Ideas can be killed, only with more powerful ideas who's time has come!

in #ungrip6 years ago (edited)
A stand can be made against invasion by an army; no stand can be made against invasion by an idea - Victor Hugo (1802-1885)

When the Roman Empire started in 27BC, the idea of colonization started in earnest and for over 2000 years, this idea has spread all over the world.  In the past, the sword was a very effective tool for control, but the empire uses something far more insidious and evil; ideas.  There is a war on right now and it has been going on for thousands of years.  The war of ideas has influenced and enslaved mankind and bullets are not going to free us from this prison.  

In order to win this war we need to engage in ideas that far exceed the power and influence of the ideas our slave masters use.  These ideas must be rooted in our hearts and support freedom, peace, liberty, prosperity, empathy, joy and love, otherwise they are the weapons of choice by the slave masters on this planet. 

There is one thing stronger than all the armies in the world; and that is an idea whose time has come - In Nation 15 April 1943

What is most telling about their ideas is that it involves focusing on race, color, social status, skills, abilities, sex, addictions, violence, coercion, force and every other physical manifestation possible.  They have colonized the land and our bodies.  They are now desperate to colonize our minds to get to our spirit.  For some people they have succeeded.  However, there is a small group of people who have not been colonized and we are resisting the process.

The wonderful thing about our peaceful non-compliance protocols is that they are spirit based, which is far superior and more powerful than their fictional constructs.  These ideas are bulletproof, so it does not matter what they do.  The challenge with these ideas is that the power of them is more than most of us know how to handle.  It takes training, education, discipline, vigilance, persistence, support, team work, change and a burning desire for sacred stewardship, peace, compassion, empathy and love.  This requires a leap of faith as we are entering into a period of our history where this level of peace and freedom has not been accomplished before.  

When we do our internal work, we are then capable of holding the charge of these ideas and that is when we start to explore our true power and influence on this planet.  That is when our super powers kick in and we start to dismantle the ideas that enslave us.  They will try to discredit the individual to discredit the idea, but they fail.  

I know that deep in each one of us is a burning desire for freedom and peace.  We all want it but get caught up in their propaganda, fear and intimidation.  If we are to be sacred stewards of this land, we must recognize that the work we do here is not for us but for the next seven generations.  I am willing to make significant sacrifices for not only my off spring, but yours as well.  

Beneath this mask there is an idea, Mr. Creedy, and ideas are bulletproof - V for Vendetta

What I share on my blog are ideas who's time has come.  I don't own them as they are not mine, but rather I stand as an advocate to give them a voice.  I stand as a Spiritual Warrior to counteract the violence and slavery that has manifested from ideas rooted in greed, lust and power.  These ideas are no longer welcome on this planet and it is time that they go.  The battle field is now in our minds and hearts; a domain we have complete control over.  They will resort to using bullets to induce fear in an attempt to kill these ideas.  They will fail because they do not comprehend the power and influence of these ideas and the free will of spirit.  

What is required now is courage!  It requires courage to consider these ideas, make changes and implement them in each of our lives.  The way that people implement them could be as diverse as the planet herself.  Seven  billion different solutions for the same idea will help ensure that the old guard does not stand a chance.  We will manifest peace in our time, but that transition will look ugly as the old guard gets more violent in order to protect its power and control.  

I have complete faith that we can do this and we will succeed.  Peace, non-violence and prosperity for all are within our grasp.  A discerning heart and mind will ensure that we don't fall pray to their wicked ways.  I trust that Creator will help us along the way and I also know that Mother Earth will help too.  Those that embrace the colonial way of thinking don't stand a chance against the waves of changes that result with the ideas that are spreading around this planet.  

If we focus on race, language, beliefs, social status, etc, then that is a clue that we have been hoodwinked.  Time to peer deeper and look past the fictional and physical as we look at their spirit and intent.  Ideas require an open mind and heart to allow these concepts to enter and peculate.  The brainwashing that the elite has done works hard to prevent that from happening.  But once it happens, there is no turning back.  

A spiritual warrior only needs peace and non-violence as ideas can only be killed with more powerful ideas.  Bullets are useless, so we focus on ideas instead.  We plant seeds to see what ideas sprout in the minds and hearts of men and women around the world.  If our ideas needs violence, it is not a worthy enough to exist here any longer. New ideas requires courage to consider the idea, integrate the idea if it feels right and to discard the old ideas that it replaces.  That is the power of which I speak!  

The pen is mightier than the sword -  Edward Bulwer-Lytton 1839 

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Where bullets get failed, they ( controller of the World) use their evil thoughts and ideas to manipulate the innocent minds of the world. Yes, this is so true that every body wants peace and freedom from the slavery of the so called political systems of the world. We are facing the toughness of the system, just to bring about the change for the coming generations so that they can their life according to their will.

I know that deep in each one of us is a burning desire for freedom and peace. We all want it but get caught up in their propaganda, fear and intimidation. If we are to be sacred stewards of this land, we must recognize that the work we do here is not for us but for the next seven generations.

You shared a very valid point that to kill an idea, one should go beyond that idea with 100% confidence to push the evil ideas on back foot for the betterment of the society as whole.

Thanks lot @wwf for the motivational blog <3

You know @wwf I'm getting a greater sense of a growing synergy between your vision and others over on @tribesteemup who have similar ideas of permaculture (@erikaharris) cooperative abundance, blockchain technology (@taskmaster) and a new future for humanity. I think the time has come. I think, and hope, there are enough of us who can sense, see, and do the work necessary for a paradigm shift, for a shift in consciousness. Many blessings.

What I share on my blog are ideas who's time has come. I don't own them as they are not mine, but rather I stand as an advocate to give them a voice. I stand as a Spiritual Warrior to counteract the violence and slavery that has manifested from ideas rooted in greed, lust and power. These ideas are no longer welcome on this planet and it is time that they go. The battle field is now in our minds and hearts; a domain we have complete control over. They will resort to using bullets to induce fear in an attempt to kill these ideas. They will fail because they do not comprehend the power and influence of these ideas and the free will of spirit.

Thank you, @wwf for sharing these ideas. The word is spreading and the people want a more peaceful and free way of living. They are not listening or following the propaganda as they once did. The grassroots movement is spreading around the world.

Bulletins can harm us and take away our earthly vessel, but our spirits will continue to be heard. They can not touch our free will, our spiritualness or our ideas. Our spiritual souls will prevail.

I am willing to sacrifice my earthly vessel in order for spirit to be heard. I also know that I am protected until such point that my time here is done. Spirit will move me to continue my work despite the threats, intimidation and violence. I will work hard to not surrender to their shit.

Right now, I need to be careful as I have others to protect...

As we all do. I'm not suggesting we be careless with our vessels.

No, carelessness is not an option. We need to be able to spread the word and show by example. We can not do that if our vessel is not in working order.

An excellent piece.

What I share on my blog are ideas who's time has come. I don't own them as they are not mine, but rather I stand as an advocate to give them a voice.

And am glad you do so.

As an aside, The way of the peaceful warrior is a book I love dearly - I find a positive overlap in your blogs and the words written within,

Thanks @wwf

Thank you for sharing the book! I hope others find value in reading it as well. Thank you so much for taking the time to comment my dear spiritual brother and for your support. I have to run now to get some outside work done. Peace to you!

I now have the feeling I've mentioned the book before 😁

Once again, enjoy the summer @wwf

your post style is great..

I totally agree with your words. I liked your arguments very much. Hope to learn more and learn more in the future

excellent post..go ahead.

That is awesome!!

you are right...thats a great job

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