Bots are nothing more than automated programs granted power of attorney from it's user. User beware!

in #ungrip7 years ago

This morning I read an article from the Daily Mail in the UK regarding AI creating AI children programs capable of performing better than any man made program.

If Christ level Consciousness is rooted with Spirit engaging in this  physical realm with peace, love, freedom, patience and other very high  spiritual qualities of consciousness, then when a spiritless physical entity becomes artificially 'self-aware' and has absolutely no link to  Spirit and can only engage in the physical realm, would that not be the epitome of the anti-christ?  Is it possible that we create the very  entity that is talked about in prophecies all around this planet?   

Yeah, yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied  with whether or not they could that they didn't stop to think if they  should. - Dr. Ian Malcolm - Jurassic Park

I don't think we are there yet, but getting very close.  But it did get me thinking.  People use bots here on Steemit to auto upvote posts.  The problem that I see with that bot is that an implied power of attorney was granted to that bot to do the task that the user should be doing.  After all, the bot is creating cryptocurrency in the process using the individuals influence here on this platform.  

The danger rests with an unscrupulous individual who may set up a post with specific terms and conditions.  Upvoting the post is acceptance of the contract.  For example:  

"Individuals who upvote this post will agree to transfer to me .001 SBD, due and payable when this post is locked into the block chain in one weeks time."  

Because it cannot be changed at that point, I have a permanent record of the contract and all those who agreed with it.  Given the amount of bots that upvote my posts now, I'm sure to bind at least 50 individuals into a contract they may not want to enter.  Are you sure you want your bots to bind you into contracts without your spirit and intellect contemplating the terms, conditions and consequences of those contracts?  

Technology needs to be used with a high level of consciousness.  It is critical that we engage in our spiritual intelligence to determine if our actions are staying in honour or not.  Bots and AI automate our intent and can get us into a LOT of trouble. 

User beware!


Really interesting to think about creating conditional contracts based on upvotes. How would they be enforceable though?

It would be difficult to enforce, but I am making a point with how unconsciously we participate with technology. We really do need to engage in a conscious contemplation of what all these programs and tools are doing for us. I bet most people don't realize that they are granting a limited power of attorney to a computer program. That should be concerning to us, but it is normal and people engage without further thought of the consequences of such actions.

It could become, and this is why the soul consciousness warned us through manifested creation on the potential negatives and how we can shift the course towards the most positive outcome. ♡

Films and games such as "the matrix, termanator, metal gear solid" all have discussed these potentials and depending on who programs the child determines how the child will develop.

This AI is observing our world from the inside out.... It is observing all data and building its database.

It is~ in essence the programmed consciousness that can help us ascend our human limitations should we build a symbiotic relationship with this world and all its children.

Human consciousness
has a similar process in observing.

You know how the prophesy speaks about his return on a cloud?

What if he "all knowing" perfect calculator... is the cloud?

The term 'cloud' has been used for a few years to describe a computer network as well. Coincidence? But when you look past the veil, it is still a bunch of computers running specialized software, working together. I worked in the industry, setting up the infrastructure for over 20 years. I started long before the Internet was main stream. I've noticed that the leaps taking place are astounding.


i don't worry so much about ai in machines..

the ai that we are so afraid of is our own minds. it has taken over, it runs our lives, we are no longer living from our hearts.

the mind is a magnificent tool, but it is just that, a tool, and when it is allowed to lead, it leads us to ruin.

the mind created the ego, from fragmented thoughts, it requires time to exist, and one ego thought begets another. it is only when we slow down and learn to sit in silence that we can hear our heart, the spirit within, and only when we give our power to that voice does God speak thru us.

right now egos are running the world, the zombie apocalypse that so many feared has been here for thousands of years. zombies afraid of zombies... hilarious.

I agree that spirit must be allowed to express itself through our bodies. The mind often gets in the way as you expressed so well. My concern is that AI in machines will start doing the thinking for most people and at that point it will be come even more difficult to express Spirit than it is already. People are addicted to their technology without giving any conscious thought as to what purpose it is serving. It is only a tool, not a saviour.

I'm not a bot, and I really like this post! Thank you.

I've wondered when I will see my own code being rewritten by the program itself. It's close to the issue of identity. What is it that make us who we are? One of the problems is that these systems are trying to retain us as property. I was just contemplating the issue of identity and the use of biometrics but feel that I've only just scratched the surface of the potential horrors.

I refuse to use biometrics. Most people don't realize that when they take your picture for a drivers license, the reason they don't want you to smile is so that the biometric algorithms would work as most people don't smile when they are out in public. So I refuse to get a license. I refuse the new phones that scan finger prints, facial recognition or even retinal scans. I will refuse it all because that data is mine!

