Learning how to make spirit centric decisions

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)

I found during my own journey that learning how to listen to my feelings was critical to leading a spirit centric life.  For the first three decades of my life I confused emotional reactions to feelings.  One of the hardest skills for me to learn was to get in touch with my feelings, a topic I explored in my book.  Emotions are a reaction or a response to external stimuli that we experience around us, while feelings are rooted within ourselves and through our body / vessel.  

While I was going through my depression, I confused my emotional reaction to external events as 'feelings'.  As a result I experienced anger, rage, guilt, jealousy, disappointment and other emotional reactions to what others were doing or did not do.  I thought these were feelings and due to my own ignorance, I did not realize what I was missing.  

Working with a group of about 40 other individuals in an intensive group therapy setting, we worked hard to come to terms with what we were feeling inside and separate the emotional reactions to what was going on outside of ourselves.  This is a difficult process as we usually mask our feelings with emotions and it was difficult at times to differentiate between emotion and feeling.  

Anger for example is usually a mask for fear and is not a 'feeling'.  So when ever somebody got emotionally angry in the group, the work turned to identifying the feeling of fear so that the individual could then work on why the fear was there.  If the fear could be identified, then work went into figuring out if it was a rational fear, something to prevent imminent harm or death, or an irrational fear, something that has little or no risk but felt imminent.  

Once the majority of us in the room identified the root causes of our fear, then we could do the work to remedy that fear or come to terms with it.  As a result, the anger went away as it was no longer required to mask the fear out of avoidance or even ignorance.  Facing our fear and working through our perceptions was a common theme within the group.  This requires a great deal of conscious work as most of our emotional reactions are very unconscious and an automatic response.  

There is a term called 'emotional plague reaction' which is used to identify when people are reacting emotionally or unconsciously to events.  It is a term to indicate a disconnect or masking of their feelings at an unconscious level.  

However, once the individual has worked through their emotional reactions and rooted their healing with their feelings, then they can start listening to the body to do the next step of healing.  There is a wonderful booked called 'Messages from the Body' by Narayan Singh, which highlights the body's attempt to send a message to us regarding deeper emotional healing that must occur so that we can find optimum health and vitality.  

Deep emotional trauma is stored in the body if we don't process and heal it properly.  Our body holds onto it and tries to communicate to us what the issues are by manifesting symptoms.  This is where the allopathic medical system fails as they treat symptoms and don't bother to address the root causes.  By being consciously aware of what those symptoms are, we can do even deeper emotional work to heal those traumas and lighten the load on the body so that it can function as Creator designed it.  

At that point, it is much easier to then work on being consciously aware of how are body 'feels'.  These true feelings can guide is in our decisions, warn us of danger and serve us in ways that our intellect could never do.  Some people call it a 6th sense, gut instinct, second sight or being intuitive.  I believe these feelings are our Spirit communicating to our vessel and it is up to us to listen as Spirit can sense much more than our vessel can.  

I've found in my own experience, that my intuition has increased significantly after going through the emotional, mental and physical healing over the past 17 years.  Now I get feelings and insights often.  When I meditate, ideas come flooding through and I just let them flow, observing the ideas along the way.  When I am going through my day, I will get insights that just pop into my head or other parts of my body experience sensations and when I dismiss them, my intellect soon regrets the decision.  

Once the emotional issues have been worked out, our feelings become powerful and significant.  Being consciously aware of how each part of our body feels serves us well.  Now when we are confronted with decisions, I allow the intellect to work out the details, but how my body feels is how I decide whether to proceed or not.  

Being consciously aware of how my body feels allows spirit to then guide my life and the results have been amazing, rewarding and enriching.  When my intellect made the decisions years ago, my life was a disaster.  

This is how I make spirit centric decisions and it took a lot of work to get my body to a point where Spirit can express itself. It also took a lot of work learning how to listen.  Those with the eyes to see and the ears to hear!  

As a result, now I can see events outside of myself for what they are and not have an emotional reaction to them ... for the most part.  I'm still working on it all myself.  But Creator speaks to us at all times and I see messages from all over, not just through my body.  It is my job to be a witness so that I can tap into my feelings and guide my life and take advantage of the opportunities when they are presented.  

This is the start of exploring what Christ level consciousness is all about.  I would never presume to be an expert at any of this, but rather this is my current comprehension at this point in my life as I comprehend it through my own personal experiences.  I pray this helps.  

This is how I created the "Stewards of Terra Mater".  It was purely driven by my feelings.  I was moved to do it.  


For "gut instincts" ... it took me most of my life to realize that that is LITERAL!! For me anyways.

