[JPN/ENG] #UNTALENTED コンテスト:「Steemit はあなたにとって何を意味しますか?」すべての言語ですべての Steemit ユーザーに公開!
This is a Japanese translation of the contest!
こんにちは日本のコミュニティ、私は @shelloです。 私は彼のコンテストを翻訳するのを助けるために私の友人 @surpassinggoogleによって頼まれました。私は翻訳には新人ですが、大学で2年間日本人留学しています。私は文書の文脈を保つためにいくつかの言葉やフレーズを変えなければならなかった。私の翻訳が大丈夫なら教えてください。本当にありがとうございました❤
Hello Japan community, I am @shello. I was asked by my friend @surpassinggoogle to help translate his contest. I am a rookie in translation, but I have been studying Japanese for two years at university. I had to change some words and phrases to keep the context of the document. Please let me know if my translation is okay. I really appreciate it.
現在、#untalented コンテスト#3と4が近日公開予定です!しかし、これらの他のコンテストは準備中であり、まだオンラインではありません。
Currently, #untalented contest # 3 and 4 are coming soon! However, these other contests are in preparation and are not yet online.
I am always engaged in entries with these contests with you, I would like to exist completely, so I hope that you will withstand with me a bit longer.
Meanwhile, it will still be fun!
This contest is using tag # untalented-steemit.
「Untalented Contest Series」にタグ識別子を追加することで、コンテストのエントリーを見つけるのが容易になります。
Adding a tag identifier to "Untalented Contest Series" makes it easier to find contest entries.
#untalentedはUntalentedカリキュラム全体のより一般的なタグです。したがって、今後、各コンテストをUntalented 4.0のように独自のスペースに配置しようとします。ハッシュタグ「untalented-4」をタグの1つとして使用します。より一般的な "#untalented"に加えています。
#untalented is a more general tag of the entire Untalented curriculum. So in the future we will try to place each contest in its own space like Untalented 4.0. Use the hashtag "untalented-4" as one of the tags. In addition to the more general "#untalented".
「Steemit はあなたにとって何を意味しますか?」
"What does Steemit mean to you?"
This is also a contest, but we have the opportunity to make Steemit a special dedication. We encourage you to use all levels of talent and spirit to participate in this contest.
すべての参加者が何かを獲得するでしょう。 "敗者はいない!"
Every participant will win something. "There is no loser!"表現の自由をお楽しみください、誰も欠陥がありません!
Enjoy freedom of expression, no one is defective!基本的に;あなたの内部空間を掘り起こして話してください。 "私たちは天才です!"
Basically; dig up your inner space and talk. "We are geniuses!"
Sometimes I feel that I should do such a contest. It helps us to reconfirm the "where we are", "how far", "how much growth has been achieved" etc in our mind.
We are not the same people as us before Steemit.
Reminding our journey will help us regain our new point of view of our love and appreciation here.
Overall, rather than what we mean, we will clarify what got to mean to us.
Now if you record all of this experience with a post entry to this contest, you can achieve more. It is no longer about 'us'. We would have found a way to convey our idea to the world.
The final result of the contest is "Why should the world ask about this if you realize with confidence that Steemit actually helped you?"
Steemit was the actual working medium / tool / method to amplify our own voice and personal effort to convey more wonderful things to people. Why should not others share the use of this tool?
And we do not need to preach that. Just provide a search engine with a simple steemit post. Therefore, please kindly participate and join us!
No one has received "nothing" from Steemit.
あなたが考えている場合: "あなたの最後の投稿は多くのお金を稼ぎませんでした;あなたの"コメント "がやっている方法を見てください!
If you are thinking: "Your last post did not make much money; see how your" comments "are doing!
訪問 https://steemdb.com/@yourusername/authoring?filter=comments!
No matter how it looks, we all got something with Steemit!
"Steem" is not money. For today, people are just looking for one BTC.
確かに、それはsteemit中に私たちが鉱山するSBD / steemだけではありません。私たちが途中で採掘したこれらのものはすべて、長期的には、私たちの収入の一部になります!
Indeed, it is not the only SBD / steem we mine during steemit. All of these things we mined on the way will be part of our income in the long run!
