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RE: "DO NOT SNIFF WHAT YOU WON'T EAT"- An Untalented-Mama's advice to a Grown-up Male Child!

:-) very rare sight that I get here. For my cultural group, this is a dying out view of how people can affect others. Although I claim that the moral code is almost identical, but not the consequences described. To jump into bed with the first one is also reprehensible in Germany for both sexes, whereas from my perspective women are judged more sharply in this.

On the one hand, I think it is a remnant of witch-faith that has survived until modern times in a different, non-substantial form (the woman's power over the man, to name just one keyword - which I do not believe in, to be honest) and on the other hand the fear of illness and infections. It also shimmers through "the enticing woman", such as Eve, who tastes from the tree of forbidden fruits and drags Adam into perdition. So Christian mythology or faith. Superstition is only such a superstition if a minority believes in the consequences you describe and there is no consensus on them in the general public.

Avoiding people who have a negative aura (self-defeating types and those who can make themselves and others unhappy) is more of a modern term.

If women in your culture act with the conscious intent of harming a man, this may carry the still living legacy of a conviction within them. This is difficult to prove and therefore not relevant from a scientific point of view.

In Buddhism it is said that thoughts are also important and not just what we say or how we act. If I am mentally focused on something negative, such as cherishing the idea of harming someone else, this is more likely to affect myself than the one I curse.

Whether my curse can actually have an effect on another one could be tried to prove by scientific studies; if anyone would be interested.

Similar experiments have been made, but not from person to person, but from person to water or water molecules. The water was "talked to" with both negative and positive intentions. The structure of the molecules was then examined under the microscope and a difference was found.

Thus the molecules of the positively affected water appeared harmonious and in an accurate or geometric structure, whereas the water that was exposed to destructive thoughts and words did not have proper structures. But then you would have to see again whether a geometrical structure that is nice for us deserves the attribute "good" and vice versa.

All in all, I do not think much of the view that one person can fall victim to another in this totality, since it is a very simple linear view of cause and effect. Rather, I assume that there are so many unknown factors in the experience of "good" and "bad" of an individual that it is impossible to identify them all.

I am therefore quite calm about the provocative thoughts and information in your article.

Although I am open to magic and mysteries, as well as to rituals and traditions and try to remain open-minded and cosmopolitan. All of us should be careful not to spread dogmas and be friendly to each other. You can also say "No" to offers friendly, but definitely.

My provocative question to you: Would you not have this rather undefined fear of female power, would you want to touch every woman?

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