Reconciling relationships ... with my self

in #ungrip7 years ago

Two days ago I wrote about some of the life challenges I face.  Some people felt that I was thinking in a negative way and suggested I turn my thought process around in order to heal.  

I don't buy into the new age philosophy where only good thoughts manifest change.  I have a lot of experience in my life where I went through some very dark thoughts and behaviours in my life.  The abuse, pain, anger, frustration, resentment, lust, greed and other behaviours were not remedied by meditation, positive thoughts and singing happy songs.  

The level of healing that I had to do required that I take my flash light, enter the abyss and start exploring the darkness within me.  It was a painful, scary, sad and a surprisingly enlightening exploration of self.  

 In Chinese philosophy, yin and yang (陰陽 yīnyáng, lit. "dark-bright", "negative-positive") describe how seemingly opposite or contrary forces may actually be complementary, interconnected,  and interdependent in the natural world, and how they may give rise to  each other as they interrelate to one another. Many tangible dualities (such as light and dark, fire and water, expanding and contracting) are thought of as physical manifestations of the duality symbolized by yin and yang. - Wikipedia 

For me, there is no way I can ignore the darkness within.  In fact, I view it as an integral part of who I am and my experience here in this Physical Realm.  If I ignore it, the darkness starts to swirl, grow and get unruly. That leads to sickness and physical manifestations that inhibit life.  When I recovered from depression I dedicated my life to no longer tell lies to myself.  

If I ignore the darkness and just focus on happy thoughts and feelings, then I am only looking at half of who I am.  This experience has many dualities and they are designed to work together to build strength.  Just as gravity provides resistance for our physical vessels, which results in stronger muscles and bones, our darkness provides the resistance we need to build strength emotionally, mentally and spiritually.  

A lie of omission is still a lie.  Refusing to acknowledge, confront and integrate the darkness with the light does not result in a reconciled relationship with myself.  Part of this journey is to love myself, ALL of myself.  There are lots of things about my self that I hated and I am slowly learning to recognize their value, integrate them into my life and love that they are there and a part of me.  

I AM that I AM - ALL that I AM, including the darkness and light

For me to express fear, pain, anxiety, sadness, loss, sorrow, anger or any of those other emotions or feelings is NOT a negative.  These are not negative feelings or experiences.  They are a part of who I am and are tools to help me deal with the duality within me.  By ignoring them and lying to myself about their existence is the true negative response which will manifest even greater emotions and feelings as they will not be ignored.  

While I appreciate the expressions that were shared a few days ago, I don't see what I did as being 'negative' or a 'wrong' approach.  It is a skill that I learned long ago that has helped me heal some of the most traumatic experiences of my life and come to appreciate, love, embrace and cherish those experiences.  They no longer cause me pain because I accepted them, forgave myself and welcomed them into my life.  That is why I can speak so freely about it all.

I did that by talking, sharing and expressing how I feel, no matter how dark or painful the process may be.  I've found great healing by expressing in this way as others can relate and they too start expressing how they are feeling.  Before long, many are sharing, talking, relating, processing, crying and the flow of energy ends up being released.  

By lying to ourselves and stuffing those feelings & emotions, we stuff the energy and block its flow.  The body must 'store' it somewhere, so it finds specific areas depending on what is being stored.  Messages from the Body is a good book to help identify specific things that may need to be processed based on what part of the body is in pain or producing symptoms.  

While this process may seem foreign for lots of people, this is the process that I've used for 17 years with great success.  It has helped me conquer depression, suicidal thoughts and work through a great deal of emotional, mental, physical and even spiritual pain.  It may seem dark, messy, painful and ugly.  Indeed it is and that is what makes it so beautiful!  I am not afraid to go peering into the abyss any longer and get really messy.  I refuse to ignore or lie to myself in fear of what I may find there.  

This skill saved my life and allowed me to bring balance where there was none.  It helped me center myself and contemplate the relationship I have between the dark and light.  I AM a paradox as life is full of dualities that I'm working to find balance and harmony between them all.  That includes between Spirit and my vessel too.  This is the journey that I explore and there are lots of dark, hidden corners in the labyrinth of my spirit.  I've dedicated this life time to work on it all!  

That is the intent and spirit behind my sharing.  I pray that this clarifies my intent.  


LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this. I am sometimes very dark and broody... I can scare small children and swarthy men... but I have to go there, be there, and find why I came there to come back to the light unburdened.
Peace and love, my friend!

Thank you for confirming and empathizing with what I wrote. I know it is a healthy process and it is welcoming that others feel the same way. Peace and love to you too my friend!

This, honestly, is one of my most favorite things ever! Many people have talked about accepting the darkness.
Matt Khan spoke in a video I watched recently about how you must acknowledge the darkness, the 'ghosts' and welcome them into your life, because they are only 'haunting' you wishing for acceptence. Once you see them as they are, those dark parts of yourself, that brings them into wholeness and peace.

Just yesterday I watched this ted talk about emotions, that also speaks to the same theme and which I found truely beautiful and enlightening :

I am an advocator for truely feeling ones feelings. When I feel emotions adn want to cry, I feel them and I cry. I try not to offer advice to those in sorrow, because that sorrow is not going to go away unless you feel it fully.

I am just thinking about an article I want to write about reconciling BDSM and healthy relationships, and I think confronting dark and taboo parts of yourself is something that healthy BDSM can help with! More on that to come though, I have a lot of thinking to really make that whole thing make sense haha.

