Are you ready? Are you sure?

in #ungrip6 years ago

I've been talking about system vulnerability and dependency issues for nearly 15 years.  My wife and I started preparing in 2006 / 2007 as we felt a crises was eminent.  We were right.  The 2008 crash was hours away from wiping out the financial system in the US which would have cascaded all around the world. They did not fix it, but only patched it.  The issue is still present and continues to grow at an alarming rate.

The global elite designed this, planned it and implemented it.  They are wringing their hands in anticipation of the end game and I urge people to take these matters seriously.

Imagine the US, Canada or other countries where nobody could get money out of the ATM, no gas stations are open, no food in the grocery stores, no power, no water.  Can you survive without the financial system, corporations or governments to help you?  You don't think it could happen here or to you?  Think again.  It has happened time and again in other countries around the world.  The US is next and I believe the crises to be imminent.  

Protests are escalating in France where they are talking about doing a run on the bank, tomorrow.  Numerous countries around the world have protests that are flaring up.  Here in Canada, the indigenous peoples have had enough with the centuries of genocide by the Crown.  They are all standing up, getting vocal, disrupting traffic, ports, etc.  There will be a point where the global elite will say 'enough' and pull the trigger, collapsing the entire system.  Their theory 'people cannot protest when they are stone broke poor, with no resources and too busy worrying about their next meal or where they will sleep'.  

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov 1887 [Public domain]

This end game of the elite is brutal, evil and could end up killing billions of people.  The amount of dependency that people have on the systems is beyond anything we have ever experienced in the history of man kind.  I am going to risk saying this, but people with crypto currencies are going to be left out in the dark too as the infrastructure to support those currencies will come crashing down as well.  When the corporations of the world end up with their cash flow frozen, they will crash too.  Let's not be naive about this scenario.  Corporations need cash flow and when that flow stops, they do too!

What is a guy or gal to do?

Well, that is the biggest question there is.  My dear friend @cecicastor is stuck in Nicaragua due to a tyrant who has declared martial law, fired all the doctors and is arming police with military grade weapons that can take out tanks.  Venezuela's economy, once one of the top 10 most powerful in the world is in ruins.  Imagine the same happening to Canada, England, France, Germany or even the US.  

Let me be VERY clear in my response to all of this chaos, violence and mayhem:  The solution is to become as independent as possible.  Return to Mother Earth, grow food, build off grid shelters, collect your own water, treat your own waste.  Learn how to have Mother Earth and Creator provide for all your needs and work to detach every single dependency you have with the state, corporations or others.  

The reason I say this is that the next phase of the global elite's agenda is to enslave the world and own it all.  How?  Imagine everyone starving, millions of people dead due to riots, panic and violence fighting one another for food.  The desperation so great that nobody knows where their next meal will come from.  The elite will then rescue people with the deal:  Give us your soul and we will look after you.  They will then apply the mark of the Beast on those who agree or kill those who don't.  

These rich, arrogant, sick bastards don't give a shit about you or me.  Their puppet politicians continue to push an agenda to bring everyone to the brink of war and war is what they want.  They really do want to wipe out billions of people and they don't care how they do it.  War, disease, starvation, drought, natural disasters, mass animal & plant deaths and other signs are telling us to be aware.  

I refuse to have any part of that bull shit.  My wife and I have worked hard for over a decade to learn the skills, build relationships, learn about Mother Earth, indigenous customs and traditions, all in an attempt to reconcile our relationship and survive any shit they throw our way.  We move through spirit and spirit is guiding us along the way.  Fictional constructs like money, crypto or any of that stuff will not help us through these times.  We need to re-examine our relationship with Spirit and the master of this physical realm, Mother Earth.  She and spirit are working together to help us come to terms with our humanity, to heal and be proper stewards.  

There will come a day when our Internet connection will be wiped out and I will no longer be able to share my thoughts, feelings or insights on this platform.  I suspect most of you will experience the same issue.  How alone and isolated would you feel if this all disappeared or became inaccessible?  It may be designed to withstand a nuclear war, but I don't think it could survive a financial crises of biblical proportions.  

Now is the time to get off grid and get right with the Creator and Mother Earth.  Now is the time to build relationships with neighbours so that we can support one another through the coming times.  There are people out there that want us dead.  That threat must be taken seriously, all our lives depend on it.  Time to tribe up big time!  Only by banding together, helping one another, healing and walking the path of love and spirit will we be able to get through what is about to unfold.  Carey and I are making final preparations and I ask that you do the same.  I feel the same now that I did in 2006/2007 prior to the 2008 crash.  It is happening again and this time the politicians will not be able to save you from it all.  I love you.


Unfortunately, the majority of the population is in no position to be able to get land and release themselves from the system. We're probably in the class of some of the better off people and we can't afford to take that step. Our one debt is our mortgage and that feels like a chain around our necks.

I suddenly realised, when you mentioned runs on the banks, that the cashless goal will prevent that from every happening. Likely another reason why they are implementing it. Australia is planning to go cashless by 2020. That's next year! It's going to be chaos!

Posted using Partiko Android

Love this post my fellow native. You must also follow the work of Bill Holter.

What worries me most beside food shortages, is the ability for folks - especially in Canada - to keep their homes heated. Even though I left in 2008, I remember heating costs were very high; so I can imagine that they have only increased much more since then. You almost wonder what is the more pressing need - food in your stomach or keeping your body temperature warm enough to survive.

I agree with your assessment that these cartel members don't give a damn about humanity and are casting their death net far and wide.

Glad to hear that you and your family have made the necessary precautions.

