The rise of the Divine FemininesteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

I wrote a ceremony last night for the ladies who are gathering this weekend for the Goddesses Lair Level 1 Heart Retreat.  The ceremony is to help them process and move energy through their bodies that gets stirred up as a result of all the work that they will be doing.  If that energy is not processed and allowed to move their their bodies, then there is a possibility of them getting sick as a result. I'm familiar with the process as we use the same techniques in a typical martial arts training session.  So I'm very familiar with how this process works.

I wrote a similar ceremony for the men in October when we did our first heart retreat.  But writing the men's ceremony was fairly straight forward as I was able to connect to the divine masculine energy easily.  I can do the same with the divine feminine as a result of the 20+ years of work that I've done, but to fully submerse myself in the divine feminine was challenging.  But I wanted to make the attempt and as a result, I had some profound revelations come to me through that process.

To be clear, I'm not talking about the biological male vs female energies, but rather the spiritual and divine masculine and feminine energies.  We each have both within us, one more than the other.  Depending on our spirit, we may have a tendency to prefer the masculine or the feminine more than the other.  But acknowledging and embracing both within ourselves helps us heal, find neutrality and be able to shift back and forth as needed in our lives.  It also helps us comprehend and relate to people who are two spirited and identify themselves based on spiritual energies rather than their physical bodies.

When I dove into the divine feminine last night to finish the ceremony, I was taught that the feminine energy is far more than what I ever thought.  The relationship is best explained with a short clip from the movie 'Pirates of the Caribbean; At Worlds End'.

What I learned last night is that mankind has bound the feminine energy for thousands of years.  Calypso personifies that feminine energy and what man has done to confine, control, rule and even own her.  The ropes represent the violence, suppression and bondage of divine feminine energy, placing it into human form so that it can be restricted and controlled.  As a result, evil men were able to rule the seas.  Does this sound familiar in today's world?  I see this play out every day in how women are treated on this planet.  I also see it in how Mother Earth is treated as well.  

Is it possible that man has raped and pillaged Mother Earth and the women in our lives in an attempt to control an energy that is so powerful that is makes the bravest of men weep and cower in fear?  Mother Earth is the most beautiful divine feminine spirit and her beauty also comes with astounding and powerful creative forces.  The divine feminine within us is equally as powerful and awesome!  The masculine don't have this type of power as the masculine energy is very different.  As a result, we have tried to control the divine feminine for millennia.  

Mother Earth creates and destroys in cycles.  Her womb and bosom manifest life on this planet and we have disrespected that creative force through mining, clear cut forestry, industrial farming, chemicals, toxins, pollution, radiation, wars, human trafficking, prostitution, murder, etc.  I would also suggest that man is so jealous of this creative power, that they even attempt to reproduce it with science by genetically altering the codes of life itself and create artificial wombs to create life.  Our own ignorance and arrogance will kill us as we lack the discipline and divine feminine energy to command such a powerful energetic, creative force.  

O, God, thy sea is so great and my boat is so small. - Breton Fisherman's Prayer

When man peers into the abyss of Mother Earth and the divine feminine, we are left feeling small, powerless and vulnerable.  Our reaction is one of cowardice and fear, rather than finding courage, strength and wisdom to protect the divine feminine and help focus that creative energy.  The awesome power of a hurricane, tornado and even the volcanoes pale in comparison to the power of life that is birthed through her womb.  As mankind works hard to science the shit out of that power, the failure will be just as monumental.  

Instead, we must find the courage to whisper into her ear and release her from the bonds that has confined her for far too long.  Yes, she may lash out in anger and frustration.  As she goes through her healing journey and fully embraces the raw, awesome power of creation itself, she will calm down and reach out to the divine masculine.  This time the union will be out of mutual respect, honour and love.  

The unhealthy, injured, scared and even terrified masculine energy must heal himself so that he can then whisper into her ear and commit to never enslave her again.  

Here is the words that I wrote for the men's ceremony in October.  I'll share the women's ceremony next week.  May this help us all find our way through this journey so that we can release the divine feminine from the bonds that have held her back and release her out of love and compassion.  She deserves to be free so that she can save us all.  We need her more now than ever before.  


Rousing the Lion   

Gentleman, this is an exercise to help us process the energy of the weekend.  The ladies are 300 kms away and they are doing their dance at the exact same time.  As we move through the five stages of this ceremony, allow spirit to move through you.  Put your mind at ease while we learn how to allow spirit to command our vessels.  We will reach out with our hearts so that we can connect with the divine feminine as they surrender to spirit in their own dance and we will provide the beat from our drums.  I will share a story for each part to set the mood and intent for each phase.  Allow spirit to move you as your feelings connect to spirit, the divine masculine and the divine feminine.    

