May the work that I've done, speak on my behalf

in #ungrip6 years ago

There are plenty of people in this world that speak ill of me, but I care not what they think, say or do.  None of them have walked in my shoes nor spent the time to befriend me or become my brother or sister.  I also recognize that my work brings discomfort to most as I confront us all on our actions and behaviours.  

I stand every day to testify to the Spiritual journey that I've embarked on and the lessons that I've learned along the way.  I share my journey openly in the hopes that I may influence others along the way.  I don't go into other peoples homes or social walls to force my views on others.  Instead I wait for people to come to me instead.

When those individuals have the courage to reach out to me, Spirit moves in powerful ways.  I've been a witness to many miracles as the work that I do influences those that are ready to heal, grow and embrace their own Spiritual sovereignty.  I am humbled, honoured and moved deeply by what I've witnessed in my life.

Spirit is the source of my authority and power.  My responsibility is to ensure that I govern it responsibly and honourably.  As my tribe works on retreats and other programs to help others explore their own spiritual sovereignty, health and relationships, I am left with the feedback of those who actually spent time really getting to know me and the work that we all do.  

My dear friend and brother Sweetgrass Sitting Bear (Ben Badger) wrote this in regards to his experience at our last men's retreat in October.  I will let his testimony speak as he witnessed the work that we do.  

"Coming together to hold space where it’s okay to be vulnerable as men is one of the best medicines. Being able to express our weaknesses and being completely open to understanding that we are not alone in the fear that we are inadequate. This retreat allowed for this to happen. Admitting to yourself that it’s okay to cry and okay to be hurt is something more of us as humans need to do. Because if we don’t and we walk around like we are always “strong”, then that eventually manifests into physical medical sickness. Let it out and don’t hold that garbage. This retreat will allow that process to begin. Challenge yourself to something that no other man is willing to do. Learn to love freely and openly.” - Sweetgrass Sitting Bear (Benjamin Badger – Kehewin First Nations) 

While others rebuke the work out of their own pain, fear, anger, ignorance or suffering, Sweetgrass Sitting Bear spoke out of integrity and personal experience.  He found the courage to explore the teachings and integrate his own healing into his life.  His spirit was enriched and nourished as a result of his experience with our retreats.  

My journey as an elder and knowledge keeper within our tribe was earned.  I did not ask for this role or position.  I was asked and invited by the divine feminine, upon which I humbly accepted.  As a result, I've worked hard with the feminine energy to build retreats and help facilitate the healing journey of many beautiful spiritual beings.  We have witnessed miracles as a result and that must not be ignored or diminished in any way.

I recently decided to extend an offer to people around the world who may not have the opportunity to attend our retreats.  When I was invited into the Homesteaders Co-op, it was a natural fit for me to use that platform to express my offer to provide Spiritual Mentorship for those ready to get to work.  My dear spiritual sister Sandra shared her thoughts about my efforts to be a Spiritual Mentor for others.

“I have had the honour of participating and co-facilitating spiritual healing retreats with White Walking Feather for the past year and I continually witness his gifts that he gives to others from his great depth of wisdom and consciousness. He stands strong in his eternal sovereign truth and helps others to do the same with deep compassion and awareness of what it means to be a spiritual being having a human experience. I would highly recommend Rob as a mentor to anyone wishing to connect deeply with themselves, their own sovereignty, with others in community and mother earth. Blessings to White Walking Feather on his journey of divine strength as he shares his wisdom with others.” - Sandra Kunz - (Edmonton)   

As Sandra stated, she has many first hand experiences working with me and my work impacted her on a deep, spiritual level.  It is these experiences that I cherish most and I've learned to accept and embrace the beautiful testimony of people like Sandra and Sweetgrass Sitting Bear.  I love the both dearly, along with all the others in my tribe.

I am a powerful spiritual being and I work hard to be completely conscious in my efforts and daily living.  I've been through a tremendous healing journey and I am fully qualified to help others do similar work.  My qualifications are granted to me by Spirit and not some earthly authority.  The work that I do speaks for itself and is not for everyone as most people are not ready for this type of intimacy, exploration and healing.  

But for those who are, you will find me.  Spirit will guide you to reach out when you are ready to get to work.  The work is not easy, in fact it is very uncomfortable and challenging.  However, as we explore all aspects of life on this planet and the spiritual authority to be here, all our relationships will change for the better.  It requires surrendering to Spirit and letting go of many of the earthly goals, beliefs and ambitions we once thought were important.  

I share freely on line for those who chose to explore this work for themselves.  However, for those who are willing to fully surrender to the journey, there are many options available to participate.  Visit our store front as we are vendors in the beautiful Homesteaders Co-op started by the talented @sagescrub.  The tribe that I am involved with also has some beautiful retreats coming up this spring.

