A Good DeathsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #ungrip7 years ago

My relationship with my body has changed and with it my outlook on death.  I was having a conversation with some friends and he talked about a good death.  It got me thinking and it fits really well with my outlook on life.  

If you have been keeping up with my blog, you would know that I have explored in detail the idea of us being a spiritual being and that we are in possession of the vessel we call a body/person/human.  This realization helped me shed some fear as I quickly realized that I cannot die.  My body can and I now live my life willing to sacrifice my body if necessary as I live life for spiritual growth, not physical acquisitions.  

Because of this realization, I am willing to take on more risk than I would have normally.  That is especially true when it comes to confronting people who hide behind the mask of the state or corporate empires and those who engage in harm against others.  I've found that my relationship with Creator and my dedication to spirit has brought with it specific benefits.  Most noticeably, all my needs have been met.  No matter how broke we are, having no money for days at a time, we have always been provided for.  

It was a very uncomfortable feeling having that level of faith in Creator.  But ten years into this relationship, the comfort and trust of it all is starting to set in and it is also starting to be fun.  We often wonder where or how the next flow of prosperity will come.  Most times it is unexpected and that is what amazes us so much.  As a result, we do feel protected, but that also requires that we be vigilant, accept opportunities when they are presented and say yes!  No matter what they look like.

But when it comes to death, I also put my faith in Creator.  I refuse to put my faith into the state or its allopathic medical system.  I may go to them to fix a broken bone or deal with other trauma types of issues.  But I refuse to submit to their drugs, drug treatments and death watch protocols.  I've watched my dad follow their protocols when he had cancer.  He withered away over the span of months, in great pain and weak.  It was very difficult to witness the process.  

The thing that bothered me most is that his death was drawn out and there was nothing honourable in it at all.  It is not a 'good death'.  I'm finding a renewed sense of wonder as I get older.  I've accomplished a lot in my life time all ready and given that I cannot die, I want my life to end as Creator intended.  I don't want to die on man's terms, but rather on Creator's terms.  It may be a heart attack, moose or bear and I think that is a good way to die.  I don't want any intervention.  If it is my time to go, then I will leave.  I want to be able to experience death as I live life, with courage, intrigue and head on!

A good death is not something that I fear, but rather something I look forward to experiencing.  Just like anything else in life, I turned and confronted that which scared me.  Death should be no different.  In fact, it has liberated life as death or the fear of death is often that last string that people use to intimidate or force compliance.  But when that comes off the table, there is nothing more for people to use as a tool to use against us.  It really does set us free from many traps.  By embracing the idea of having a good death, we free ourselves to live a good life.  The two are interwoven and connected in the most intimate way.  

We can fear many things in our life, surrender to that fear and even spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to avoid death or we can take that leap of faith and be free from it all.  To burden loved ones with the debt, emotional trauma and other problems associated with that fear is not fair to them or us.  

I choose a good death and a good life.  I took that leap of faith and I have no regrets.  I stared down death face-to-face when I attempted suicide almost 20 years ago.  I survived and I AM grateful.  Now I can life, explore and fully embrace what life is all about;  relationships!  

Until the end, I will do what I can to experience all I can while I AM here.  I take mitigated risks and I have been rewarded.  That is what it means to me.  To to live and die.  It is all good now, no matter what or how it happens!  Just as the sprout in the rotting vegetable, life springs from death.  They are interwoven.  I wonder if we miss out on most of life because we ignore death.  Living off grid has taught me that the both have a beautiful dance and it is time to embrace that dance.  


By embracing the idea of having a good death, we free ourselves to live a good life.

Shiiiiiiiiit....that's soooooo gooooood!!!!!

Thank you. Do I need to compost all that 'Shiiiiiiiiiit' or are you good with taking care of it yourself? How is your journey going?

Ba hahahaa!! I can man it! The composting that is.

The journey is going well White Walking Feather, I'm going slow for fear of making a mistake, taking time to reason every little thing...

Ahhh, fear! That is a tough one eh! I was just talking to a fellow today. His son studied with me a while ago. He stopped due to fear as well. That leap of faith is a really tough step. When you are ready you will know. <3 It takes a lot of time to process all of this mentally. What most people don't realize is that it also has to be processed physically, spiritually and emotionally as well. All four need to be centered and balanced. That takes time and health too! <3 Bravo for doing the work and exploring who you are!

Well that makes me feel better, knowing that it's natural to need time to process everything in multiple ways! Thank you for telling me <3 <3 <3 *Sigh of relief... <3 <3 <3 For this being normal <3 <3 <3

As for the leap of faith, yesss!! I'm getting ready!! All I can picture is a cat, crouching and wiggling it's butt lol before it pounces...or how the chickens will check multiple times before they actually make the flying leap up to their roosts...!

Yes, that would be a good way of describing it. However, I'm not sure if wiggling your butt or looking into the nesting box with one eye is going to help you. But it is worth a try. hahaha.

I'm glad you feel better. I explained this on line before, but I want to say it again. Just as gravity provides us with the resistance we need to build strength for our bodies, the mistakes and other resistance we experience in our lives is there to help us also build strength in our emotional, mental and spiritual bodies. Without it, we would atrophy, whither away and die. We need it to get stronger and stronger. It takes time, especially when we have not used specific muscles for long periods of time. Be patient. With lots of working out, they will get stronger and before you know it, you will be soaring with the eagles!

Thank you @wwf...for helping me see I can shatter these mental chains!!

That is exactly what they are. Self limiting beliefs. You are capable of accomplishing more than you 'think' you can!

A good death is as important as a good life 😊

I fear dying a stupid death. Something like going into a Walmart only to be crushed by the weight of all the slave labor goods that were made out of blood, sweat and tears! That terrifies me, yet the ignorance is bliss post human consumer might think that is a great way to die!

All joking aside, my only fear of dying is leaving things unresolved. I am working to find resolution with all my relationships, and like you brother, I dont believe we truly die. The "meatsuit" as I have heard you put it, will fall to the earth, but the spirit lives on. Death will be another journey.

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