400 posts ... what shall I do?

in #ungrip6 years ago

400 posts is an accomplishment as I quickly approach one year on the blockchain.  What shall I talk about today?  

There is a lot of stuff going on in the world, so I thought I would dedicate this post to exploring what I actually do about it all.  For me, talk is cheap, action speak louder than words.  So rather than speculate, whine or complain about shit, I'm going to share the actions I take.  


The public school system pitched God out the window and is now exposing children to ideas that are best left for adults with mature emotional, mental and physical bodies.  Children just don't have the maturity to deal with the politics that is unfolding in the public or private schools.  How can a young mind deal with complex issues when they don't have enough live experience to even comprehend the consequences of their decisions or actions?  That is why they need to be protected and nurtured so that they can gain the confidence and abilities to make informed decisions when they come of age.

What did I do?

Rather than fighting the system, I pulled our two boys out of the school and we taught them at home.  Yes, it requires time, commitments and sacrifice, but they needed protecting from the abusive behaviours of the public school system.  I don't trust the public system and my energy would have been whittled away trying to fight them.  My responsibility is to my two boys and that is where we dedicated our efforts.  That did not mean I remained silent.  I still speak about these issues in the chance that others are influenced to make similar decisions.  The school system has gone insane, so it is time to shut it down and take responsibility for the education of our off spring.


Lots of fighting going on in regards to whether one should vaccinate or not.  Over 20 years ago we chose to vaccinate our oldest and it resulted in a vaccine reactions that impacted him significantly.  Now days, vaccines can be acquired on any street corner as the agenda to vaccinate people hits extreme levels.  There is lots of pressure on both sides and many groups use shame, guilt and fear to persuade the other.

What did we do?

We learned how to inoculate instead and we took 100% responsibility and accountability for the health and welfare of our two sons.  My wife dedicated over 10 years of her life to learn alternative health care modalities and by taking responsibility for our health, we were able to raise two healthy and strong sons.  

Health Care

The pharmaceutical industry has been under attack a lot lately as it should be.  However, again, there are many camps advocating one way or another.  Many people are talking about how chemo and other cancer treatments are actually killing people rather than the cancer.  The biggest news is how glyphosate has now been ruled in the courts as being the cause of cancer with a massive $289 million dollar reward to a grounds keeper.  Suddenly people are confronted about how the health care and chemical companies have been lying to the public about the safety and effectiveness of their products.  

What did we do?

We recognized these issues about 15 years ago.  We also recognized that the probability of us being able to change people so that they are more ethical and responsible was close to zero.  However, we could change ourselves, so we accepted responsibility for our own lives and decided to step up our ethical and moral values and walk the path.  We walked away from the health care and food industrial cartels and decided to take responsibility for them ourselves.  We grow most of our own food, harvest from the bush, collect our own natural medicines, learn how to use them and work hard to take full responsibilities for our health.  I've not seen a doctor in over 18 years and will not see one despite my illness now.  

Big oil, pipelines and other polluting industries

This is a big issue, especially in Alberta has big oil and big government are fighting a battle to build more pipelines.  The big loss in court recently put a huge kink in their plans as the Premier of Alberta and Prime Minister scramble trying to hold back the political fall out and figure out how to save face.  Lots of frustration on both sides as one side argues economics and the public good while others argue protecting the water and natural environment.  

What did we do?

Over 10 years ago we acknowledged that the consumption of oil and other materials was not healthy for the planet or each other.  Pollution is directly related to consumption, so we moved off grid to significantly curtail our consumption.  As a result, we reduced our water usage by over 90%, power usage by nearly 80%, natural gas / propane by 95% and other consumables by similar amounts.  The journey towards living a healthy, peaceful and sustainable life style requires a lot of work and very little convenience.  Fighting big oil seemed to be a losing battle when consumption drives their empires.  We can literally put them out of business by taking away the demand for their products.  Confronting others on these issues is where we focus rather than confronting the greed of big business.  

The violence of politics

It seems that the political systems are starting to crumble and the violence of the state gets worse as they start to panic.  Police brutality, government take over of all aspects of life and court support for the hidden hand drives great frustration within the political system and with the citizens of the country.  It seems that the system has gone insane as they continue to appease the corporate empires at the expense of the people they govern.   Politics is power and many of them refuse to talk about the issues of genocide, violence, coercion, corruption or greed.

What did we do?

We recognized that the system is not designed to serve and protect the people but rather to rape and pillage the people.  I walked away from the system over 10 years ago as I could not be a party to that level of violence.  The genocide that has taken place is on the hands of everyone who votes, applies, registers or participates with that evil empire.  It is not what we were told it is when we were kids.  Yet another reason to pull my kids out of school.  I did not want them brain washed into being obedient and blind subjects to the empire.  I've been very vocal about these issues for over 10 years, working hard to bring awareness to those around me.  It has been an extremely difficult topic to cover as it scares the hell out of people to contemplate the issues I raise.  It demands change and people are far to familiar with their current bars and chains to make those kinds of changes.  But I persist and is why I came here to this blockchain.  That way the state or corporate empires cannot shut me up.  


As the violence and genocide continues in the middle east and other areas around the world. I am left feeling powerless to do anything about it.  Decisions being made by leaders in other countries results in actions being taken that violate spirit and my sense of decency, morality and ethics.  It drives separation as people start hating Muslims, Jews, gay people or any other identifiable group.  But political leaders seem addicted to the programs as it is very profitable for the military industrial complex and the bankers that fund all sides.  The people are left paying for it all though.  

What did I do about it?

