Conscientious objector - drawing the line in the sand between peace and violence

in #ungrip7 years ago (edited)
 A conscientious objector is an "individual who has claimed the right to refuse to perform military service" on the grounds of freedom of thought, conscience, or religion. - Wikipedia

When an individual makes the commitment to declare peace, it is like drawing the line in the sand and making a declaration that it will not be crossed.  But the implications of making such a declaration encompasses every aspect of life and the consequences are equally profound.  Lots of people say they want peace, but who is prepared to do what it takes to be peaceful? 

The conscientious objector is somebody who refuses to physically fight in a war, but the violence is far reaching and more invasive that most people are willing to admit.  Not supporting, owning shares or working for the military industrial complex is one step to ensure that the weapons that kill people are not produced by the hands of those who declare peace. But who funds those corporations?  Who are their customers?  Governments.  So now we are confronted with the realization that our tax dollars are being used to purchase the products from these corporations.

Now the government not only draws from their citizens the men and women to fight their wars, but they also draw from their citizens the resources to fund and equip that war.  So if I really want to be living a life of peace, suddenly I'm confronted with having to withdraw from the state in order to maintain that peace.  I would be a hypocrite to suggest I am peaceful yet I continue to support the state in its war efforts.

Does this go even deeper?  The state itself is founded on the principle of governing those who consent to being governed and they claim a monopoly on force and coercion to do it.  Democracy itself is nothing short of mob rule, the majority forcing their will over the minority and using coercion and force to do it.  If I was to be brutally honest with myself, I must recognize that even my voting or participating in a political system that is based on violence or coercion means that I consent to the use of that violence against my neighbour.  That is not peaceful either.

How can I reconcile my desire to love my neighbour as myself and be peaceful when my participation in a system violates those tenants I hold dear?  It is not possible, so now I must withdraw from that political system too if I want to be peaceful.  This whole journey begs the question: What other actions or inaction results in violence or harm against others?  Suddenly, my whole life is being examined to ensure that my desire to live a peaceful life is actually peaceful.  

Everything I do goes through this filter for evaluation and it is decidedly inconvenient.  It is this inconvenience that provides the temptation to cross the line every once in a while to make a point or gain some sort of benefit or privilege.  Despite my efforts, I still cross that line from time to time.  It is tough when I lived most of my live on the other side.  

In the end, I am always searching for ways to end the violence in my life and it has helped me to be a better, more loving, compassionate and caring individual.  It requires much sacrifice and that is where most feel the price is too high.  I still have a long way to go, but the learning is in the journey, so I do my best along the way.  We all make mistakes, but it is up to us to remedy them.

I've been called crazy and a whole bunch of other words by people who disagree with my views and outlook on life.  Perhaps I am.  What I do know is that it has opened up a whole new world for me and it is very difficult to be a witness to that world.  Ignorance really is bliss and when we really open our eyes to see just how violent we are and how much of it is justified or even made legal, it would make our ancestors turn over in their graves.  

When we draw that line in the sand, we are setting up boundaries, which are critical for having healthy relationships.  It forces us to find new ways for interacting with one another and provides the foundations for physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual growth.  But if the line does not mean anything, then perhaps it is just too inconvenient and the temptation to justify violent behavior is just too much to pass up.   

At that point, is it safe to say that the violence is now an addiction?  Oh the masks we wear to deceive ourselves. What I do know is that by removing myself from the state and living on the land, I've done more to heal my relationship with the indigenous peoples than the state EVER did.  I have more respect from them as a result of our efforts to walk this path of peace.  That to me says volumes regarding our efforts to end the violence and live a peaceful life.


Sir.. this post made me realise why i keep on reading the rest of your posts. My thesis is on the topic: "violence and the lucifer's effect"
If you havent, do read the book by Philip Zimbardo on Lucifer's effect where he explains how good apples when put into bad barrels(systems) turn bad. He did a research in 1970s and it was proved when 2004 images of Abu Ghuraib prison torture were released...
I cant agree with you more on this. Peoplelike to admire concept of synergy from a distance but not many are ready/ like to be in that position. When under immense pressure, we go with the flow and that is sad. I like to "be the change i want to see in the world" but everything comes with a cost...we know things starting from monsanto,GMO that we are feeding our kids with to the tax we pay that is the very cause of "certain country"s warfare economy..we are all in this together. I like to marginalise myself from the big norms that are part of the problem to be part of the solution but it is such a long and tiring battle. Truth used to be the ultimate answer but now it has become the biggest conspiracy. I think its about time I become an official "conscientious objector" wherever it may require.
Also, I wrote an article on Syria (who is fighting and why) but the editor dumped it and said, nobody is willing to hear so much truth. Dear Sir @wwf can you take a look at it?

@naima94, please find me on discord WWF#2870 and we can talk about it in private.

"Democracy itself is nothing short of mob rule, the majority forcing their will over the minority and using coercion and force to do it."

