How can we help our indigenous brothers and sisters?steemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip6 years ago

Before we can even discuss this topic we need to be very clear on one point:

We are all indigenous to this planet!

My ancestors came from the Quercy region in France.  They moved to Turtle Island in 1647 to get away from the wars.  Sadly, the wars followed them and have since spread across the face of the planet.  As the wars spread, people who lived in other regions got swept up in the conflicts.  Most people don't have the military might to defend themselves from the colonial empires that have taken over the planet and are working hard to now consolidate that control.  The sooner we acknowledge that ALL life on this planet is our brothers and sisters, the sooner we can shed our discrimination and work on our relationship with them all.  There is no separation, so put your bias, discrimination, hate, privilege and contempt in the fire and figure out how we can reconcile our relationships with them all.  


Here are a few articles that recently came out as these beautiful people work to defend their way of life while they protect the land, water, air, plants and animals against those who don't respect boundaries as they work to take what is not theirs.

Indigenous movement calls for international support to prevent genocide in Brazil

Understanding unist'ot'en

Memo suggests French intelligence knew about attack on Rwandan President which lead to genocide

US revealed its villainy full-frontal by backing regime change in Venezuela

I'll be blunt.  The colonial empires want it all and they are prepared to create chaos, war, conflict and even genocide to get it.  The whole situation seems so monumental and overwhelming, how can any single individual influence the outcomes to bring about peace?  I want to share some strategies that we can all take to help those who are directly being impacted by this violence.  

Strategy One:  Speak out!!!

If we remain silent on these types of issues, then we chose to be complicit with the violence and genocide that unfolds as a result.  Those who are being murdered by the corporation and state need us all to stand up and confront those who engage in violence.  While this may be terrifying, it is absolutely necessary.  Most people are frozen in fear, but that must not stop us from speaking out.  

 "Feel the fear and do it anyway!"   ― Susan  Jeffers, 

I don't care if your audience is one individual or a million.  One individual CAN make a difference and we need them all.  Time for us all to speak out against the genocide, rape and pillage of our planet.  

Strategy Two:  Stop consuming their products

The only reason these people bull doze their way into the lands of other people is because they are getting paid to do it.  Where does that money come from?  Customers and governments.  If people stopped purchasing their products, they would no longer have the economic incentives to go look for resources.  If we stopped the flow of money, power and influence to the governments, they would take pause and realize just who is in control and it is not them.  To stop consuming though requires a foundational shift in life style and behaviour.  Not buying that toaster is not going to be enough.  I'm talking about a 90% reduction in consumerism and that requires that we start exploring living on the land, growing our own food, building our own shelter, harvesting our own water and treating our own waste.  While I acknowledge that this strategy seems extreme, we are dealing with extremists who have no qualms about raping and pillaging others to serve our appetites.  

Yes, this does require that we confront ourselves on our own complicity towards what others are doing to satisfy our consumerism.  We vote with their 'god', the 'almighty dollar'.  That vote equates to murder.  If you were given a button that resulted in somebodies death, would you push it?  No?  Then why do that with money?  The corporation has grown up all around us and is a psychopath.  They don't care about anything other than cash flow, control, power and profit.  They are willing to kill to get it all.  So why do we participate with them?  

It is time to extradite ourselves from their hamster wheel and take full responsibility for our own lives and stop participating in the genocide of life.  Voting for a government representative is another button that gets pushed, resulting in the death of others.  The state claims a monopoly on force and we love to push that button to force our will on others.  That shit has got to stop which means we all need to find ways to govern ourselves instead!!!

Strategy Three:  Confront the leaders

Those corporations that lobby governments to displace the locals so that they can rape the land and it's people, have head quarters in places like Canada, US and Europe.  How many times have we heard of Canadian corporations killing people to harvest resources in other countries?  It is not feasible for all of us to jump on a plane and go down there, but we sure can confront the people who work at the head office and apply pressure for them to stop the violence!  If that sort of behaviour is not tolerated here, then why in the hell would we tolerate that type of violence in other countries?  

Ohhhh, wait!  That type of violence IS tolerated here.  In fact it is even legalized in this country.  My mistake.  So does that make it right, ethical or moral?  Absolutely not.  What is required more now than at any time in history is a group of people with high ethical and moral values to start standing up to these thugs and confronting them on their behaviour.  We can influence what they do in regions like Venezuela, Brazil, Nicaragua, Iraq, Palestine, Sudan and all the other regions in the world, by applying political pressure to the suits in the ivory tower.  