Even "learning", by itself, is the ultimate profit!
私たちも私たちの心を鉱山!私たちが長年求めてきた "成功"のパズルの全体は、冗長な情報として私たちの心の中に存在していたことに注意してください。
We also mine our mind! Please be aware that the whole "success" puzzle we've been seeking for years has existed in our mind as redundant information.
はい、「Steemit journey」の結果、新しいルートに入った人もいます。 「新しいことは決して存在しなかった、あるいは想像も通らないルート」新しい分野の研究でさえも!
Yes, as a result of "Steemit journey", some people have entered a new route. "Routes that never existed or imagination never existed" Even research in new fields!Steemitに関する無料の知識は、他の場所で支払われます。
Free knowledge on Steemit will be paid elsewhere.Steemの可能性を最大限に引き出すことができるように、私たちのビジョンも大幅に拡大してきました。
Our vision has also expanded significantly so that we can maximize the possibilities of Steem.一部の人には、アイデアを演奏し、これらのアイデアをリハーサルするフリーサンドボックスがあり、現実世界で本格的なアクションを起こしています
For some people, there is a free sandbox that plays ideas and rehearses these ideas, causing real action in the real world.
はい @zappl @utopian.io @steemgigsは皆、あなたと私のように、コンテンツを作成するようにsteemitで始まりました!
Yes @zappl @utopian.io @steemgigs started with steemit to create content like you and me!
Certainly, everyone gets something worth it!
Some also won the contest. For example, some people are paid Steemgig to run the service. Easily, without problems.いくつかは、Steemitの外でも機会につながっています。
Several have also led to opportunities outside steemit.
Another, that is the reward of itself: "Everyone gave it!" Yes, at this point the rich people and those who are not so abundant have given gifts in some way, such as voting and precious comments It was. Something that may be difficult to achieve in the past!
In my standard, all Steemit users are rich! If that is not realized at the moment, it will become clear in the future!
I am grateful for finding steemit. There are not many other people yet!
Contest Details
There is no entry barrier in this contest. I encourage everyone in Steemit to participate regardless of language or place.
あなたのタグの1つとして#untalented-steemitを使って参加してください。 #untalentedを追加することもできます。
Please use # untalented-steemit as one of your tags. You can also add #untalented.まずあなたのビデオを作成して(YouTubeにアップロードして)、「あなたにとってSteemitは何を意味しているのか」を教えてください。 (理由を追加すること、なぜあなたが感謝しているか、Steemitを使って得た証拠、実際にはキャッシュアウトしたもの(オプション)、なぜ世界がSteemitなどについて知っておくべきだと思うのか)
First of all, please create your video (uploaded to YouTube) and tell me "What does Steemit mean to you?" (Adding reasons, why you are thankful, evidence gained using Steemit, what you actually cached out (optional), why do you think you should know about the world Steemit etc)その後、あなたのビデオポストの転記を本格的なsteemitの投稿にしてください。ただし、逐語的な転記をすることができない場合は、要約をしてください!
Then post your video post posting to a full steamit post. However, if you can not carry verbatim transcripts, please summarize!注:あなたのビデオと投稿はどの言語でも構いません!
Note: Your video and posting can be in any language!注:あなたは少し恥ずかしがり屋の場合は、アプリを使用することができます。フェイススワッピングやエフェクトなどの楽しいアプリケーション。
Note: If you are a little shy you can use the app. Fun applications such as face swapping and effects.
Look at some videos for inspiration. You are yourself and have fun!
by @papa-pepper
by @andrarchy
by @maryfavour
by @lukestokes
基本的には、すべての検索エンジンに対応したいと考えています。 YouTubeはGoogle独自のものなので、YouTubeにも配信したい!
Basically, I would like to correspond to all search engines. Since YouTube is unique to Google, I want to distribute it to YouTube too!
Imagine there are 500 posts and videos delivered organically to search engines, 500 Steemians are talking about "steemit" with their true pure self.
"No loss!"
私たちが参加するにあたり、私たちの代わりに、steemianまたはsteemit INCのいずれかから、私たちにチャンスをもたらすことのできるもう一つの可能性を残しています。知るか!あなたはまた、現在の世代の人々のために何か(救いの手)を残しています。彼らは、破砕の危機に瀕しているかもしれません。知るか?