Sometimes things get really shitty! No denying that. It is only when you come to terms with the absolute shittyness that you can learn to reconcile with it and move past it. Thank you for sharing such valuable insights! I hope that our societies as a whole begin to see these truths!

Bravo to you. Yes, I like Matt Khan's work as well. There are times where I just feel like crying. So I'll watch sad shows on purpose. I've found within my life a joy when I cry. I actually love crying and feel so much better afterwards. It allows me to move energy that seems stuck and it works very well. Bravo to you for embracing it ALL! I love to hear it!

I actually love to cry too, I don't usually try to hide or suppress my tears. They can happen pretty often haha, and some people find it uncomfortable when I cry out in the open. Often times, crying is me moving through it, moving energy that is stuck yes! I dont usually watch sad or scary shows tho haha, I encounter enough feelings in real life.

thanks for sharing that ted talk, I really like where she says "You dont get to raise a family or leave the world a better place without discomfort. Discomfort is the price of admission to a meaningful life."

This reminds me of 'The real story of the two wolves'

One cannot just be positive all the time without exhausting themselves! Looking forward to reading that book I added it to my list yesterday haha.

"How can I be substantial if I do not cast a shadow? I must have a dark side also if I am to be whole" - Carl Jung

Actually that book is a reference. So if you stub your toe, have a specific head ache or anything like that, the book will help you explore the emotional root causes so that it can be healed, which in turn would heal the physical manifestations. Wonderful resource to have.

Where did you purchase it? Says it's 100$ US on amazon and that's out of my reach for now lol. Would really like to check it out though

I don't recall where or even when my wife got our book. Sorry.

I agree with you - there is at least some darkness in all of us and that is perfectly fine. To be complete, we must live through all our emotions without judgment, accept our dark side, love our selves without conditions, and then we can go through a metamorphosis like a caterpillar and become our best versions. If we suppress our dark side it will work against us instead for us, and we will not be able to let go of it, forgive ourselves, and move forward. Cheers! : )

Beautifully said! I agree and I like the analogy that you shared as well. Bravo my friend.

Hi @wwf, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Join us on Thursdays for Pimp Your Post Thursday at 11am EST or 7PM EST in the Steemit Ramble Discord or:

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Thank you. I am honoured. Great post too. I hope others see it and visit. Peace to you.

I have my dark and broody, generally messy days and my family and friends know that I need time to myself to work through the darkness. It is how I heal spiritually. Bodily I am the same. When I am ill I retreat, rest and treat myself kindly until I am well. I have come to the conclusion that if people think that this is negative and harmful, I ignore them. I know what is best for me. The sharing comes later, when I know I can handle it.

Good for you. We each have our ways and there is no 'negative' as long as we are healing and moving forward. <3

I congratulate you on your progress towards achieving integrity, I'm sure your experience will be a support for people who are in a spiritual impasse.
I practice Vipassana meditation, in this tradition the body is scanned by attention and thus the process that you described is happening.
In addition, the integration of various pathologies of consciousness is very effective in personal relationships with a partner, when he acts as a mirror and if there is a high level of trust between you, then you can express yourself without limitations. But, unfortunately, not everyone has the good fortune to be with a loved one.
I wish you all the best!

Wonderful. I would agree, it takes two people to really do this level of work. We often need that mirror to reflect back so that we can really 'see'. That is what the 40 people in the room did for me when I was going through my recovery. The probing questions were VERY uncomfortable, but necissary and for that I am forever grateful. My wife and I now do that for one another and we don't view it as fighting but rather tough love to help the other work through something. It is a beautiful and loving gesture, though it can be uncomfortable. But we don't take it personally and instead allow that energy to flow so that we can move through it. I'm not familiar with Vipassana meditation, but it sounds wonderful. Thank you for sharing.

You're very lucky with your wife and I think this is a reward for your sacrifice, patience and work in self-development...
Thank you for telling me about your experience, I didn't think about group work before, but now I'm interested in finding similar organizations in Moscow.
Enlightenment is the most noble cause, you make big deal!

“If I ignore it the darkness starts to swirl, grow, and get unruly”. Reminds me of the shadow refered to by Carl Jung. I’m just starting to dig a liitle deeper into my abyss. Hoping to heal mind, body, and Spirit. The truth, no matter how ugly, will set you free. Your posts are always so dynamic and insightful. Thank you

I am glad that you find them that way! <3 May your journey be fruitful and healing!

I agree about the darkness. We all have it. No matter what path we are on it is there. If we are currently in a place of great light we fight to maintain that light. Not that we have run out all of the darkness and there is now only light, but the space is shared and we make concious decisions as to empower light or dark.

My feeling is that we are supposed to heal the darkness and love it. When we do that, then we can start to do that outside of ourselves too. By healing and loving the internal, we heal and love the external. That is how we can then find a remedy for a lot of the conflict we witness in the world. But it has to start within first. Thank you for writing and sharing. well said!

Have you ever stopped to think about if duality is actually a thing?

What I believe is that everything is just one and what we call the "physical" world is just an illusion. What we are : Infinite conciousness. I would love to have your input in this perspective. Infinite love is the only truth.

I gave it a lot of thought actually. You may enjoy my book which I wrote a few years ago.

I'm going to check it out. Thank you for sending me a link!

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