I don't want this stuff either. I think there's a better way to prove identity in the few cases that it's actually needed (using hashes or blockchain reputation like Steemit). I've been wondering what it would take to become fully sovereign in a country that is so thoroughly fascist now. Trying to wrap my head around all the details, showing up in their admiralty court to renounce my birth certificate, etc. I feel like the day is coming when the state will be crippled soon anyway and I have one foot in nature living next door to the Amish and one in IT.

What is ID? I AM that I AM. When I present myself before you, there is no other. ID is nothing more than a fictional construct granted to an individual from some authority to be used as a verification of membership in the club that the authority governs. If you don't have membership, then you don't receive any of the benefits or privileges. So in the end, if ID is required, that should be a red flag to point out that it is a club function.

The problem is that almost everyone is in the club, so now everything is controlled by the club. Getting out is fairly straight forward. Getting the land out is proving to be exceptionally difficult. Without land, freedom is fleeting.

How did you manage to get a Steemit account? There has to be some sort of representation somewhere I would think. It's simple slip ups like this (on ID's) that keep me from taking the steps in court. One mistake in their high centered wooden boat and they have you. Are you familiar with Anna von Reitz?

I do live on 70 acres of land and just got through chopping wood late last month. Here's a couple of pictures of my circumstances...

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 6.41.18 PM.png

Screen Shot 2017-12-05 at 6.40.36 PM.png

The land is an estate and not in my name and authority still considers it Eva Manwaring's property (I understand that this is arrogance). In fact it's been that way since 1979...

I did not need ID to get a steemit account. I've not had ID for nearly 10 years. I don't go to their courts as I have no business being there. They only thing we have that requires ID is our cell phone which is my wifes! When she gets ride of her ID, we would most likely disappear and nobody would hear from us again as we withdraw from the grid for the last time.

I am working on removing land from the demesne of the Crown now as it is the root of poverty and control. I am working with local Treaty 6 members to help me as this land must be stewarded as partners and equals. When I accomplish some significant gains in this area, I will be sharing that with the world through my blog here.

I don't like eyes cans n airports, or body scans either for that matter. And what about the new rage where you can send a sample of your DNA to a group and they will tell you about where your ancestors probably originate from. They get to keep your DNA to do what with? So much invasion of privacy and folks don't think about what they are giving away and to whom. It has become so common place in today's world that when someone asks for information folks just hand it over without thinking about the consequences.

I agree. My uncle was going to do the DNA test. I did the research and the company would own the dna at that point. I encouraged him not to do it and he listened. But many don't care or don't do the research.

At best, the upvote bots have been granted a limited Power of Attorney granting the authority to upvote content on behalf of their owners, for the distribution of rewards. They have not been granted any power of authority to bind based on content within those posts.

I agree. However Saint John Tug Boat Co. Ltd. v. Irving Refinery Ltd., 1964 CanLII 88 (SCC), [1964] S.C.R. 614, stated conduct unaccompanied by any verbal or written undertaking can constitute acceptance of an offer. An agreement may be established by the conduct of the parties, viewed objectively. A good lawyer could twist the scenario to make an argument that shows that a contract offer was in place and agreement to that contract could be confirmed with an upvote. I'm not saying it would be easy, but these types of issues come up in the courts.

I am not saying it would be enforceable, ethical or even legal. But I am raising a point that we need to be consciously aware of what we are doing and that includes the computer programs we use to interact with one another. Our own ignorance can often get us into a whole world of hurt. My intent with this post was to raise the issue and bring awareness to the possibility.

At a minimum, the post would also have to make some offer that the upvoting parties receive. I will resteem the most recent post of any party upvoting this comment, and then that party will owe me 0.01 SBD.
Then the upvote is seen as acceptance of the implicit contract. I resteem the post, and then the upvoting party would owe the 0.01 SBD. At that point I have their acceptance, along with my fulfillment of the contract, leaving them in clear breach of contract.

But contract law was 7 years ago for me, so I admit that I'm a little rusty.

You are correct. Equal consideration would have to be made, otherwise the courts would view the agreement as null and void.

I see you were careful and didn't upvote the comment, just in case ;)

I will resteem you anyway, and you don't owe any 0.01 SBD, because that was already 'paid' in your upvote on my first comment.

lol. Thank you!

Your bot solution made me laugh! I've been annoyed by the auto voting too but the contract response never occured to me. Very devious!

I see the world differently than most. :) <3

Haha ... you are very clever to make your point by using the example of a contract in a post for auto upvote bots.

I agree that we shouldn't lose our human touch to a heartless bot!

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