The risk of frost is almost over, so now the garden moves out doors

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

For the past number of months we have been growing our garden inside the Earthship. Where we live, we only get about 88 frost free days a year, which means growing food is a challenge.  To overcome that challenge, we start our garden indoors when the snow is still on the ground and we don't move it outdoors until the risk of frost is over.  We are still taking a chance as we have seen frost in the middle of June.

Yes, that may seem weird to most, but the longest day of the year is still early in our growing season as frost comes to visit when the sun shines over our heads for nearly 17 hours in a day.  We also utilize the Earthship, atrium and greenhouse to grow food as well to mitigate the risk of frost and extend the growing season.  Here is our garden so far, in different stages as we work hard now to move it out and get the plants grounded with Mother Earth.

Lettuce, tomatoes and a few other plants waiting to reconnect with Mother Earth.  These were started months ago.

My tobacco ready to get transplanted outside as well.  The first two plantings did not work, but for some reason this one took off.  So we got lots again this year.  

Cucumbers in the atrium.  We expect them to grow to the ceiling and higher.  They are about ready to take off!

Beans, cucumbers, strawberries and other plants growing in my new planter in the atrium.

This picture is blurry, but these are tomatoes around 20 inches tall already.  They too will grow to the ceiling or higher.  They love the heat in the atrium or greenhouse!

Kale growing well too.  We keep a few in pots as we bring them in for the winter so that we can collect seed from them next year.  

Our earthship is not done, so now I'm building planters in front of the earthship that is not currently covered with an atrium.  The clay was removed and I mix goat manure in with top soil to make a mulch for the plant bed.  The tomatoes in the pots will be planted here tomorrow.

My potatoes were planted about 10 -15 days ago.  They are doing well.  They pop up quickly as I plant the tubers in the ground with the sprouts sticking out of the ground.  They grow leaves which gives them a big head start.  

Carey (@carey-page) has the corn and pumpkins in as well.  We lost two pumpkin plants two nights ago to frost.  :(  We also planted peas, beans, beats, carrots and other crops, but they are not up yet.  This year is so dry that we are having to water the garden.  Yet another benefit of each individual growing their own food.  When situations like this come up, small gardeners can take care of their crop.  But the big farmers are overwhelmed and cannot cope with situations like this.  

When I till the garden, the ducks love to come and help.  They are looking for worms and find lots!  They come running when they hear the tiller start up.  Just like the goats come running when I start the chain saw.  They love stripping the trees that I cut down of the leaves and bark.

Watering the garden because it is sooooooo dry here.  

Our rhubarb seems to love this weather.  It is flowering which is the first time I've ever seen this with this plant. 

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Ahhh, gardening! I love seeing the rocks and sticks in your atrium beds! Here's to hoping it's a good growing season! Tobacco is a very cool plant! When I grew it in my previous garden it reseeded itself like wildfire! It was the first to grow (everywhere!!!) And, i had no idea what it was! It took a few months to realize it was tobacco. I was furiously weeding it! Until i knew what it was. I am such a noob gardener, i had no idea it was a perennial crop. I wonder if it's coming up again this season in that spot. Thanks for sharing your garden! I love garden updates.

I was feeling bad that our garden was going in so late. I guess we are on the same schedule. While I baked cookies and played with a granddaughter, my Mom was planting the root vegetables that we had planned. Our potatoes are not yet in. But they happen tomorrow.

It looks encouraging to see the improvements on your home.

I love what I see in your garden. Our second crop is in now the rainy season is here. Our dry season was unusually hot and windy which really dried the land out more. Hopefully, the rainy season will be kind to us and not drowned everything out. The rhubarb has beautiful flowers. Perhaps you will get some seeds too. I tried rhubarb here but it is difficult because of the heat...On a positive note, we have an abundance of mangoes this year!

You're doing a great job, bro...
You have proved to us that the earth gives us everything... And make us get rid of the bondage of government and merchants...
If we depend on the earth we will get food and medicine... And we get freedom...
The thing that prevents us from returning to Mother Earth is fear only...

Gardening so far north would definitely have to be a challenge; my in-laws in Denmark (at about 57 degrees north had similar considerations and the garden was always started in grow houses due to the danger of late frosts.


57 degrees north, that is farther than us at 54.5. Yup, I would say that would be very similar. Thank you for sharing. I know there are some people that live farther north than we do, but not that many. ;) <3 Peace to you. May Creator bless you with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love. Thanks for dropping in and commenting on my post!

We have gone to Denmark a few times to visit during the summers (my husband is Danish) and I love the northern summers; the way it never gets completely dark in the evenings during the midsummer weeks; birdsong at 3:30am... although I can do without the mosquitoes the size of small airplanes!

We enjoy many evenings where it never gets completely dark here either. I joke around about the dogs being mosquitoes aircraft carriers as they bring them into the house by the hundreds. I built a canopy bed and my wife made a netting that we drape over the bed. Allows us to sleep at night in peace.

nice tropics and nice photography.

amazing gardening photography

good instruction and information about gardening..all of your post about life tears and others make me thought

looking like bangladesh.

Touched my heart your work..

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