Stage One – The Body (flow) 

Intro:  Start with single heart beat on the drum

The heart beat of Mother Earth has finally awoken the Lion.  He is finally awake from his long slumber.  His body is sore, weak and tired as he wipes the sleep from his eyes.  He looks for nourishment but finds the world around him is foreign, strange, violent and in chaos.  It is dark, so it is hard to see.  All he can sense is the sound of Mother Earth as it resonates within his own chest.  He looks around at the emptiness and sees that he stands alone in the darkness.  His instincts kick in as he prepares to defend himself.  He rips open the cocoon and armour that has surrounded and protected him all these long years.  His body now able to move as Creator designed.  He stands up and roars to the morning sun.  The jungle is put on notice that the king is back. 

Stage Two – Emotion (staccato / sharp) 

Intro:  execution drum beat from The hunger games 

While the king was asleep, great trauma has taken place.  This is not the world that once was.  Greed, violence, raping and pillaging has over taken our mother and all our relationships.  We have been enslaved, conquered, contained, colonized, beaten and caged.  We have experienced great trauma ourselves by those we thought loved us.  We have withdrawn within out of pain, guilt and shame.  In our slumber we found out that we lashed out at others and that we too have caused great harm, perpetuating the violence of our oppressors.   

The king is feeling sorrow, shame and guilt for being asleep for so long.  How can he recover from his own trauma and take his rightful place as king of the jungle?  He must find within himself the courage to stand tall, acknowledge his scars, forgive himself and return to the ways of honour, loyalty and trust.  But how can he do that when emotions flood his body? 

Stage Three – Mind (chaos) 

Intro:  drum with random beats.  Mix it up.

The mind is the tool of the colonizer and we have been hoodwinked into using it as a weapon of war.  It is confusing as our world has been turned upside down.  The mind struggles to make sense of it all.  What is up is now down.  What is black is now white.  War is peace.  Love is hate.  The polarity of the world confuses and confounds the mind through the chaos of our oppressors.  The complexity of the institutions that we created around ourselves brings chaos where peace once reigned.   

The Lion King is now awake and takes back control of his mind and commands it to do his bidding, not that of his oppressor.  The mind fights back as years of brainwashing and slavery has taken its toll.  The king starts to re-learn how to be his own master as the battle rages within.  The heart beat of the divine feminine reminds him what is at stake as he learns how to regain command of his own mind and body.  The heart beat of Mother Earth grounds the king as he struggles for peace within. 

Stage Four – Heart (lyrical) 

Intro:  drum roll

Now that the Lion King has full command of his mind and acknowledged his emotions, he finds his chest bursting with the burning desire to heal and forgive himself.  He realizes that there is nobody to blame but instead he accepts 100% responsibility and accountability for his own life.  Violence and war have no place within his kingdom, so he surrenders to the peace his heart yearns for.  He acknowledges that his past scars and trauma have forged the determination, compassion and empathy that he needs in order to govern his kingdom and life.  He looks after himself as he does not need anybody else to define him.  He knows who he is and acknowledges that his trials and tribulations helped define him.  His life purpose is clear as he experienced all these challenges to prepare him for the next phase of his life.    

As a result of all his healing work, he is prepared to claim his throne and establish his kingdom.  His confidence, strength, dedication towards peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love shines brightly.  His heart is no longer dark or armoured.  His vulnerability is his strength as he confronts violence and helps others heal. 

The Lion King is comfortable and familiar with all his feelings, thoughts and emotions.  He desires spirit to be the guiding light of his life, rather than the darkness upon which he awoke from. 

Stage Five – Spirit (stillness) 

Intro:  Return to the heart beat of Mother Earth

The Lion King sits on his throne.  He has found the balance of the divine masculine and feminine within himself.  People feel safe around him, honour and respect the work that he has done.  His true power comes not from violence, but rather through his influence with all those around him.  The heart beat of Mother Earth reverberates as his relationship with our mother is reconciled.  He works hard to bring prosperity to all life and to be a proper steward.   

The Lion’s Queen, seeing the kingdom, peace and prosperity is drawn out of respect and honour.  She too has done her work to heal and self govern.  They both acknowledge each other and yet make no demands or engage in any violence.  Yet the two are drawn towards one another as they acknowledge that by joining forces, they can change the world and bring balance and peace to all our relationships.  Spirit drives reconciliation and as a result, they both find a stillness within themselves and each other.    

A calm and ever lasting peace falls upon the kingdom as the King and Queen sit on their rightful thrones, equal partners to govern. 


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