarded, or .. un-rewarded ... a powerful tool ??

SO .. what is the "best" way forward NOW ??
.. the Ba'LancE .. to achieve "best practice" ??

WhaT are the strategies .. you are U'sing ??
.. what are your goal'S ??
.. how are you measuring "progress" ??

What strategies .. could WE each utilize ??
.. that "also" supports the whole ??
and .. how do WE measure "collective" progress ??
or .. is it even .. necessary ??

STEEM is a "really" BIG DEAL !! !! !!

.. whether it can BE see'n "NOW" .. or not ? - )

FirsT to MarkeT .. GreaT TechnologY .. DIVERSE COMMUNITY !!! - )))

WE'vE GOT THIS !!! !!!
.. here WE are - ))

.. and .. what'S wanted for me ?? - ))

.. WE each have ... FUN ALONG THE WAY !!! - )))

.. i'm going to - ))
ha ha - ))

T'here is a MASSIVE WAVE COMING !!! !!! - )))

.. let'S talk about it - ))

.. on the WAVE - ))

lovelovelove )))
greb'Z )

DO you have an "open ledger account" ???
.. the BiT Shares block chain .. is going to SHINE TOO !!! - )))


nice post


.. you're welcome .. thank YOU - ))


Coin Marketplace

STEEM 0.18
TRX 0.16
JST 0.030
BTC 68423.64
ETH 2659.46
USDT 1.00
SBD 2.71