By participating with the state, my consent and support went to these actions that violate every aspect of my being.  This is yet another reason why I left the system and refuse to participate in their violence.  But my actions did not stop there.  I work hard to support and befriend people from all over the world, no matter what their skin color or beliefs are.  In the process I find that they too want peace, freedom and to be heard.  How interesting that my own experiences contradict that which the state, main stream media and other sources say.  Is it possible that the war mongers lie in order to justify their wars?  Indeed that is what I believe and see.  So I write letters to the government confronting and rebuking them for their violence, lies and deceit.  I've been confronting them for nearly 15 years.  Do I make a difference?  

Damn straight I do!!!!

I've received apologies from the Minister of Defense for their violation here, had a social worker crying for an hour and expressing gratitude for reminding her why she got into social work, social services reducing the medications that they give foster kids, helped protect a little girl from being taken away from her mom by social services, received a letter from the Minister of Municipal Affairs, telling me that I'm right!  But the biggest result is the government leaving me alone despite how vocal I am about their violence and abuse.  

The path is not an easy one to walk.  But it must be explored or we will all perish as we kill our mother and each other in the process.  This life is not about wealth, convenience, economics or finance.  This is about learning how to live in peace, freedom and prosperity for all life.  This life is about relationships.  Nothing more.  Nothing less.  

This life is about how we learn to live a life so that we can all prosper.  That requires we take full responsibility for our own lives rather than engaging in violence against others so that they provide for me.  They owe me nothing.  It is my responsibility to provide for myself.  When I've done that then I will reach out and help others.  

So on this 400th post, I come down to the root message of my entire blog.  Every post I've made, every action I've taken goes towards helping others learn these lessons and empower them to find peace and prosperity.  Many hate me and even block me because they don't want to be confronted about their shit.  Well, the only way to silence me is to kill my vessel.  

Yes, I frustrate lots of people because I rebuke their decisions as they work towards building empires or engaging in violence, no matter how covert or legal it may be.  For me, it matters not if it is legal or not.  Violence is violence and I will rebuke it in all its forms.  People who participate with the system are the most brainwashed there is.  They think their actions are okay because the system makes it okay. 

There is a higher standard and that is of spirit.  Spirit demands that we engage in our relationships with love, peace, freedom and prosperity.  Most people reject that high road because it requires change, healing and a lot of work.  The alternative is death and we are headed in that direction if we don't get off the train and soon!  

Thank you to all those who actually read, comment and participate with the ideas that I've shared over the last 400 posts.  I am honoured that you would consider what I share and work towards making the changes to make it all happen.  

May Creator help us all make that transition.  Peace to you all.


Congratulations on your milestone.
You make a right decision by pulling those kids out and feed them with spiritual gift that will help their journey in life.
Sometimes, environment might want to influence them negatively but it is our duty to keep them on the right track.

The lord is your strength.

Congratulations on your 400th Post! I love the fact that you have honoured that milestone by going back full circle and sharing your views and progress that you have achieved over the years. You have inspired me in so many ways. I am actually going to go back and watch Ungrip again with fresh eyes as I remember watching it when I first came across your blog and was in awe at all the information and it probably mainly went over my head as I didn't think I would be able to do any of those things for myself. Over the last year however through reading your blogs, reading other books and materials and also self exploration, I have gained the confidence to make small changes and one day hope to be strong enough to live completely off grid and be self sufficient to the point where the government have no power over me. I don't think I realised just how hard it is to break the cycle until I started to make small changes. I actually get frustrated with my limitations I can honestly say you and Carey are people that I truly admire (and I only usually like dogs lol) ;)
I hope you are feeling better.
Much love to you both <3

Hi Rob! Congratulations on 400 post and (mainly) for feeling well enough to put this great post together for the blockchain. Much love friend! Many miraculous blessings! Hope your up and steeming more as work on the homestead is done and prep for winter is complete hugs 💚💙💛💜

You've certainly done a lot over the years. Lovely to see you standing by your words.

Also nice to see you posting again

Well, when I read for the very first time the blog of this Great Brain @wwf i felt so strange. After reading the more articles and blogs I came to know he is an extra ordinary brain who actually believes in actions. His thoughts convinced me and I adopted his thoughts ( I am still in a learning phase) and always try my level best to spread the means of Peace and love everywhere. As he mentioned above,

There is a higher standard and that is of spirit. Spirit demands that we engage in our relationships with love, peace, freedom and prosperity. Most people reject that high road because it requires change, healing and a lot of work. The alternative is death and we are headed in that direction if we don't get off the train and soon!

So, we to take step forward if we really want to enjoy the life in true meaning. @wwf is a true inspiration for all of us. In all these 400 blogs you try to educate the people with all those skills that you learnt with the passage of time.

You truly deserve RED SALUTE for all your efforts Brother @wwf <3


A fitting and striking 400th post. I hope you are healing well.

It's certainly not easy accomplishing what you have and it can be very scary too. To Tassie the path you have requires leaving the only support system you've ever known. It's promising to hear that you have managed to build a new one. Did you ever doubt you would?

I'm often torn between whether the best step is to leave the urban areas completely (possibly beyond me financially) or stay and try to demonstrate there are ways to do things better even in urban areas. However, working with the restrictions of urban living isn't easy and most aren't interested in hearing your message. Some are, though and they give me hope.

@wwf the role models are those who 'do' not just talk. There is a reason why you'll always be looked up to, and it is because you are a man of your word.

How are you?

I do my best. My memory and fatigue is still an issue but slowly improving. I've seen a marked improvement from a few weeks ago when my health was much worse. Today is a good day.

Felicitaciones por su publicación número 400, excelente sus comentarios y la forma de como enfrentarlos, asimismo refleja la forma de salir adelante sin necesidad de la guerra y la violencia, como dirige a ayudar a otros a aprender estas lecciones y a través de estas encontrar la paz y la prosperidad.

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