What is required is an evolution in consciousness.  We must realize that the violence we do to other people around the world, including all the plants and animals, will have an impact on our own spirit and body.  We all live on this planet in a symbiotic relationship. 

"You and the Naboo form a symbiotic circle, what happens to one of you   will affect the other, you must understand this..." -  Obi-Wan Kenobi  (Star Wars Episode I)

I am going to say the same thing.  We all form a symbiotic circle on this planet.  What happens to our brothers and sisters will affect us and we MUST understand this point deeply.  The impacts of our choices don't just run through the fictional realm or even the physical realm.  Our choices, actions and behaviours have significant spiritual implications as well!

"Protect your spirit, because you are in the place where spirits get eaten" - John Trudell

I cannot express this point enough.  Our actions here does impact our spirit and if we want to Graduate Life with Honours and not have to repay a load of karma in another life, it is a prudent choice to forgo much of the physical greed and empire building in favor of living a gentle, peaceful, loving life.  Yes, that does require great sacrifice and I do believe that those sacrifices will be justly rewarded when we return to the Spiritual Realm.  

Strategy Four:  Heal oneself so that we can free ourselves to come to the aid of others

For anybody who flew on a plane, one of the safety instructions that they share with the passengers is to put your air mask on first before trying to help others.  Why do they do that?  Because it is difficult to help others when you are passed out on the floor of the plane.  The Tribe that I am a member of, works hard to heal themselves and in turn, open their hearts, time and arms to help others do the same.  I've personally gone through amazing healing transformations throughout my life and it is my duty to pass that knowledge and wisdom on to others.  That does not mean my journey is done, but I am at a point where I've learned the skills and techniques to be very effective in helping others heal themselves.  

When we heal ourselves, we are then available to help others.  The human condition within the corporate and government hamster wheels is designed to keep people so busy, that they don't have time to do anything else.  So sacrifices are necessary in order to free up the time to do the work.  When we accomplish a level of health, our eyes and ears suddenly open, which allows us to then be in service to others.  Until that point, our colonial mind is enslaved to the empire and this grip we must break if we are going to find freedom and peace on this planet.  

Strategy Five:  No excuses

To turn this around to the beginning of this blog post, we must acknowledge our fear and just do it anyway.  The moment we start finding excuses to not do this work, or justifications to continue on our current path, our destiny is tied into those who engage in genocide, rape and pillage of the planet.  If we want our life path to follow a different route, then we must forgo the excuses we tell ourselves in order to avoid having to do the work or making the changes in our lives.  This is the most difficult process and requires help from others who have done the work.  This is where Spiritual Mentors are so important.  I urge you all to find Spiritual Mentors to help guide you through this process.  There are lots of great and powerful individuals out there in this world who are able and willing to help guide others through this process.  

When we find our way through this gauntlet, we will not only free ourselves, we will also help our brothers and sisters by removing the threats that they face in their lives.  Yes, we can indeed change the world and each of us holds the key to that success. 

Our bodies came from Mother Earth, depend on Mother Earth to sustain its needs and will return to Mother Earth when we are done with it.  This applies to us all.  There is no separation as we all have vessels that came from dust and will return to dust.  

God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. - Genesis 2:7

"For, in the final analysis, our most basic common link is that we all  inhabit this small planet. We all breathe the same air. We all cherish  our children's future. And we are all mortal." - JFK 
  “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”  ― Mahatma Gandhi     

Well said! I totally agree the need to heal yourself first before we can offer help to others. I've been pulling away from the consumerism lifestyle put not always conscious of withdrawing my support for big corporations by not buying their goods.
Thanks for bringing the importance of that to the forefront.
I had learned my lesson very well by working with Dr. Lant who would not take any excuses and it really awoke me to what excuses i was making. It is a real freeing experience when you can get past the excuses.
Thanks for putting this out there! Resteemed

Keep up the great work @porters. Thank you for speaking up as well. I pray to Creator that you continue to be blessed with peace, freedom, prosperity, joy and love.

This is real INSPIRATION and sometimes I wish more and more people could read these awesome articles. #ItBeginsWithYou and we must be the change we seek

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