Any thoughts as to how the Canadian dollar (and banks) may fare during the next crisis/meltdown? (being as realistic and objective as possible, of course)

I share your concerns and if this event happened in the winter time, we could see tens of millions of people freeze to death which would result in the whole interior of the continent (including the US) being unpopulated. What better way to get people off the land than to freeze them out?

As for the Canadian dollar and banks, they are intimately tied to the US system. The Canadian banks are a bit more hardened than the US banks, but they have the same issue; they run on debt based currency. I don't think foreign governments are sitting on physical currency like what the US has, but even if the credit bubble burst, I do feel it would take the Canadian dollar down with it. Though it may take a few days, which gives Canadian's a bit of a buffer. While the US system melts, Canadians will panic and create a run on the bank which would then shut down the Canadian system.

I've been advising people to not keep money in the bank, especially since the French Yellow Jacket movement is planning a run on their banks today. That could be enough to start the dominoes falling across the financial system of the entire world. The financial system will respond by severely restricting the flow of money out of ATM's or tellers.

I would watch out for events where people cannot withdraw money or credit and debit cards stop working. That would be an early sign that the system is in deep trouble and doing everything they can to keep liquid. The Canadian government as legislation in place so that if the banks need help, they have the legislative authority to take money out of peoples accounts to prop up the bank. When you see your money disappear out of your bank account or any of these other signs pop up, I would implement bug out plans ASAP as city lock down by the military could be next. I've learned that the Canadian Military can lock down a city in 15 minutes. So once you hear that they have started their operations, it is too late.

US plans for city lock down is to prevent people from going in or out and wait. In a few weeks they then will go in with body bags to clean up the mess. We avoid the city as much as possible as there is no way I want to be in there when the SHTF. We have given our boys instructions and they have created bug out bags with the tools they will need to hike out if necessary and travel for 4 days to get out to where we are while avoiding military patrols.

That is my realistic and objective assessment.

The financial system will respond by severely restricting the flow of money out of ATM's or tellers.
I would watch out for events where people cannot withdraw money or credit and debit cards stop working. That would be an early sign that the system is in deep trouble and doing everything they can to keep liquid.

Definitely agree and it is very much worthwhile to keep an eagle on this.

As for the lockdown of cities, I didn't know Canadian cities (I assume you mean major cities - of at least 1/2 million people) could be closed within 15 minutes. Wow. I am not entirely clear, though, as to why they would prevent them from leaving? I mean, why wouldn't they just want to have people run off and fend for themselves (and not have to provide for them)? Moreover, wouldn't masses of angry and hungry people be a major threat to the establishments (even the military) and hence an extra incentive not to keep them in?

On another note, don't you find it worrying and so imprudent that Canada basically has 0 gold holdings? Ouch...

Since you fittingly included the very nice artwork about the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, I thought I'd offer you a similar artwork (not mine) along with a poem (mine) on the subject. There is not only hope but also some light at the end of the tunnel if you know how to decipher its esoteric overtones.

Four Horsemen and Seven Companions


The crisis is always in my head.
People always close to their hearts all their close surroundings.
But with good people it’s good, but bad with others. Or am I not right???

I'm not clear as to what you are asking. These issues impact everyone, good or bad. Our capacity to live through these events will depend on how willing we are to let go of the system, state and corporate dependencies and return to Mother Earth and have Creator guide our lives instead.

This is a big reason why I'm concerned there is no crypto that revolves around self-sustainability. They are all tenuously connected to the current financial system as a shortcut.

I really wish a project like Open Source Ecology would make a crypto. We need to start this revolution from the ground-up.

If you don't have water/food/shelter nothing else matters.

I agree with you. The currency of choice for me is potatoes, tobacco, water, medicine, tools, etc. I don't trust that electronics would be available or communications either. We also need an open source internet project as well, to bypass the telecommunication companies.

Yeah we should really be striving for a mesh network crypto associated with a commune that can operate off the grid.

Hopefully we'll never have to go back to the barter system... but I won't hold my breath on that front.

All so very true and I have my own water and electric supply grow food etc etc as I have seen this coming down the line. Though they have been dragging it out I think it will come eventually.

Posted using Partiko Android

I feel the same but I don't own any land or have friends with land. All my little ownings are in my Steem account. If I would cash that out I would be able to pay my rent for another 6 months and then start to starve. If the system collapses, my landlord would kick me out of my house and take the edible garden I created for himself.

My only hope is crypto. Otherwise I am lost.

It is tough, no doubt. That is why I continue with my work to free the land from the grips of the Crown and their violent soldiers. We are the land. The land is us. Land ownership is slavery. Everyone has a right granted to them by Creator to be on the land, grow food and provide for ALL their needs. We have strayed so far away, that it will take a catastrophe such that is currently unfolding to break us of our insanity. I pray for you, that you find a solution to the challenge that you shared; land!

Thank you, I have put all my intentions to that for a year now and continue to do so. I love your attitude towards land ownership. If I am fortunate enough to buy some land, I will not close it for others - quite the contrary.

I'm very grateful to hear that from you. My thoughts and prayers are with you and I will do a smudge to carry those prayers up so that Creator can address them for you. Peace to you brother.

yikes.. looks like i'll freeze to death in my suburban neighborhood. I used to worry.. then the worry made me sick. I got prepping supplies, gold, and even a gun license.

You can only prepare so much. You could become totally independent.. and then some shmuck with a gun comes along...

There are spiritual ways of working around those issues. I speak of them a LOT throughout my blog. Cities are the most dangerous place to live in my view.

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