The first is a split men's and women's level 1 heart retreat.  The men's retreat is held off grid at our home, here on the western slope of the Tawatinaw Valley north of Edmonton.  The women's retreat is held in the home of my dear friend and sister, Lorene Lund McRobb.  This retreat is designed to help us all reconnect with our heart space and start the healing journey, much like what Sweetgrass shared above.  He attended the level 1 heart retreat back in October and shared his impressions of it with us all.  

We will be scheduling the level 2 Spiritual Mind retreat for May, details will follow.  In April we are planning a Spiritual Sovereignty retreat at the 4H center in the beautiful resort on Battle Lake, Alberta.  Here is what the description says about this retreat:

 For many of us,  our hearts,  and spirits are calling us to a different way.  A way of freedom, of balance,  connection,  and natural law.  What does that actually mean? What does it actually take?

There are many paths our passions call us to on the physical,  emotional,  mental,  and spiritual levels as we unravel our way back to natural again.  They are so similar on the spirit level.  A deep knowing,  yearning,  burning for justice, value, creation,  stewardship, connection, equality, community, the right to be master and creator of our lives,  and to revel in the divinity of LIFE vs being a commodity.  

Come and join a diverse tribe, as we co-create a sacred space, and experiences to allow each of us to step deeply into awakening, empowering, understanding, and anchoring our sovereign flames. With spirit and the combined wisdom and experiences of our paths, gifts, and love to guide us, a new way awaits ♥ 

If you are indeed interested in freedom and the Spiritual journey, this is one retreat you do not want to miss.  This retreat is a product of our tribal work but also a show case for my own work over the last 20 years.  This is the first time that sovereignty, peace and freedom is being offered in such a spiritual way.  This goes well beyond the fictional / legalistic framework and instead focuses on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual implications of sovereignty.

We will follow up that work with a retreat in June with a Sacred Relationships retreat.  We all struggle with our own intimate relationship with our self and others, but more specifically, with our spouse or significant other.  The challenges are deep, personal, intense and challenging, especially when we get involved with intimate, sexual relationships.  While the details have yet to be ironed out, this retreat for couples, those looking to engage in intimate relationships or reconcile their strained relationship will not want to miss this opportunity to explore how two Spiritual sovereign individuals can interact and engage in a level of intimacy not often experienced.  

For anybody interested in attending sacred circles each month, we also have Tribe Up meetings once a month on the third Saturday of the month.  This circle is open to men and women and is held in the Athabasca community.  We also hold a men's sacred circle in the Athabasca area on the first Thursday of the month.  Men are welcome to join us each month for support, brotherhood, healing and sharing.

As you can see, the work that we are doing is changing lives.  But it also has the potential to change the very foundations of our relationships within society itself and the institutions that were built around it.  When we change, grow and heal, the fictional constructs that support the old model will change, grow or may even disappear.  That is how we change the world and heal it!

There are those who refuse to do this level of Spiritual work and healing.  They will say things to diminish or attack these efforts.  You can chose to listen to them or experience it for yourself.  I stand on the work that I do and that of my tribe.  We are powerful spiritual beings and the work that we do is changing lives!  We welcome you to participate, learn, grow and share with your own communities.  It is our intent to share these concepts with the world and would love to teach our ceremonies, protocols, knowledge and experience with anybody willing to embrace them.  

May Creator and Mother Earth bless you all with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.


What an offering! Such a LOVING offering so near Love Day. This time if year is so auspicious for sweet sweet love 💘 Thank-you for so geñerously sharing your life's work so openly @wwf! Blessings to you and your tribe. And, to all life as we know it 💗

I hope we get to see you at one of these events my dear sister! Thank you for the wonderful and generous expression of gratitude and appreciation! <3

Mucho gusto! I can totally see us meeting irl soon! 🌻❤🐝

@wwf, In my opinion this world is filled with perceptions, judgements and criticism. If we truly doing something kind, peaceful and good then we should not care what others think and hold the perceptions, because good deeds always backed with the blessings. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Agreed. I don't care what others think. I walk my path despite their opinions. Peace to you!!!

Keep up and keep walking. Thank you so much and have a blessful time ahead.

Highly rEsteemed!

This is indeed great work. The healing of the past and of this planet begins and ends with the healing of the Self. I stand in high regard for you efforts. And you've taught me a great deal through your past work with Ben Stewart. Thank you for all you continue to do Bruv.


I love the quote from Ken Wilber. He is absolutely correct. When Ben and I first started making the film UNGRIP, the original working title was Iconoclast. A breaker or destroyer of images. If that is my path, so be it. Thank you for sharing and supporting my work brother. Peace to you.

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