The lost Pacem Art of Consent

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)

The Pacem Arts (Art of Peace) demands that we master the concept of consent.  It can be a stressful process especially considering we are not used to seeing each other as sacred spiritual beings.  We are spiritual kings and queens, here to learn how to govern ourselves while respecting the sovereignty of all the other sacred spiritual beings on the planet.  

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Life here is literally ALL about relationships.  

This can be a challenging concept especially considering most of us don't even see ourselves as sacred spiritual kings or queens.  The first step in mastering consent is to work on ourselves so that we can begin to love ourselves again.  The slave owners have been busy for thousands of years to beat down their feudal serfs to ensure that we don't see ourselves as equal to them.  How easy is it to consider that we deserve to be treated just like the Queen of England or the Pope.  I'll ask that you set aside their violence and evil agendas for a moment while you are picturing this and just focus on how they are treated while they interact with one another or by their servants and subjects.  

This brings up a paradox as well.  If we demand that we be treated with kit gloves, that also demands that we treat others with kit gloves.  The sword of consent swings both ways and we cannot have one without the other.  This also brings up an interesting question:  What about our youth or those unable to comprehend the implications of consent?

This is where tribes are most important.  Young spiritual beings don't have the physical, emotional or mental capacity to comprehend complex situations.  They also don't have the life experience to be able to figure out the longer term consequences of their actions or choices.  That is why Creator provided them with parents and tribes, to help protect them from those who engage in violence but also to teach them this art form so that they are ready to engage in the world when they come of age.  For some of our youth, that could be fairly quickly, for others it could take a life time.  The tribe is the ones that make the determination on when they have become adults and that is usually recognized through a right of passage ceremony.  

Consent is also a foundational principle of the most governments.

 “Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.” - Declaration of Independence
  The consent of the governed is a value that is basic to our understanding of a free and democratic society.  - Supreme Court of Canada (Reference re Secession of Quebec, [1998] 2 S.C.R. 217)

When people consent to be governed, they show that consent through their participation with the state.  By voting, making applications or registering property (land, kids, cars, etc), they express consent to being governed.  But what exactly are they consenting to?  

Their consent is to be a feudal serf and abandon Creator in exchange for a feudal master.  That master claims the right to engage in violence and coercion to maintain the peace and demands obedience from the serf.  But did anybody receive full disclosure in order to make an informed decision?  How easy is it to revoke consent from these power hungry institutions so that an individual can return the Creator and live off the land?  What if people no longer consent?

The burden of consent

In order to obtain consent, both parties must provide full, unredacted disclosure to the other party in order for informed consent to be obtained.  This process is similar to the phases of contract negotiation.  We start off with the offer.  If the other party wants to entertain the offer, then consideration must be obtained.  That includes the full disclosure components but also an equal exchange of energy to ensure one party is not being taken advantage of by the other.  If all parties are in agreement, full disclosure was successfully accomplished and everyone is fully aware of what they are getting into, then the agreement can be finalized.  Consent can be given to proceed.  Some times this process is very simple, like trading eggs for milk.  Other times it can be very complex, like governing countries.  Without this process, how can we obtain consent?  

Here is the catch that we must all be aware

Getting positive affirmation of consent can be cumbersome.  So kings long ago decided to add a little rule into the process.  If you ask for consent and the other party is silent, their silence is a positive affirmation of consent.  This loop hole is dangerous and I believe governments have used it for hundreds, perhaps thousands of years.  It even has a fancy term:  silent acquiescence.  

What that means is that if we don't consent we have to say 'no', otherwise our silence means 'yes'.  That is why I write a LOT of letters over the years.  I've learned to say 'no' a lot and I think we all have to learn that skill if we are going to bring peace to our lives and the world.  

The courts have also ruled that if people are under the influence of drugs or alcohol, they cannot provide consent.  It does not take a rocket scientist to figure out that part of the process of obtaining consent from somebody is our own evaluation on whether the other individual is even capable of providing consent.  Often our own bias or greed blurs our judgement, but this is a critical component of self-governance and being honourable.

Ownership does not grant consent

I know this is going to rub people the wrong way and it may even fly in the face of legal doctrine.  But I'm going to suggest that ownership does not actually exist.  Any claim of ownership is a fictional construct and does not grant any privilege to the owner to do what ever they want to the property.  It does not matter if the property claimed is a husband or wife, children, plants, animals, water, air, land, etc.  We must recognize the spiritual sovereignty of every spiritual being if we want to honour the spirit of consent.  Each spiritual being was granted the sovereign exclusive right to it's vessel and we ALL must honour that grant from Creator.  The moment we force our will on another, we engage in violence.  Peaceful relationship dictate that we must gain consent and that the exchange be balanced.  

No more emotional war fair by engaging in guilt, shame or other emotional weapons.  No more mental war fair by attempting to diminish how others feel by making them feel stupid or inadequate.  No more touching others without consent first.  No more having sex, even when the other has a head ache.  No more rape, theft, covetousness or murder.  No more lusting over others in our minds as that has spiritual and energetic implications.  

It is easier to ask for forgiveness than permission

It is easier because asking for forgiveness often means we engage in violence to obtain what we wanted and then beg for forgiveness from the other.  This is the wrong approach. The correct path is not easy.  In fact is is most difficult and many will refuse to walk that path because it is so hard.  For those of us who want to Graduate Life with Honours, we must work hard to walk this path of peaceful consent.  It requires that we put in the work to ask for permission so that we don't engage in violence and as such won't need to ask or beg for forgiveness.  New saying:

It is honourable to ask for permission than to engage in violence and then beg for forgiveness!

To clean the slate, I revoked all consent, especially from the government.  That allowed me to then consciously evaluate all the agreements that I entered into to ensure it was peaceful and the proper consent was obtained.  People and governments freak out over this, but it is the honourable approach.  I must do this in order to ensure that I don't participate in violence or any other action that did not obtain the proper, informed, balanced, spiritual consent.  

The spirit of consent is an integral component of the Pacem Arts, life and spiritual mastery.  We need it in order to have healthy relationships.  No excuses.  

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