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RE: February Homeschooling Miscellany

in #unschooling6 years ago

Scitech looks awesome! I wanted to be an astronaut when I was a child, so I would have had a blast there. Man, kids these days don't know how lucky they are. Back in the day, the science museums were mostly analog. Too bad gorc is in his teen phase. Don't worry, he'll make up for what he missed when he snaps out of the funk... which is probably the time cub is entering that phase and pixie is in the middle of it haha!

That chore system... I've been trying to device a way to make the flow more efficient. I like how you gamified everything and attached a solid incentive. With crypto tokens nowadays, you might want to consider switching over to some, so that there would be tangible rewards. Plus, it would help in educating them about budgeting. I missed these miscellany posts of yours, mateychops!

That I <3 Mom letter near the end really made me coo!


Scitech is pretty cool :) They're looking to move into purpose built accommodation sometime in the next few years (they have been at their current location for literal decades but apparently it was always a "temporary" thing), be interesting to see what they come up with then. And all of us (but kids especially so) can only really go off our own experiences of things XD Sometimes even when you're hearing stories of what your parents got up to as kids it can seem quite fantastical nowadays.

I already tried making them steem accounts, hasn't gone well so far. Ice cream is much more tangible ;D Have you tried Habitica? Have I already asked you that?

I know right, how cute was it :D [totally biased]


I've used Habitica way before Steemit came to life haha Back when it was still HabitRPG in fact. I haven't gotten the chance to get back to it though especially when I lost days of progress. It fell out of favor for me after that haha!

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