When something is wrong, some situation I should not be in, my gut literally starts to hurt, my whole life this is been trying to guide me. I grew up having what I called "gut wrangles" all the time! My folks sent me to one dr. after another to try and find out what was wrong.

Later in life I finally "got it". My "gut wrangles" went away once I had removed the causes of stress in my life!!!!

Now when I get 'gut wrangles' I know I need to stop, and listen, look around and try to find the source of what my body is warning me of!!! My gut has NEVER been wrong!!!!! No pain = I'm doing everything right. Pain = I need to change something.

<3 You got it! <3

One of the hardest skills for me to learn was to get in touch with my feelings, a topic I explored in my book.
Where can I download your book?

My book is now on my blog which you can read here:


If you prefer a pdf for a e-reader, then you can download it from my website:


Thanks, downloaded from your website. Will leave a review on your website once done reading.

Oh the journey! Thank-you so much White Walking Feather for sharing topics and info that really matter <3

You are welcome. <3

Thank you for sharing this experience. When I was reading, I thought about Genesis 3:4-5

4 And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

It was pursuing the intellectual knowledge that got us into trouble in the first place. I will be more conscious of how I make decisions from now on.

By the way, I like that photo! It speaks a lot. Who would think a rotting leaf and a little water can reflect something as beautiful. When our vessel reflects the beautiful spirit within us, I hope it will be like that as well.

This is really beautiful and truly a guide for humanity. Wonderful light. Thank you.

Enthralling post... made me think about myself.

Right at the beggining, when you say:

"For the first three decades of my life I confused emotional reactions to feelings"

I must humbly admit that sometimes I do to, I still wasn't able to get out of this circle. But then again, I am 29, so maybe I can reach that stage soon.

Grateful for your contribution.

You are welcome. Thank you. For me, it was conscious work and I still find that I have to do that work. That is why I live my life with two words as my motto: Vigilance & Persistence. I must remain forever vigilant to ensure that I don't fall back into old habits or risk falling into depression, wrecking relationships, etc. The persistence comes in know that if I do slide backwards, I have the skills and experience now to work my way out and come back to the status quo that I've worked hard to establish in my life. That process used to take months. Over the years, I managed to get it down to days and sometimes even hours. As I get better and better at it, my 'down' periods don't last nearly as long which brings a lot of relief. <3

Any tips for youngesters like me who are still trying to reach your level?

What I usually recommend is that people start with my book. Have you read it? If not, then links are above on @ghulammujtaba post. But if you start at the beginning of my blog and work your way up, that would cover a lot of ground. Ask lots of questions. <3

Ok man, thanks, will definitely take a look!

Thanks for writing this! I think it is probably the first practical advice I've seen on living according to the spirit that I've heard. It makes sense, you make a distinction between emotions and feelings. But that begs the question what is the difference between emotions and feelings? You use the example of anger and fear. What is it about fear that makes it a feeling vs. an emotion? Would happy be a feeling or emotion? What about sadness? And we could go on and on. Any and all insight and advice will be greatly appreciated.

Great question. Again, from my own experience it still comes down to whether we are reacting to emotions as a result of what is happening outside of our self or if we are experiencing feelings that are coming from within.

Let's use fear as an example as you brought it up. I mentioned rational fear, which is a feeling we experience when we are in present and real danger. An example of rational fear may be death by heart disease as there is a very high statistical probability that it will actually happen or the fear one feels when they get close to a tall cliff. These rational fears are there to help preserve life.

An irrational fear would be an experience where we worry about something that has little or no real risk of actually manifesting like being killed by a terrorist. But because of irrational fears, we then start to worry about it actually happening even though the probability is lower than us being killed by lightning or even winning the lottery.

As a result, worry, stress, anxiety and other reactions to the irrational fear start to manifest. These are emotional reactions to the irrational fear. The feelings of fear, anxiety or stress when we are near a cliff are the feelings we experience as a result of the rational fear. They are feelings that are there to protect us from imminent harm.

So even though people use the same words to describe what they are experiencing, I would argue that the root causes are very different and that some could be describe as emotional responses while other are actual feelings.

In the end, it is up to each individual to be very blunt and honest with themselves. Is what we are experiencing an emotional response or is it an actual feeling? In order for us to make these determinations requires that we get in touch with all our trauma, get healed up and in a state of being where we can differentiate between us experiencing an emotional plague reaction or we are actually feeling something!

Emotion is energy in motion. So when we are having an emotional response, it can get rather dynamic. If we can calm ourselves, work through the emotions and center ourselves, then we can get in touch with the feelings within us. That is the connection to Spirit. Feelings are the expression of Spirit, emotions are the expression of our physical vessel.

Thanks for the clarification!

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