This is so golden! You manage to put intuitions into words. I know this stuff through my feelings because it feels all wrong. I know this isnt peaceful democracy but often fail to find the right words to explain it to people, so thank you for putting it into good words!
Removing oneself from violence is not easy, but it is worthwhile. I think we gotta be honest and peaceful with ourselves well we are on this journey.
If we teach our children how to self govern and be peaceful then the future looks bright and it will just get easier and easier!
I think maybe in a few generations they will look back and be like woah, how could peace, of all things, be so hard back then?

I gues aggresion is built into our brains, but I fully believe we can evolve past that. We are in constant change, so we can change for the better and lead peaceful lives! Just might take a while and a lot of work from those on the forefront of it haha. We are the front line of history making.

My dear friend and fellow Steward of Terra Mater, I look forward to the day when my grandchildren ask questions about what it was like during this period. Well said. We are indeed on the front line of history!

Once a person wakes up and sees there is no turning back.

Without ever having consciously analysed my position regarding all that you so coherently elucidate here I find that I have been living as peacefully as I can in a system rooted in corruption and conflict.

I operate under the radar as much as is possible as a citizen in this system and, in terms of benefits held dear by most, it costs me dearly.

Yet that is OK by me.

Great piece ~ thanks.


This is a big part of the reason I began my journey of withdrawl from the state. Witnessing the horrifying atrocities committed by government (and by extension my participation) was the catalyst to me not working 'on the table' and finding other ways to fund my life without the governments hand in my pocket. Tis an honorable path my friend. One I couldn't see myself not on. I love your way with words and ultimately believe we are the sane ones. It's possible that those calling us crazy are just projecting their states.

Well said.

Beautifully stated.

Indeed. My belief is the same. We dropped out over 10 years ago and have been slowly unwinding the few threads that are left as we build a strong relationship with Mother Earth, the land, Creator and one another. It is a journey and it takes a lot of work and sacrifice to make the transition.

I do Believe Peace comes in any society with two approaches
1- Micro Level Approach 2- Macro Level
If one starts to change his/her small acts towards kindness then ultimately we will gain the state of Peace.
Secondly If our Governments ( All over the world) bring sense of Brotherhood and Affection among themselves then we will turn into Civilized and Peaceful Globe as a whole. But you said exactly what i was thinking and i arose this point as well in yesterday's Blog of Debate

Not supporting, owning shares or working for the military industrial complex is one step to ensure that the weapons that kill people are not produced by the hands of those who declare peace. But who funds those corporations? Who are their customers? Governments.

When Governments are influenced by dictators then why how can Wars be stopped? Not Possible.

I will be condemning the coward attacks of Bombs on innocent Creation of the Lord. This is a place for all kind of activities except the VIOLENCE.

Thanks a lot for sharing another Great Piece of Writing My Best Friend with a pure Soul @wwf <3

Stay Blessed, Steem On!

You are indeed a very special person. I agree that as a race we tend to stick our heads in the sand. Forgetting that the bad is really bad. We need to help to make things in this life better for all people. Why Steemit it a very good start. Love this post @wwf

Thank you @seareader1. I agree. Steemit is a good start and a tool to help people see that a gifting economy and anarchy can indeed work. When people embrace it, it actually performs way better and is much more positive as well.

Most humans walk around in an unconscious state 80% of the time.
Easy to brainwash for sure.
I think we should always remember the Golden Rule when we interact with others.
Or perhaps, "When in Rome, do as the Romans."

Good article!

...upvoted and resteemed

Indeed. Except if I'm in Rome, I would not want to be a part of the Roman Empire. But if you are talking about eating at a shop on the street, meeting people, experiencing their culture, etc, then I fully agree. :) lol

I find the older I get the more introverted I become. I don't like living with vast numbers of people. I don't like crowds much.
I do find that I like this platform. Writing is always more 'thought out' than speech and Steemit serves my current needs. I see enough people in my job. I drive bus. Nice people, all makes and models.

I don't think we were ever meant to be living in cities anyway. It is not natural. We are supposed to be on the land with small villages near by and all spread out. No reason why we could not return to this way of living ... other than the will to make the change.

I agree. Small communities are better. They are more real. I grew up in a small gold mine. There were about 150 people living there.

I always think of the movie, Crocodile Dundee. There is a line in there about his partner telling the barmaid about Mics problem and then everyone knows .
I doesn't work like that in the city.

Well said.
Time to say enough is enough and take responsibility for the society we create, even if it means discomfort.

Yup. Lots of discomfort. I believe people are uncomfortable now. The only thing stopping people from change is familiarity. This current situation is familiar, but living peacefully is very unfamiliar. People don't know how it works so they don't trust it. They at least know this way they can eat. But the costs are so high. It is my hope that people like myself or you can demonstrate what it would look like on a platform such as this. It is a start to make the unfamiliar, familiar!

It is so true! The idea of working less, playing more and moving towards repurpose/ non-consumer mindset is slowly happening. Bitcoin is also helping the masses anyway. I am in need of a new passport, dl, all the stuff as my name is changing and i want to become registered as my spirit name. Which, i am preparing to recieve. Life is a journey! It is a blessing to be alive 🗻

You made your point very well, agree.

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