As we participate, we have another possibility to bring us a chance from either steemian or steemit INC instead of us. Do you know! You also have something (a helping hand) for the people of the present generation. They may be on the verge of crushing. Do you know?
Finally, we will leave a legacy for a new generation. Before they arrived, "I was here"!
We care about them.
Don't forget to share the YouTube videos or entire post URL to other social media outlets like Facebook, Twitter etc
Your friend Terry-
ハッシュタグ "Steemgigs"の下にサービスを提供する。 #untalentedで箱の外側を考えてみてください。
Provide services under the hashtag "Steemgigs". Think of the outside of the box with #utalented.
"Everyone has the ability to provide something"
歴史作りに参加してください。証人として "steemgigs"を親切にサポートしてください! ここをクリックし、最初の検索ボックスに「steemgigs」と入力します。 busy.orgを使用している場合は、ここをクリックして直接投票することができます。
Please participate in making history. Please kindly support "steemgigs" as a witness! Click here here and enter "steemgigs" in the first search box. If you are using busy.org, you can click here to vote directly.
If you would like me to help you choose your witnesses, please click here and enter "surpassinggoogle" in the second search box!
誰もがDiscordのSteemgigsコミュニティに家を持っています。 #untalentedの家族ここにホストされています!
Everyone has a house in Discord's Steemgigs community. The #untalented family is hosted here!
by @sunnylife
元の投稿/Original Post ここ/here
Thanks @shello for this useful post .. and just follow your now
And thanks to this great @surpassinggoogle cus more ppl trust in him in many posts .. and i like it too ☺️
Thank you @kamapoa,
The love is real, and I am blessed to be able to enter things that fill my heart as much as his contests!
Great post. You are doing well in Japanese
Thank you so much @jakemore,
Gotta do a lot more studying and practice though!
<3 @shello
Hello @shello! I'm impressed by your translation! I'm not done reading whole thing but can l give you suggestion?
基本的に;あなたの内部空間を掘り起こして話してください。 "私たちは天才です!"
Basically; dig up your inner space and talk. "We are geniuses!"
I would say, つまり、あなたが心の内に秘めているものを話してください。"私達は天才ですからね!"
Thank you so much @kawaiipower!
I find it difficult translating abstract concepts sometimes, because I need to first understand what they mean!! Saying what is in your heart would have worked way better c: This feedback really helps~
<3 @shello
your welcome 😊japanese is hard and we also have certain terms that you cant just translate directly! l love english becuase it has so many cute terms💕 my favorite one is piece of cake / piece of pie ❤️ if you ever need suggestion again, please feel free to ask me
C: Thank you for all your support @kawaiipower,
Japanese can be very hard, just like English, new slang is always being added! I think that Japanese has cuter words by the sound! My favorite one is 桃色飲み物 xDD I'll make sure to ask for help if I'm unsure of how to word it. I had a lot of trouble trying to do that line!
wow, so helpful...
l'm glad that l could help 😊
Awesome you. Hope you would join in the contest
thank you l will consider about 😊
good job @shello <3
I want to see @skyleap in the contest too!
Thank you~ ^_^
Join skyleap
Thank you @surpassinggoogle
Hahaha, i should buy this. How much?
Price is unnecessary. @surpassinggoogle
Please vote if you like it^^
Nice work shello, had you already taken any JLPT?
I have not actually @infinityedge,
The language proficiency requires that I know a lot of vocabulary and there are a lot of holes in my word knowledge. My boyfriend suggested that I study them and try to take it. Thank you for the love.
P.S. add me on League, IGN: Shello
great post dear so helpful really thanks @shello
Thank you @ghadaelsawy,
Hopefully we can get more people to enter now!
of course and I will give this advise to all people that I know immediately
Thank you shello. This is giant for me. My life is dead tough
You are awesome Terry,
Like you asked so nicely, I would never say no to you xDD Stay strong okay, it's gonna be a long ride!
Glad to see another good post.
Thanks for sharing the video with us.
I've resteemed your post!